CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Driver Captures own Accident on Dashcam

dashcam[VIDEO BELOW] The incident occurred at the intersection of Clifton Avenue and 9th Street on Thursday morning. Thankfully nobody was injured.


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  1. BH! Everyone, or at least every good driver, should have a dashboard camera. By having the camera the driver proved that he had the right of way because he was next in line at the four-way stop sign. Hopefully there were no injuries.

  2. That’s why even at a 4 way stop sign I proceed very cautiously. You can’t be too careful in this town, and I don’t care if an impatient driver behind me honks at me, I’m going to play it safe.

  3. For 40 years in Lakewood, there is no your turn. Yes that driver blew the stop sign. By the law, if 10 cars are stopped at a stop sign, all behind each other at the same stop sign, they all can legally travel through the stop sign behind the first car. If you pull out and hit one of them you are at fault. The stop sign says stop not stops. Each car does not have to stop at the line under title 39. Just so you know. Be safe all

  4. ‘most have no clue’, here is a quote from : At a controlled intersection, a motorist
    must yield for certain conditions. At a multi-way stop or stop intersection, a motorist
    must yield to the motorist on the right if both motorists get there at the same time.
    A motorist should also yield to another motorist already stopped at the intersection.
    I’m not sure how your statement makes sense based on the laws stated here. Can you provide the source for your statement.

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