BREAKING: Twitter Locks President Trump’s Account

Twitter has suspended President Trump’s personal account for at least 12 hours after releasing a video addressing protesters in the nation’s capital which some saw as incendiary.

In a statement, Twitter said, “As a result of the unprecedented and violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump Tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy. This means that the account of @realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked. Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account.

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  1. Twitter has proven once again that it is the cesspool of the internet. The uber leftist excrement that runs twitter has been dying for this opportunity since Candidate Trump came down the escalator to begin upsetting their apple cart. Twitter shows again that they are the useful idiots of the left. They were exposed for what they are. BEH there should still be a USA like we once knew and twitter will be on the dustbin of history.

    • Leftist, Rightist, we are all outraged that a President of the United States is connected In any way with an attack upon our sacred Capitol. This is beyond politics. Shame on all of you for comparing the treasonous desecration of the Congress to anything we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Remember, this was not just a bunch of Neo-Nazi wackos, although they were well represented, who believe that government should be overthrown, but the executive branch of our government that called upon them to show their strength to our sovereign legislature.

      One by one, his aids and cabinet are abandoning him. I doubt that anything Trump, including his business, will survive. He dug his own grave.

  2. A lockdown of Trump’s twitter account? Will Trump’s Twitter account be forced to go into quarantine after it is unlocked? Stay tuned.
    Ultimately this is social media enforcing social distancing on the President’s twitter account.

  3. D Trump, the greatest president in my lifetime of 45 years (which is saying much, with Reagan in the mix), should have the owner of Twitter arrested and tried for treason and for curtailing his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech and expression. What terrible disrespect to the president! This speech was incendiary (?!), while in their depraved minds, the violent protesters of this past summer, who stood for absolutely nothing, were to be commended and their accounts remained active.

    • Freedom of speech isn’t protected when you sign on the dotted line for a privately held company. They are allowed to delete content at their discretion based on the rules you agree to follow once you sign on. As far as the greatest President, he incited an attack on OUR Capitol. That is Treason. He tried to coerce many government figures, including OUR Vice President, into fulfilling his deranged fantasy that the election was stolen. That’s Treason. Mark my words, he will try one more big Treasonous act within the next two weeks and at that point I wouldn’t be surprised if Pence agrees to invoke the 25th amendment.

  4. Some Trump supporters seem to have things backwards.
    The President works for the citizens of the country, not the other way around. He does not get to decide that he wants to hide behind his Twitter feed, and not have to answer the tough questions the public want answered.
    If he wants to get his message out, he has a way to do it. But he does not get to control it. He can have press conferences, and answer reporters’ questions. He can take responsibility for his words by standing in front of the public and explaining them.
    He wants Twitter because then he controls the narrative. Sorry, the constitution never gave him that right, and the ideas of democracy are not well served when a democratically appointed leader has a method of weaseling out of the publics’ questions.
    Twitter is protecting democracy over here.

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