BREAKING NEWS: (How they voted, in extended article). The Senate has just voted against legalizing To’eiva marriage in NJ. The vote 20-14 came in about 3 minutes ago. Had the Bill passed, it would have been the fourth state to do so legislatively, behind Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. But Maine voters overturned the state law earlier this year. Three other states have instituted To’eiva marriage by judicial order. Further details will be posted soon. Here’s how state Seantors voted today on the measure to allow same-gender marriage in New Jersey.
YES (14)
Sen. Jim Whelan (D-Atlantic)
Sen. Bob Smith (D-Middlesex)
Sen. Barbara Buono (D-Middlesex),
Sen. Raymond J. Lesniak (D-Union), co-sponsor
Senate President Richard Codey (D-Essex)
Sen. Teresa M. Ruiz (D-Essex)
Sen. Sandra B. Cunningham (D-Hudson)
Sen. Brian P. Stack (D-Hudson)
Sen. Nia H. Gill (D-Essex)
Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), co-sponsor
Sen. Robert M. Gordon (D-Bergen)
Sen. Nicholas P. Scutari (D-Union)
Sen. Joseph F.Vitale (D-Middlesex)
Sen. Bill Baroni (R-Mercer)
NO (20)
Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-Cape May)
Sen. Ronald L. Rice (D- Essex)
Sen. John A. Girgenti (D-Passaic
Sen. Nicholas Sacco (D-Hudson) .
Sen. Fred H. Madden (D-Gloucester)
Sen. Shirley K. Turner (D-Mercer)
Sen. Robert W. Singer (R-Ocean)
Sen. Joseph Pennacchio (R-Morris)
Sen. Christopher Bateman, (R-Somerset)
Sen. Tom Kean Jr. (R -Union)
Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth )
Sen. Joseph M. Kyrillos (R-Monmouth)
Sen. Gerald Cardinale (R-Bergen)
Sen. Michael Doherty (R-Hunterdon)
Sen. Kevin J. O’Toole (R-Essex)
Sen. Philip E. Haines (R-Burlington)
Sen. Christopher J. Connors (R-Ocean)
Sen. Anthony R. Bucco (R-Morris)
Sen. Steven V. Oroho (R-Sussex)
Sen. Sean T. Kean (R-Monmouth)
Sen. Paul A. Sarlo (D-Bergen)
Sen. Stephen M. Sweeney (D-Gloucester)
Sen. James Beach (D-Camden)
Sen. Diane B. Allen (R-Burlington)
Sen. Andrew Ciesla (R-Ocean)
*Senate has 39 members following this week’s resignation of Dana Redd, a Democrat, after she became mayor of Camden.
(Chart-Star Ledger).
wow u guys are fast, this is graet news!!!!!
now lets get back to learning
now if we can defeat ObamaCare and Cap’ n Trade this country may survive!
Bruch ha’shem! Yehee shem hashem mvorach matah vadd olom!!!
this is dumbest thing ever. the whole point of america is freedom of religion and beliefs. this sets a precedent that if people feel a certain type of lyfstyle that doesnt affect anyone else is wrong it can be banned. so next they will say its cruel to shecht animals and ban that to.
please provide a list of those that voted no, so we can thank them, and those who voted yes, so we can vote them OUT.
oh good that’s done now what can we cry and complain about.We have nothing better to do.Oh wait I think their going to be complaining about us or wait we do that ourselves and everybody sees.
my mommy and tatty told me not to talk about this stuff.
I hope this momentum will continue and tackle some issues that actually affect our lives.
When will Herschel & the LAC take credit for this?
baruch hashem for a rav in town Harav Simcha Bunim sheli”ta someone that atands up for the reall issues
Great news a special thank must be given to all those people and of course TLS who worked all day for the last few months to make sure this fails.
Same sex and opposite sex mating is documented in the animal kingdom. This is biological; no one is to blame. If you had a son or daughter who was biologically gay, you would not be so vehement to reject their right to love another person and marry them.
G-d supports all children, all people. I am a religious Jew and I believe this.
This is a SAD SAD DAY IN NJ when a religious group such as the orthodox community can stand proud that they supported discrimination and the ability to pass judgement on others. This is disgraceful for any person to be proud of. ALL PEOPLE SHOULD BE TREATED EQUALLY WITH RESPECT WITHOUT REGARDS TO THEIR AGE, SEX, NATIONALITY, RELIGION, GENDER, GENDER ORIENTATION, OR ORIENTATION OF FAMILIAL HABITS.
Good job, some much of what America stands for, FREEDOM! just got shot down today. Thank you for not supporting the constitution which gives us all the right to believe whatever it is we want to believe in. Which also gives people that right to love whoever they want. Big victory for communism today…Congrats again….
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. A community and religion that has been discriminated against their entire history, should be the last ones involved in the discrimination against others. Whether you agree with with their choices or not. This is not a religious issue, it is a Civil Rights issue. I am ashamed of all the Jewish Communtiy for PERSECUTING others when they don’t like when it happens to them. You think you are better then everyone, when all you are is a bunch of HIPPOCRITES.
to disgusted
this is not a persecution against a group its sticking up for the constitution unfortuntely your blinded by hate.
to #13
R’ Avigdor Miller said that same sex mating by animals is baloney. So who should i believe, R’ Miller, or those same scientists with an agenda that made up the ridiculous global warming religion?
Why dont you all learn a little “real” history about our constitution, and our founding fathers. They were religious people, devout christians, with very strong religious beliefs. They dont teach you that today in our watered down left wing society.
I’m not jewish, but I’m a history buff, and I can tell you all that If you think for even a moment, that had our founding fathers been here today, they would think that we are up-holding their goals and values they hoped for with the constitution, you’re mistaken!
This is not a civil rights issue. its a humanity issue. something that preceeds any document, government, or law. Yes….divine law! Even if you’re not a believer in the Jewish-christian religion, you have to believe in something! Because if you dont believe in ANYTHING then a document such as the constitution will be bent, folded, warped, taken out of context, and corrupted to fit your whims and desires.
I have a Jewish friend who told me that in their circles they also have people that are gay. People that need love and affection. This is a huge problem for them. I’m not sure how they deal with it, but they dont give in. They know that if there is a higher power that deems it wrong, then they cant act on their impulses just because it feels right for them. What would a cleptomaniac say about his “needs” to steal. Should we fight for his rights to steal?
Lets not judge anyone who apposed this bill as a hippocrate. Especialy if we are ignorant in their religion. Its been around alot longer than our constitution.
P.s. The founding fathers of our constitution contiplated designating hebrew as the national laguage right here in the United States of America
ba ba booey
#13,14: we must not lead our lives based on our impulses and desires. If the Torah says that it’s not permitted to have same sex marriage that should be more than enough reason to rejoice that this twisted bill wasn’t passed. God created people to be attracted to the OPPOSITE gender. And anybody who thinks of marrying unnaturely should be scorned.
To 21, if thats the case then there would be no “HOMOS” in existence. They exist and are right in your face, life is about choice and that is their choice. Who are we as a people or government to say someone can’t do something like this. Its not hurting anyone else just some peoples views, get over it they are not going anywhere. And they exist in your community too!!!!!!!!!!
While we as Jews are embassared of gays, we are also know they exist. Now, existing doesn’t automatically give someone rights to be that way. I like cheating on tests and it would be absurd if it was made legal because I like it! we see them as people with issues, that just like a depressed person needs to take of his illness so too a gay person needs to. While we do recognize that people are depressed we are not ready to say they are “normal”, we try to heal them, here to we recognize gay and that they have inpulses but it needs to be treated not flaunted with pride. I truly thank G-d for not giving me these dsires.
for those of you commenting about Jewish people being hypocrites and persecuting gay people, I wish to point out that nobody is denying them the right to do whatever they wish, and nobody is throwing them in jail. What we are voting against is redefining the word marriage. We believe that marriage is between a woman and a man as it has been for thousands of years. Their lifestyle is their business but when it starts to affect me, then I have a right to protest!! What they are really after is our approval, and everyone saying they are normal just like a man and woman that are married.
To 24 How does two people married no matter where or who they are affect you? It has nothing to do with you, it is their decision and right to do whatever it is they want
i dont understand according to the christians muslems jews budhists…..etc it doesnt matter which religion u are talking abt marriage is a religios thing it should not be for the gov to decide whether ppl can get married or not ther should not be any sort of legal mariage taxes should be filed accordign to life partner children etc and if one deems their life partner to be of the same sex wat difference does that make to me or you for that matter
you should be aposing legal marriages not same sex marriages get ur facts straight
there is a difference between religios beliefs and freedoms and moral beliefs and freedoms one man has no right to push his beliefs upon another
you should all find soemtign productive to do with ur time