Carasaljo Ct. Renamed

new gobar wayIf you’ve driven around the Lake Carasaljo area today you may have noticed a new Street name. The street, Gobar Way, has replaced the street name Carasaljo Court. It was named in honor of Gail Gobar, an activist, who among her accomplishments, fought for Courtesy Busing in Lakewood many years ago. She died just over a year ago.

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  1. Who was she friends of to be zoiche to get a street name? Was she from the orthodox community? Why did she fight for courtesy bussing? So many questions. They should put a bio on the pole that holds her name so we can know more about her.

  2. Mrs gobar was a close personal friend of senator singer. She actually ran his campaigns. You see singer always makes sure to take care of his friends. Yes she fought for courtesy busing, but under bob’s guidance, and other peoples insistance.

  3. There is still a Carasaljo Drive further down South Lake Drive (bordering A Country Place). I hope this will lead to less confusion among people looking for “so and so on Carasaljo”. These similar street names can be very confusing. There is a Forest Avenue and a Forest Drive. There is Pine Street and Pine Circle. Renaming some of these streets would be a great idea except that everyone would have to get upgrades for their GPS more often!!

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