PHOTO: Lakewood Police Captain Gregory Meyer tells TLS there were over 30 accidents in Lakewood today. With police overwhelmed with storm-related calls, Chaveirim pitched in an assisted with traffic issues – especially on Hope Chapel Road which needed to be partially shut, Captain Meyer says.
In one particular accident, which occurred on new Hampshire Avenue at about 8 PM, five patients were hospitalized – 4 to Jersey Shore Medical Center and one to KMC, an official said.
Earlier in the day, police responded to several accident on Massachusetts Avenue, including one in which a school bus slid into two parked cars (pictured top). Police assisted in transporting the children to another school bus. [TLS-CCP/TLS-52/TLS-HY]
Plowers. Where were you????
And all you guys on the road. Thanx for all the work you do. You guys don’t stop till its done. THANK YOU
Its your supervisors I’m complaining to, not you!
I think if the township was actually on top of keeping the roads salted and/ or sanded it would have prevented alot of the accidents today. My road was only now salted in Westgate
Imagine if (moderated) were the Mayor! Ouch!
The streets weren’t salted before storm and once snow was on ground I didn’t see plows
I think it’s time we start a new chessed organization . Just like all the other services we expect from city’s that we had to take in our own hands ( hatzalah chavairm etc) chesed salt and sand plowers
I think it was especially dumb to make no English so, to save 10 teachers the trip, 300 parents had to fight through town to pick up the kids.( who got home the same time they they would have had they been sitting in class ).
Those are normal everyday accident numbers in this town
to Anon:
people need to use common sense when driving in snow. I live outside Westgate and can’t even tell you how many cars & buses crashed into the curb going into Westgate today. people need to slow down and if you are not comfortable driving in the snow then stay home. We need to stop blaming others for things that we are guilt for.
There should have been sand down on the roads. I had to drive in town for a lot of the day (I have 4 wheel drive) AND Didn’t see any trucks out till late in the afternoon.
Did any1 else,besides me, who got into an accident get a ticket for careless driving bc of bad weather? Even though they did nothing wrong besides slip on a slipper road.
Plowed,salted or not the drivers refuse to stay off their cell phones no matter what the conditions. I witnessed many drivers speeding along in slush and snow yacking away on their phones
I would imagine the major issue with Lakewood cleaning it’s streets is the amount of Cars and buses on the roads. You cannot blame the LDPW to do an impossible job.
It was a very wet , heavy & slippery snow which requires approx. 5 mph & many drivers have the patience of a 1 year old.
No reason why there wasn’t sort put down Saturday night. Strets were empty all day Saturday and it would have coat township couple of dollars but saved 30 accidents and why do we pay taxes again?
I don’t know why anyone thinks you need streets to be empty in order to put down sand. You clearly don’t, never did never will. that is the worst excuse I have ever heard.
It is more likely, that since it was supposed to rain later in the evening, and the snow would melt on its own, the Township could save a few bucks by ignoring the snow,.
Well great decision, not you have 30 accidents and it could have been a lot worse. A little sand or salt on the streets would make a big difference. This was gross negligence.
I live in a midwestern town with double the population of Lakewood. We have snow twice as much as your town did, and had zero accidents. This is not a road or snow issue,. It is a driving issue. in my town, when the roads are slick, drivers all slow down to 10-15 mph. Everyone knows how to drive safely and we all get to our destination, albeit a bit late. In lakewood, where everyone thinks the four wheel drive on their minivan means they are invincible, you have people driving 50 and sliding into trees. This is not surprising at all.
Please post the name of all the police officers that cleaned up all these accidents yesterday they deserve our thanks and gratitude for putting their life on the line day in and day out! Thank you Lakewood pd your top shelf in my book!