Chai Lifeline Family Enjoys A Shabbaton Retreat Hosted By The Edison/Highland Park Communities

PHOTOS & VIDEO: This past Shabbos was a magical one for dozens of Chai Lifeline children. Hosted by the Edison/Highland Park communities in partnership with Chai Lifeline Lakewood, 42 ill children enjoyed a Shabbos with their ‘buddies’ and counselors, despite the heavy snow, which began about 9AM.

The Shabbaton, which took place at the community Shul, gave community members a close-up look at the impact Chai Lifeline has on lives touched by illness. Children and teens were hosted by the community around the Shul.

The Shabbaton ended with a smashing concert by world renowned singer and composer Yehuda Green. Video by Psachya Skaist, Photos by Benjamin S. Photography.

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