Lakewood Middle School students were dismissed midday today after the heat broke down, and pipes burst, staff and other officials told TLS.
Officials say a maintenance worker noticed the problem around midnight last night, and crews responded fixed the issue at about 6:45 AM.
With only some of the classrooms warm enough by start time this morning, “many students had to utilize the auditorium, cafeteria and library until their classrooms warmed up,” a school official told TLS.
According to a staff member, some children needed to sit in their coats.
“Unfortunately, at approximately 10:30 a.m. another pipe burst at the Middle School,” the official said.
One parent told TLS she was unhappy to find out that school had a regular start with a cold school building.
“The only reason they decided to send the kids home early was because pipes started bursting when the heat was coming back on,” the parent said.
Children were served lunch and dismissed at around Noon instead of the regular 2 PM dismissal, the official said.
Unfortunately this is not the first time my kids have complained about there being no heat throughtout the bulidings. If that happened last night around midnight then why was it cold in the school during the day my kids said they felt like they were outside in classroom. This is ridiculous!! And the high school as well has problems the gymnasium has no heat kids weren’t allowed to change today because of it and certain areas don’t have heat throughout the school. Why is that? Now if kids get sick then what? This needs to be taken care of right away kids shouldn’t have to sit in their coats to learn or be sent to other areas where there’s many other kids meaning they can’t be taught by their teachers.
I work in toms river public school and we freeze there too!
Taxes …
You need to call the Ocean County Superintendent and complain about such conditions when your school board does nothing for the public school children. I had to do the same at a school in a neighboring town and got results…they fixed the heat exiting the cafeteria by fixing the windows, roof and ceiling.