Chag Sameach From TLS

The staff at TLS would like to wish our readers a Chag Sameach, and an enjoyable Yom Tov of Sukkos. We will not be updating our site from sundown this evening until the evening of the 15th in observance of the Jewish Holiday.

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  1. Please allow everyone to enjoy sukkos, alive, and in one piece. Slow Down on the roads! On my 25 MPH street, in the last 10 minutes, at least 5 cars zoomed by driving at least 40/50!

    Please, Please Please. I beg of you, SLOW DOWN. A lot of children are playing outside.

    Think of it this way the *extra* few minutes it will take to actually go the speed limit will be a whole lot quicker than a LIFETIME of of regret.

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