Census Help: Where To Get It

Census Forest aveMany residents have been calling numerous agencies in town for help with their Census forms. In order to relieve the agencies of some of the calls, and Le’toeles Harabim, TLS has gathered some addresses where you can seek info and pick up Census forms. Some of the centrally located facilities include: BMG, (617 6th Street), Lakewood Township (231 3rd Street), Chemed, (1771 Madison Avenue), and LRRC, (212 Second Street Suite 204).

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  1. Anyone that is semi literate can figure out how to fill out the census. (It comes with instructions!) Even my first grader! You have got to be kidding me. People have questions? Like what, how to fold it back into the envelope to mail it back so that the barcode shows through???

  2. So far 2 and 5 have proven they are not too bright.The question this article adresses is simply WHERE to get a census form. That question is very pertinent because the census only mailed out one form per mailing address. Many in Lakewood have basement tenants who share a mailbox with them and need to go to one of these locations to pick up a 2nd one.

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