Census Takers May Soon Knock On Your Door

census spanish sign glatt biteBy being counted you are standing up for what your community’s needs are. That’s why census takers are so important. A census taker is a person from your community who is hired by the Census Bureau to make sure that your neighborhood gets represented as accurately as possible. The census taker’s primary responsibility is to collect census information from residences. Most of these residences have not sent back their 2010 Census form. The Census Bureau provides the census taker with a binder containing all of the addresses that didn’t send back a filled out census form.

  • The census taker then visits all of those addresses and records the answers to the questions on the form.
  • If no one answers at a particular residence, a census taker will visit a home up to three times and attempt to reach the household by phone three times. The census worker will leave a double-sided (English and Spanish) NOTICE of VISIT in the doorway that includes a phone number for the resident to schedule an appointment.

The census taker will ONLY ask the questions that appear on the census form.

Do I have to talk to the census taker?

Yes. Your participation in the 2010 Census is vital and required by law, (Section 221, of Title 13 of the U.S. Code). However, rather than rely on criminal charges, the Census Bureau is very successful in getting participation by explaining the importance of the questions we ask and how the information benefits our communities.

Your privacy and confidentiality is our priority:

The census taker who collects your information is sworn for life to protect your data under Federal Law Title 13. Those who violate the oath face criminal penalties: Under federal law, the penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. Cansus.

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  1. We called the number on the note and told them we sent it. They said they never got it and they have to come out anyway. Very strange.

  2. sounds like someone is misplacing many census forms in lakewood which are being mailed..

    or are the census takers paid per application they fill out??

    not sure.

  3. Your not supoosed to fill it out the commotie members will only make huge traffic jams and build on land that will cause tremendous flood and drainege probloms

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