Bris Postponed Twice 9 Months Ago, Celebrated Tuesday – Family & Friends To Enjoy Third Meal In Honor Of The Simcha

A baby born 9 months ago and had its Bris postponed twice, finally had its Bris yesterday, family members tell TLS. Last November, family and friends showed up to a Bris, only to find out that the Bris would not be taking place, due to a Psak from Posek Harav Shlomo Miller. Attendees however, did enjoy a breakfast.

The following morning, the Bris was again called, and again family members and friends showed up. However after the Mohel examined the baby and as per the Psak of Harav Miller, the Bris was again postponed. The family and friends enjoyed a breakfast again, which the Rav said was considered a Seudas Mitzvah despite no Bris being held.

The family yesterday morning celebrated the Bris, and will be holding a Seudah for family and friends for the third time, today. TLS.

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  1. Things can happen between the night before and the morning of…
    Moments before my son’s bris, the mohel pointed to a rash & asked when that was from. I said a few days. He said good, because if it was new, he’d have to postpone the bris.

  2. I was by a bris where the mohel cleared it the nightbefore, then in the morning th ebaby turned more yellow and they called it off. We got back together that afternoon, the mohel still wasn’t sure. He called 2 other Mohalim to look, they discussed it for a while, and wound up doing it 3 minutes before Shkiah.

  3. its not fair to make preasure on a mohel .if he feels it should not be done dont run to another mohel they go for alot of training . and when they see babys daily if the mohel has a feeling their is something wrong it could be serious . dont forget the mohel also knows their is a mitzva bayom hashmini.

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