Engagement levels are more important than follower counts online, especially when you’re trying to convert viewers into new customers. Signing up for a business account on Facebook or Instagram is easy enough, but what do you do when all your carefully crafted posts fail to attract even a single comment or more than a handful of likes? It may feel like your business is condemned to recede into the abyss online, but there are ways you can start optimizing your pages, producing better content and enticing your audience enough to get them involved in the conversation. Here’s how to get started.
Consider Your Audience’s Taste
Different types of content prompt greater levels of engagement than others, and what you think is a fantastic post might elicit nothing but crickets from your followers. Your brand’s unique audience and even the platform you’re posting on has an impact on how likely a post is to receive engagement. While images are the most popular form of web content, they’re certainly not the only option. You can diversify your feeds and attract more viewers by posting a variety of media for them to engage with, like videos and polls.
How can you figure out what type of content your audience really wants to see? Using social media analytics on existing posts is one way, but you can also start incorporating intent SEO into your digital strategy. Intent SEO helps businesses exceed expectations by posting content specifically geared to meet a specific need or inquiry. A company that uses intent SEO can grow its revenue stream with ease and consistently rank higher on both search engines and social media platforms, especially if they have a strong connection between their site and pages.
Act Like a Brand
A big mistake rookie businesses make online is acting unprofessionally casual or stuffy and robotic. You need to cultivate a voice that your audience likes to engage with. When they read your posts, they should feel like they can connect with the person who wrote it, even if that person is really the collective voice of your company. Avoid having multiple people handle your social accounts and write different captions, as this can lead to an inconsistent tone that puts users off and ultimately weakens your community. When you’re online, use the collective “we” to refer to your brand, and figure out what type of voice you’d like to have online. Are you honest and warmhearted, funny and witty or maybe a little sassy?
Engage with Other Accounts
You should never strictly promote yourself on another person or business’s post, but you can join the conversation by leaving a thoughtful comment and liking content. Accounts that network with others are more likely to be shown, and visibility is actually one of the biggest barriers to engagement that small brands face. It doesn’t matter how good your content is if no one sees it, and one way to improve your visibility is to actively use the social media platforms you’re a member of. You can also look at who follows your competition and see what they’re doing differently. Are they more friendly? Do they post more often? What content did their followers like the most, and how can you model your own content after that?