CAUTION: TRPD: Vehicle Parked on Leaves Becomes Engulfed in Flames, Sets 3 other Vehicles on Fire

lfd fire scene 3 tlsIn case you didn’t know that parking on a pile of leaves can be dangerous, here’s another incident that should serve as a strong reminder.

At 4:00 pm on Sunday, Toms River Police and Fire units responded to a home on Wake Forest Drive for a reported vehicle fire.

Upon arrival, police learned that the 72-year-old man was in his driveway working on his 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra when a fire broke out in the leaves under the vehicle. The man stated that he was starting the car when he heard a loud pop.

The car quickly became completely engulfed in flames and soon spread to a 1989 Toyota camper-van, a 1990 Winnebago camper-van, and a 1990 Ford Econoline Mini Bus. All four vehicles were a total loss.

The East Dover Fire Company responded and extinguished the fires.

Toms River Fire Prevention Officer Kevin Esposito responded and assisted Officer Samantha Sutter with the investigation.


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