BREAKING: Pedestrian struck and killed on Route 9 at Lakewood/Howell border (PHOTOS)

A pedestrian was struck and killed on Route 9 at the Lakewood/Howell border moments ago, officials say.

The accident occurred shortly before 8 PM near the Kava shop.

The pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene. No information about the pedestrian is currently available.

Route 9 is being shut northbound from Kennedy Boulevard, and could be shut for several hours for the investigation.



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  1. That section of Route 9 between Chemed and Kava is very badly lit. I have seen people in that area after dark in dark clothing standing on the yellow line in the middle of Rt 9 waiting for a break to finish crossing. I did not see them till the last second.

  2. We need the three E of traffic! Engineering 2 Enforcement 3 Education
    Since the increase of people moving into the area we need the traffic Engineering needs to see about mid block cross walks and so on. Police need to get involved with enforcement and we need to have classes to educate the public

  3. John , u cant possibly a mid block cross walk when cars Are going 45/50 mph. Your not really thinking this through. The only way to do this is either a tunnel or a pedestrian bridge. Those cross walks further into lakewood on Madison and tenth where cars are going around 40+ mph is called bad engineering.

  4. What about those inane pedestrian crossings on Madison Avenue between 15th and 1st Street. Force the pedestrians to cross only at lights. it is a danger for them and for the drivers…
    Same goes for the crossings on E.Kennedy Blvd.
    Whose idea was that in the first place…

  5. where this person crossed speed limit is 50, you just can’t cross there. This is common sense. this is not similar to madison between 1-15 where speed is 35 and there are lights that stop traffic.

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