BREAKING NEWS: Yoel Zev Goldstien Found Not Guilty By Japan Court

JUST IN: Yoel Zev Ben Mirel Risa Chava, one of the boys who has been imprisoned in Japan, has been found not guilty by a Japanese court, TLS has learned. The verdict was handed down just a few moments ago in Tokyo. Yoel Zev is the oldest of the three boys. Present at the verdict, was R’ Aron Nezri from London and R’ Elimelech Bindiger from Antwerp, both who were involved in every step of the way since the onset of the case, and the boys father.

Yaakov Yosef still remains in Japan custody. TLS.

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  1. i am impressed with TLS. I have been looking for half an hour now, and you guys are the 1st to report this GREAT NEWS. Now for Moshiach to come!

  2. Chasdei Hashem-but please continue davening as the prosecutors have 14 days to appeal themselves. Also please continue to daven for Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel as he is still in Japan awaiting his transfer to Eretz Yisrael. Note that Yoel Zav is still is Japan untill the paper work is done with. Please continue and may we only hear b’suros tovos from klal yisrael. Amen

  3. can someone please explain. if he is not guilty, why were the other two boys found guilty. werent they all doing the same thing, going together etc…..

  4. thank God. let’s pray this last boy has the same good luck. we have to remember that no matter what happens Hashem does EVERYTHING for the good.

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