[COMMUNICATED] It will be a Shabbos to remember at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton as Cantors World returns once again for an epic Shabbos Chazanus for the final weekend of 2017.
Featuring the world renowned Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Cantor Yaakov Motzen, the Hampton Synagogue Choir conducted by Maestro Izchak Haimov, Cantor Daniel Gildar, special musical guest Yehuda Green and scholar in residence Rabbi Paysach Krohn, the Shabbos promises to be a five star event that will dazzle the senses and delight the soul.
Cantors World was originally founded in 2002 by Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky and radio personality and concert producer Charlie Bernhaut who shared a passion for cantorial music. Together, the two organized programming for several years, hosting cantorial weekends and concerts, the last of which featured Cantor Helfgot in a stunning solo sold out performance at the Metropolitan Opera House featuring the New York Philharmonic.
“Our goal is to promote traditional cantorial music,” explained Bernhaut. “It is an uphill battle. It is a small victory if we can convince a shul to bring in a chazan for a Shabbos once a year. At the other end of the spectrum, there are aficionados who cannot get enough of this beautiful, inspiring, soul music.”
While a concert can be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy music, a full weekend of chazanus offers even greater benefits, said Bernhaut.
“Weekends were always our most memorable events because you are totally immersed in the experience,” observed Bernhaut. “Usually there is pressure in a synagogue to be done by noon but here there is no time limitation. After the Torah reading we stop and have more than an hour of the greatest kiddush ever, and then we have the opportunity to enjoy a truly spectacular Mussaf.”
Cantor Helfgot said that he is extremely excited about Cantors World which is being run in conjunction with the Israel Children Cancer Centers – Rachashei Lev.
“It is going to be a historically beautiful Shabbos,” said Cantor Helfgot. “We have a very special weekend prepared and it will be the Shabbos of a lifetime.”
While cantorial music has a religious component, its appeal is clearly universal, noted Fran Shulman, an organizer of many weekend events who said that previous Cantors World events have drawn participants from all across the religious spectrum.
“It is amazing to walk into the room and see Jews of every stripe sitting in the same room, talking to each other, sharing Shabbos meals and everybody is enjoying themselves immensely,” said Shulman. “Somehow chazanus is the great unifier. Everyone just loves it.”
Music’s ability to stir the soul also brings healing to many, making a partnership between Cantors World and Israel Children Cancer Center, which offers support service to approximately 400 children and their families, a natural fit. Orna Shalamoff of Israel Children Cancer Centers said that she was grateful to Cantors World for shining the spotlight on Rachashei Lev’s work and noted that like cantorial music, the love and support the organization provides to sick children fills their young souls with hope and energy to conquer illness.
“We at Rachashei Lev have no doubt that the people will enjoy the music and also find a way to make sure that Rachashei Lev children and their families will continue to hear their favorite music for many more years to come in good health and with nachat,” said Shalamoff.
The weekend, which runs from Friday, December 29th through Sunday afternoon, December 31st, will include 5-star cuisine by Greenwald Caterers, children’s programming, a special program for women, cantorial karaoke and a gala Saturday night concert. Reservations for the highly anticipated weekend have been pouring in from as far away as London, Belgium and Los Angeles.
For Cantor Rogosnitzky, hosting a Cantors World Shabbos event is the fulfillment of a personal dream allowing Jews to connect to their heritage regardless of their level of religious observance.
“Music is the language of the soul and cantorial music is a great conduit for meaningful exposure of Jewish tradition,” said Cantor Rogosnitzky. “Our goal is to provide the highest level of cantorial music and tradition in an effort to inspire and elevate the prayers that we say so often and touch people’s hearts in a memorable and musical way.”
For more information on Cantors World or to place a reservation, visit them online here or email [email protected]