Chabad Of Lakewood, Toms River & Manalapan Hold Menorah Parade Through Lakewood

PHOTOS: The first annual car-menorah parade took place in Lakewood on Wednesday, the last day Chanukah. Joined by Lakewood Shliach Rabbi Yerachmiel Altman along with Rabbi Moshe Gourarie from Chabad of Toms River and Rabbi Levi Schapiro, from Yeshiva Bais Menachem, Manalapan, NJ, they lead a tour through town, sure to start a tradition.

With electric Menorahs mounted on the rooftops, the parade made its way from Lakewood through Howell and back to Lakewood, while visiting a number of shopping centers and local landmarks along the way.

Chabad thanked “haTamim Meir Moshe halevi Altman for planning, organizing and leading the parade and for his continuous work to light up the world with nightly outdoor menorah lightings”, as well “the Buchurim from the Bais Menachem Smicha program for their support and interest in bringing this project to fruition.”

Following the parade, a ‘Farbrengen’ was held in honor of Zos Chanukah and for the complete and immediate Refuah Shleima of haShlucha Chaya Draizel Merka bas Malka חי׳ דריזל מערקא בת מלכה.

“With doing this parade along with all the other Peulas we do for the purpose of being ‘Mikabel Pnei Moshiach Tzidkeinu B’piyal Mamash’, HaShem will take us out of galus, and we will be having all future Menorah Parades throughout Eretz haKodesh”, Chabad said. TLS.

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  1. #4 Did any Gadol hold of this?? The REBBE held of this and the REBBE was the Greatest of the Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i have to say more????????

  2. we would not go to 770 and do things that offend the local’s sensitivities. they should not do such things either.
    we don hold of this tyupe of erzats pirsumei nissah.

  3. we all know and see the Chanukah menorahs in most Lakewood houses

    with that said i see no reason to “parade” around town with menorahs on the cars we don’t need a Macy’s day parade in Lakewood!


  4. I think this is very nice and should be looked upon it as such.
    Why is everything in Lakewood frowned upon. You need to loosen up and be yourself.
    Smile once in a while it’s good for the soul

  5. Shulchan Aruch? Gadol Hador? Rav Aharon, ZT’L? Can any of the people raising these questions show that the question of public Menorah displays was ever addressed by the Shulchan Aruch, a Gadol Hador or Rav Aharon, ZT’L? Otherwise the questions you are asking are really pointless. If they were asked or if the Shulchan Aruch addresses the issue negatively, then you have an answer and your point would be valid. But if not, then you have no basis to say that they would either endorse or disapprove of these public displays.

    I would also like to know whether the fact that the ikkur mitzvah of pirsumei nissah is in the home means that other efforts and opportunities to be mefarseim the neis must be avoided. Take into consideration that additional practice of lighting in shuls and the fact that the original practice of lighting in the doorway was modified to the window or elsewhere due in part to changing circumstances, including safety. If so, the fact that America happens to give us safe opportunities to expand the pirsumei nissah in different ways suggests that we take advantage of those opportunities.

    I’m not a Chabadnik. Like many other people, I am deeply troubled by the “moshiach issue”. But I do see a pattern of bias against everything Chabad does which is almost as troubling. It seems to me, like the first commenter said, that they are trying to reach out to the pintele yid among so many lost yidden and that can only be a good thing.

  6. #17- the Minchas Yitzchak discusses putting up a large menorah and says not to do it. Ayin sham. Also, in Mishnas R’ Aharon there is an explannation that we davka take a small candle to show that all it takes is a tiny spark to light up the ohr of torah, so we specifically use a small light, not a large light show.

    With that said, I agree with #18. Lakewood is not fertile ground for Chabad so they have a small presence here. We have more important issues to concern ourselves with.

  7. To number 11. Go for it.

    To everyone else with negative comments. It BOTHERS you that they drove the Menorahs through Lakewood and stopped off at the local malls?

    Perhaps someone who knows better will correct me, but I was told that the SA Harav holds it is permitted to make brachos on the Ner anytime one lights, whether in the mall or in the park. Might not be your posek, or minhag, but please lighten up (no pun intended).

    To number 9. How does a menorah offend your sensitivities?

  8. To #7 just a quick overview of the facts. Chanukah is a holiday of Rabbinic and not Biblical origin (notwithstanding that there are sources that hint to it in the bible) Therefore the two Rabbinically mandated “holidays” Chanukah & Purim aren’t governed by the same laws and ordinances that Biblically mandated holidays are. For example most forms of “melacha” (simply translated as “forbidden work) is permitted. That’s why we can drive a car on Chanukah or Purim but cant do so on Passover (first 2 days or last 2 days. Chanukah might not entail the same stringencies or be as labor intensive as other holidays are however it still is a very propitious time that has intrinsic meaning & holiness attached to it, as well as a special period for personal growth and achievement.

  9. I love comment #14. When it comes to criticizing the public menorahs we start asking whether the gedolim said to do this. When it comes to our children and the “school policy” in this town which the gadol hador said is wrong (in public at a meeting of mechanchim in Lakewood when he visited about 11 years ago), then we ignore our gedolim. How convienent!

  10. Does anybody besides chabad care about moshiach all you guys are arguing over something that’s not asur and I think it’s a very nice Thing can someone explain whats wrong or you’re just against chabad. They do amazing work they make people frum every day and I think that when moshich comes theyl have a major part in that and well all have to thank them. And to all of Lakewood maybe be a little open minded we are not to judge and by Hashem you can wear jeans and a t shirt it’s all the same thing.

  11. Chabad are good peoples.

    When every shomer Shabbos boy and girl is accepted into a school (without begging on knees and licking toes), then we as a town can start worrying about Menorahs on cars. Until then, work on yourself.

  12. I dont have to explain why it bothers me that they do their customs here. They know them selves that many in lakewood wont like it so regardless of the reasoning they should respect us and not do it.

    Oh and a quik question. why does lakewood need a chabad shliach? its a prety frum place.

  13. Reading the comments here. all of you against the chabad are a bunch of close minded people. the same way the few sick ppl in israel ruin all the orthodox name so too the mashiach part of lubavitch are so few in nuumber and most have no connection to those few and as a whole most of chabad does a wonderful job and do things most of us would never do including moving out of town to help others.

  14. I have to say that for the most part Chabad got a good reception here, as they very well sould. If you read between the lines of these comments, you will see that the haters scream loudest, but in this case they are the minority voice. May we ALL be zoche to bring moshiach through our “peulos” and our Achdus

  15. Whoops that should say as they very well SHOULD. and for the record, I am not a Chabadnick, just a regular Lakewood kollel wife, trying to make Hashem proud.

  16. To all chabad haters, next time your on vacation and need a place to daven or eat, don’t you dare look for a chabad house. chances are you wont find anything else but that.

  17. whether you hold of this or not lets not make this site into a loshon hora malshinus forum we have enough tzoros and more critical problems to worry about we are being attcked from all sides genug shoin

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