UPDATED: Person Shot in Lakewood [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

sceneUPDATED 5:35 PM: A person was shot moments ago in Lakewood, police confirm to TLS.

Sources say the victim was shot multiple times in the area of MLK Drive, and was then driven to the hospital via a private vehicle.

Police say the victim was transported from MMCSC to Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

Suspect information wasn’t immediately available.

An investigation is underway by Lakewood’s Detective Bureau and CSI.




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  1. I think the Jewish community needs to outright buy those apartments. Demolish them. Make the mansion homes they usually make. Have everyone move out. Problem solved less crimes in Lakewood.

  2. Lakewoodwoman you have a good point! Unfortunately it wouldn’t solve the crime problem in lkwd bec there are other places around town that these criminals live at besides for the mlk apartments. Are we safe anywhere these days?

  3. Right and Obama thinks his “new” gun ordered would stop these types of gun crime. The man living in a different plant.
    The way to reduce (I didn’t say stop) gun crime is to make much stricter sentences.

  4. this mess is crazy because this is where my mom stay. she is over on john st and we heard the shots fired. its crazy… so many babies and innocent families there… just crazy need to get ridof the guns and make it harder to purchase them. but then they always know a family member or someone whose selling them on the street.

  5. There are several racial comments that shows that humanity has a long, long way to go. Really, demolish and build mansions? How about building modest homes for the working poor and stop housing the unemployed those taken care by the state?

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