FIRST REPORT: Tent City’s Reverend, Steve Brigham, was just arrested for a second time in two days, TLS has learned. Sources say after Brigham was released on bail he returned to Tent City and cut down the tent of another resident.
He was arrested at the homeless camp moments ago and was charged with Criminal Mischief and Witness Tampering.
Earlier today, police converged on the camp to investigate and possibly look for Brigham, but he was not there at the time.
Brigham, who was released from the Ocean County Jail after posting bail, reportedly maintains that the woman was causing a disturbance to the camp’s other residents.
He will again be transferred to the Ocean County Jail. His bail was again set at $11,500. TLS.
they will get him , so there goes tent city, cops are smart
hopefully they will tear that whole place down its a dangerous place LPD ROCKS!!!!
I don’t have anything smart to say right now.
“Tent” and “City” are contradicting words. A tent is a TEMPORARY lodging. If they wish to live in the woods let this Reverend purchase a piece of land from the town and do what they want(so long as it’s legal) there. Hey, we’d even give them garbage pickup without the complaints.
They were offered many permanent solutions which they consistently refused to accept.
How much rent does Steve B receive monthly?
What’s the surprise??
Breaking news!!! Minister Steve was bailed out and was back in Tent City by 1 am
Living in forest remind me of home: Me Tarzan, you Jane.
Why give him bail?
Sigh. Don’t the police have anything better to do? Don’t we have a dangerous gang problem? Don’t we have robbers brazenly breaking into peoples homes while they sleep? I guess the town took care of all that over the weekend and now have nothing better to do than harass the one group of people in town that mind their own business. Sigh.
Hey Anonymous….When the LPD get called out to Tent City they must go and look at the situation. When detectives get involved something shady going on. People need to get a job and get out of the woods and help themselves. Tent City is a crooked place! These people don’t want to help themselves being we have tried to give shelter that was rejected by them. Just remember the LPD is doing their job to help serve and protect the city/town as best they can! I am a tax payer and tired of all the (moderated) my $ goes towards. I feel the police should be more rewarded. With all that being said I am a supporter of our local police…Way to Go LPD!!! Be Safe!!!
why would you go back and do the same deed only to face charges again?
these stories are like Tent City…….smells fishy!
I agree with #8. Our homes are burglarized on a daily basis and drugs are being openly sold in our neighborhoods. The real criminals are not in Tent City. They are out there on the streets committing crimes while the police are spending their time investigating and arresting a Minister
To # 12: Both tents were taken down at the same time. The police decided to arrested the Minister on Monday for one tent and on Tuesday for the second tent,
Please tell us, Lkwd Tax Payer, what options where they offered? What shelter are you referring to? The one in Atlantic City that the taxpayers down there have to pay for because the powers-that-be in Ocean County refuse to build one up here? The LPD will do what they are told to do- they have no other option. I respect every man and woman on our police force that risk their lives daily for us. I do not respect the committee of this town that has nothing better to do than wage a witch hunt on a minister who doesnt bother anyone.
So now officers dont want the hassle, and simply go to where they are called. so until the police get a call for a drug dealer, or burglar, or someone suspicious – they wont go/hunt/look/ or be pro-active (for the most part). They were called to Tent City, so they responded. So stop saying “go find bigger fish to fry.” Blame the al sharptons, and jessy jacksons, and all the liberal lawyers looking to help a criminal get his charges dismissed.
(Moderated – Please do not use this forum to spread personal attacks against Mr. Brigham or anyone else. If you choose to use this forum, please do so in a responsible manner. Thank you).
what if it was you or your kids homeless ..what would you do if you couldnt eat have shelter wellfare takes along time to get cause too many people who shouldnt even be able to get wellfare are getting it.while they have all sorts of exspencive chains and huge rocks and fur coats on who realy is the shady ones ..this is gods country dont forget that we dont need another mall or big houses help the people !
I understand that the homeless people also need somewhere to live. That is why there are shelters. I don’t have a problem giving some of my tax dollars there. I do have a problem giving my tax dollars for people to live on the street and make our town look disgusting. When I drive down cedarbridge and turn my head and see the tents it makes me really upset. I’m sorry if you don’t like the area the shelter is, but living on the streets is illegal for a reason. It ruins the quality of life for the whole town. It makes people think this is the town to come to to do all sorts of things ie steal, drugs
The majority of people living there are NOT from Lakewood. Why are they OUR problem??
Can Miller answer that? If yes I will vote for him.
what if that was you..what if you had no home money job ..then if your worried about all the mess you should try and help yourself ..take 30mins of your life and help cause if it was you would want a hand ..its realy sad how mony people are clueless with whats going on in this country they just look the other way ..wake up all you clueless selfish people ..people need help so lend a hand
TO: What if?
Since you called all of us “selfish”, because you’re so concerned about the homeless people who never lived in Lakewood, but came here because they heard that we’re so gutless and we won’t throw them out:
Do you know how many people are starving in Sub-Saharan Africa? Do you???? Are you so selfish that you can’t think of the starving helpless people in Africa that have nothing to eat??? Why won’t you donate all your money and your car and your house to the people in Africa?
there is no homeless shelter in ocean county!
There are NO homeless shelters! That’s what Steve is trying to correct. FYI Officer Chris Matlosz was murdered yards from Steve’s own former house, which he sold after he saw what certain corrupt persons were purposely doing to the neighborhood! Lakewood Resident: God says in Isaiah 26:5 that HE will send the poor and oppressed to trample the lofty city low that covers innocent bloodshed. Guess God means what He says! You people are reaping what you sowed. Ironically, the words of Isaiah 26 were right where young Chris was murdered. Spooky!
true # 17 and 22 what about the people here , do you know how much goes to africa tear from here bils. and what do they do with it nohing
Let them move in with all the do-gooders on this comment board.
I would like to know if he lives in tent city who gave him $11,500 bail out?
to #15 Thank you for that info…arrested twice for one offense! How will they explain that to the court?
to #27 Hopefully all his brothers and sisters In Christ! We are many.
#14 Run, all you “tax payers”, before they drive you out, too, running your neighborhoods down, putting drug dealing tenants there, or burning your houses, or endangering your police. Everyone knows what’s happening in Lakewood. It has NOTHING to do with the homeless. I remind the “Sanhedrin”,, “Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbor” and “You shalt NOT set thy desires on thy neighbor’s house or land” etc. You all know Deuteronomy.
to #20 They are your problem because it appears God Himself sent them to you! Lakewood fights with God, not a man. Isaiah 26:5
To # 27: From one of the hundreds of people that support him