VIDEO SURVEILLANCE: It’s one thing knowing someone burglarized your car, and it’s another thing seeing it. This video surveillance, captured by a Lakewood resident’s home surveillance camera shows his vehicle being burglarized on Erev Pesach. At approximately 3:30 a.m. on Monday morning, multiple homes and vehicles in the Sterling Forest area were burglarized, while the owners slept.
In this video surveillance footage, the burglar can clearly be seen shuffling through the vehicle looking for items, while holding a flashlight.
Police and CIU are investigating the burglaries.
Caught on video, fine. Now let’s get him caught, period.
lock your doors, number one deterent right there and besides breathing its the easiest thing to do. Way less effort then setting up a surveillance camera, IMO.
maybe it bedikas chametz
Its ridiculous that there is one police officer on duty from south lake to the walgreens area at night!
get more cops we need them and dont cry they cost money
We need more cops…….BUT THE AVERAGE COP MAKES APPROX 90K-100K (AFTER THREE YEARS)……….I heard this from the old police chief…….
More cops at 30k-35k would be good……
You can get nine times (yes, you read it right) as many cops as we have if you pay them only $10,000.00
Pay them $5000 and you have 18 times as many.
The possibilities are endless!
Need more police and they will all make 100k after 6 years not 3 they deserve every penny of that 100k for risking their lives everytime they put on their uniform.
Actually Statistically A Police Officer Is A Relatively Safe Job
it is shreklach! this guy raided homes while people were sleeping
Homeowner needs better camera coverage
#6- you’re wrong. NOT after 3 years.
#8- Statistically speaking for the entire country you might be correct- it’s not one of the “top ten most dangerous jobs” because there are hundreds of thousands of police.Statistically you can’t compare the hundreds of thousands of cops to the few hundred loggers. BUT- there are approx 90 Lakewood cops let’s say, and how many have been shot in the last 2 years? How many have been killed doing their job? Compare that to YOUR job.
If people think it’s such good money and not really dangerous, I don’t understand why they’re not lining up at HQ for the jobs!
is this dash cam guy?
What ever happened to “lock your door” it cost nothing.
Today, because we as a society are lazy “hire more cops”
If i was to guess the door was unlocked? could be wrong but I doubt it.
Hope everone is having a good holiday
Being a police officer might not statistically be the most dangerous job, but that is only due to the number of officers there are. If you check you will see how many officers die each year, the causes, and a discription of how each officer died. I’d say the average number of officers that get killed in the U.S. is approx. 150 per year. Now imagine 150 teachers, or sales people, or whatever other job you could think of died the way police officers die every year. We are talking car crashes, shootings, assaults, one officer was even killed by a COW this year. I think the highest number of officers killed was from 9/11/01 and we know why that is. The only other career you could choose where that many people or more die each year would be military service.
ban flashlights being sold at the dollar stores
Invasion!! Intrudion!!! I’m Speechless…..
My brother had his car robbed 3 times in 3 weeks. It was incredible. I told him to leave $10 on the dashboard and stay up all night watching for the guy to come back the next night. I think he may have tried it – but fell asleep 5 minutes before the guy came.