Chai Lifeline’s Project Chai Opens Hotline in wake of Tragedies in Passaic, Highland Park, NJ

project chaiProject Chai has opened its hotline this Motzei Shabbos in response to the tragedies that befell Klal Yisroel over Shabbos.

A six-year-old boy was killed while walking with his mother in Highalnd Park on Shabbos, when they were struck by a vehicle that jumped the curb, YWN reports.

His mother is in critical condition and is currently in surgery. Her name for Tehillim is Rochel Baila bas Gittel.

“Sadly today was a tragic day for Klal Yisroel,” Project Chai wrote TLS. “In many communities across New Jersey people are reaching out for help and guidance to Chai Lifeline’s bereavement department, Project Chai.”

The department has multiple staff members available to help and guide, and can be reached at 855-3-crisis (855-327-4747), or at [email protected].


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  1. perhaps Chai Lifeline can approach the Gedolei Hador that its finally time for a z’man of Teshuva Kinnus & Taanis. how sad & tragic must the situation in klal yisroel get C”V before we admit to ourselves that its time for us to finally get together as a nation & do teshuva?

    May all the nashamos have an aliya

    May all their families have a Nechama

    May we all do teshuva towards the geula very soon

  2. It’s not chai lifelines responsibility to go to the Gedolei Hador. It is each and every individual by themselves responsibility to look at themselves in the eye and Do Teshuva

  3. Thanks to this great organization for always being there at life’s hardest times. My brochah to all of us is may we NEVER need Chai Lifeline! In the mean time may both families that suffered horrific tragedies and all of their loved ones know no more tzar!

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