A thief made his way into an open door in Coventry Square, making off with a video game, Detective Lieutenant William Addison of the Lakewood Police Department tells TLS. The Thief made his way into a back sliding door which was left unlocked, smashed a TV screen and damaged other items, before making away with the video game.
No other items were reported stolen.
Police are investigating.
Which block?
Always lock your door – even in Lakewood.
Better a video game in the thief’s hand than in the young child’s head!
stop with your ignorance. I would rather my child have a video game, than a dangerous thief break into my house and put everyone, including the child at risk.
you mean, ESPECIALLY in lakewood
why are you being choshed beksheirim maybe that family isnt jewish
to number 6, ur probably not a rebbetzin if ur on the internet!
Ok why would anyone leave their doors unlocked ?
why not just put up a sign so all the thieves can help themselves to your posessions
to number 7- what makes u think TLS is on the internet why would a young teenager like me know the password