Chaim Elefant 32 Dies of Massive Heart Attack R”L On A Flight From Los Angeles. Leaves Behind Wife and Four Children under 7




Chaim Elefant Z’L 

Just the thought of writing such words about such a special person is unfathomable and beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. With his sudden Petirah the world is shocked. What’s even worse is the thought of Chaim’s incredible wife Miriam (Citronenbaum) and FOUR BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN ALL UNDER THE AGE OF 7 having their life turned upside down with no father to turn to. 

Hashem Yerachem



At this most difficult moment, we turn to all our friends and family and help this family who has always been on the giving end to ensure they don’t collapse. We as a community need to do our best and not allow this family to suffer any more than they already are. 

Chaim Z’L is the 33-year-old son of Lisa and Yaakov Elefant of Brooklyn NY.

The fund is being overseen by BCLA/Misaskim LA with oversight by accountants and Rabbonim and will go towards the family’s daily living expenses such as Mortgage, therapies, and any expenses. 


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