BREAKING NEWS: Mund, Schwartz & Silver Win BOE Elections


– Lee Mund 3,015 17.90%
– Joel Schwartz 2,910 17.28%
– Jonathan D. Silver 3,079 18.28%
– Meir Singer 2,560 15.20%
– Irene Miccio 2,715 16.12%
– Meir Grunhut 2,487 14.77%
Write-In 74 0.44%
Total 16,840 100.00%


– Yes 678 18.61%
– No 2,966 81.39%
Total 3,644 100.00%


To see numbers as they came in, click here. 

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  1. mazal tov! mazal tov! mazal tov! its about time the public start voicing their opinion! and see what a difference it makes! chizuk for the future!

  2. It has nothing to do with people voting their opinion, its about hot heads going out to vote screaming and regular people not caring enough to vote.

  3. My prediction I made today was right!
    I believe that these new people will have much less baggage than the losing candidates.
    They will treat all schools, vendors, parents, students and teachers equally.
    Thank you Chezky Seitler ,Rabbi Hertz and Rabbi Perl for your phonecalls!

  4. Chesky your a real good man the tzibur is with you ………… this a sign for whats going to happen in november with township elections???

  5. Miccio would need to get 195 more votes than Schwartz from the 315 mail in votes. That would mean about 255-60 in favor of Miccio which is extremely unlikely.

  6. While the merits of both slates can be debated, it is a sad day when our powerful achdus has been shattered by two sides that couldn’t act civily to the other side

  7. can wesee the write ins? tthey are always so much fun.
    im very happy with the outcome. I hope this is the beginning of a power to the people movement.

  8. This should be a huge lesson to the roshei mosdos. when you start respectig us as we are trying to get our kids in school than we will listen to you. until then we will do our own thing…

  9. Greatest news in Lakewood in a looooooong time!!! The party has got to stop. Yoni Silver, Seitler and Carl Fink already put the brakes on it.Hopefully they’ll put it in reverse now!

  10. #33 if its a very sad day please give us 5 reasons why its a sad day and if its a sad day why did no one give us reasons not to vote for 123 before the election, if its truly sad that 123 won why didnt you warn us in advance of the specific reasons why voting for 123 is not good for us? R’ Hertz gave us specific reasons to vote for 123 and they all made sense but supporters of 456 never gave any good reasons. So i ask again why is it really such a sad day

  11. Mazel Tov 1,2,3 such great news lakewood waited a long time for this wonderful change, the makeup of this team is outstanding especially Schwartz is known to take the BULL by its horns a real honest straight up guy, The people of Lakewood have spoken enough! is enough!, Let’s treat everyone equal.

  12. Mazel Tov on this victory we are so proud of you.May you have the strength to continue on in your work on behalf of the Klal

  13. Mazel Tov we are so happy you guys won!!!! We know the truth that your friends have been the true friends of the special needs children

  14. Dear Yeshiva Guy:
    The winners have plenty of baggage! Their only allegience is to the people who made sure they got voted in. Not to the students or parents. They will be under constant threat of being voted out if they don’t tow the line.

  15. What qualifications do these members have to be in control of a 100 million dollar budget. Are they controllers of large companies? Are they business owners? Would a multi-million dollar company hire them for their board? That is why I didn’t vote for them.

  16. Achdus? Achdus is when we ‘all’ aside difference to work together for a common goal! Achdus in NOT we three r’mosdosh tell the rest ‘its my way or the high way & you better follow me or else your bracking achdus’

  17. And the score is:
    1,2,3 – ONE! Achdus- ZERO!
    Well done, well done! Yippee! I am drooling over this “victory”! Are we the generation of Shaul or the generation of Achav? YOU decide (or vote on it)

  18. Observer – you hit the nail on the head. Rejoice, ye heathens, but remember this: by voting to cut taxes – and I voted against the budget – you have effected services going towards many of the special needs children in the community. And THAT is the untold story behind this election.

  19. To 44, What qualifications do the 3 losers have? ask your self the same question on the 3 losers. Would they be hired to control a 100 million dollar budget?

    And YES Schwartz is a business owner.

  20. Congratulations to the School Board Members elect, Jonathan Silver, Lee Mund, and Joel Schwartz.

    Congratulations to the Members of the Public who all pulled together to support these candidates.

    Congratulations to all of the supporters and campaign workers who made this possible.

    Congratulations to the Lakewood School District. There is now a positive promise for the future.

    There needs to be special blessings and thanks to Rabbi Hertz, Carl Fink, and Josh Shmuckler for the management of this well run campaign.

  21. I know not who #26 (Hobday for Maya says) is, but it is not me. I always submit my statements with my full name. It is simply the best and most honest method of communication.

  22. I don’t get it. There were flyers all over the neighborhood from the Ichud Hamosdos of Lakewood endorsing candidates 1, 2 and 3. Where did this organization come from? So many people were confused with this new Ichud Hamosdos established Igud Hamosdos comprised of the majority of yeshiva school principals and askanim which were supporting candidates 4, 5, and 6. The flyers looked exactly the same with the exception of the canditates supported and the title on top. Hmmmmm…… I wonder how many people experienced the same confusion…. 200 votes is not all that many…..

  23. The real loosers are sadly all of us living in this great town – and while you may disagree it’s a sad reality. To vote out a true askan such as R’ Meir Grunhut who has done so much for so many on so many different levels all because some people who have their own agendas used tactics to get THEIR guys in and stopped short of nothing – I believe its a sad day in Lakewood. Whatever happened to being makir tov???

  24. Cool Masmid – While I disagree with you many times, you are 100 percent correct on this! Kudos to you for stating it as it is!

    Chaim Yankel – You are correct. Lotsa noise for 1,2,3. Too quiet from 4,5,6.

  25. It looks as if everyone is happy, but the sad reality is that TLS wont post any of the other comments. Its a sad day in Lakewood, but TLS wont let me post the basic reasons why, even though I keep in clean and nice! WELL, THEY PROB WONT POST THIS EITHER, SO I SHOULD STOP WASTING MY TIME!

  26. 123 or 456 it will make no difference if they don’t turn our education system around.
    The Annual budget of the BOE is over 120 million dollars. (70 million is raised in local taxes the rest is state and federal money).
    There are about 5300 kids in the Lakewood Public education system right now. That comes out to about $23,000 a student. What is all that money being used for?!? I would understand if our graduation rate was 99.9% and we bought every kid an Ipad and had 8 kids per class and were fielding a NCAA worthy athletic program.
    But as it is we are flushing both money and the students’ education down the drain.
    Reduce spending and increase graduation or 123 you will be no better than 456.

  27. The election results in short.

    The promise of complete transparency has won over “just trust us”.

    Time will tell.

    Thank you very much to the retired board members for all your service.

    Hatzlacha to the new board members.

  28. I’m not happy with the results.I didn’t vote because NONE of the candidates gave me any real reason to believe they deserve to win.But I take solace in one thing.Whatever those elected do or don’t do I will always know that I carry zero responsibility for their behavior.

  29. What a shock they Budget failed to pass. That is not news, its a daily headline lately..No one want to pay taxes..but everyone wants something for nothing..Time to trim the fat..Cut Courtesy busing all around…If you gotta walk 2 miles to GOTTA walk..

  30. I’m so glad that the people who went through the process the proper way won. This election was not about Meir Hertz. It is about 6 candidates – 3 which I still know nothing about. As far as achdus is concerned, the pasuk is pretty clear – לֹא-תִהְיֶה אַחֲרֵי-רַבִּים, לְרָעֹת. There is no concept of following the majority when they are taking our hard earned money out our pockets and not allowing us to even discuss it. We should all unite around those who are doing right by us.

  31. All i know from the few open meetings i saw on line, felt that i was at a circus that i was PAYING for. Bottom line is TERM LIMITS for all !
    Good luck to all.

  32. hakoras hatov only goes as far as there still is a interest and a gain from having that candidate reelected otherwise its out the window. As far as all those commenting about a sad day in Lakewood , why didnt you educate us and explain your positions. we are not children we are adults that think and have our opinions . if you want our votes treat us with respect and explain yourselves just to say trust me or follow me dont work anymore.

  33. It’s not only Lakewood that has high school taxes and hardly any public school kids. How about the Monsey area. Someone in Suffern told me that there are no more public schools there, yet the school tax is very high. Something smells fishy. Where does all the money go to in these towns well populated by unzerer?

  34. So lakewood students in public schoools again are being short changed and the teachers can again forget about some sort of a raise. By defeding the buget you have hurt a lot of people. Again Lakewood will be the laughing stock of Ocean county. But I guess some people got what they wanted.

  35. wow most people on here r so ignorant its astounding most of you know nothing about any of the candidates besides for their names so let me in my layman knowledge give you all to understand a little bit first yes if the rabbonim tell you to vote for one individual yes you do even if TO YOU IT DOESN’T LOOK RIGHT that is das torah and after speaking to many rabbonim they were 95% of the rabbonim and rosh mossids backing 456 yes someone in satmer gave out papers with only 4 rabbonim backing 456 but i know that not to be true because i spoke to a few rabbonim who told me the just came from meeting our now famous 456. second while every one is bashing Grunhut and Singer and Miccio i don’t see that the other way around doesn’t that tell you something about a candidate who needs to step on a opposing candidate to elevate his own statues.. and three how many of us has their own little stories of Meir Grunhut helping them out as much as possible and lastly i would rather intrust my kids future with a individual who besides for caring and doing whats utmost important for the klal not “good looks” i think someone a little more knowledgeable in politics on the scene for awile then some new incoming young little upstart who thinks at the great old age of thirty that its time to stop learning and save the world with no prior experiences please really good luck to you now that you won i hope you see what 456 did for use till today how hard it is to be BOE and hopefully not to backslide the efforts that were put in place for our schools by previous BOE members i really hope you don’t chas vasholim do more damage then you already did

  36. Fact: In our community more people voted 456. The election was won by the seniors. Look just at district 32,33 and 38 alone and that accounts for around 870 votes for 123 over 456.
    If that is what our community really wants (456) then the 123 guys should realize that and next time unify the vote and get what this community really wants.

  37. #75 the people spoke
    lets see the results
    456 didnt bother to answer even one question, why they are qualified to be elected
    so get over it
    it was not the seiners
    it was the olam who will not be hoodweenked any more

  38. To number 73. Please stop using the term daas Torah were it doesn’t apply. You are dilluting respect for authentic Daas Torah,

    Because someone has a beard, or runs a school, that does not give them daas torah. If they do it they with the right intentions, they may be askonim and Osek Btzorchei Tzibbur, but that is far from having Daas Torah

    Daas Torah is what you get, when you ask someone who learns all day a question, when they take a sort break from their learning and give you a responese, their words are Daas Torah.

    Many of those who you consider as having “Daas Torah” learn less then those who work all day and learn when they come home at night. No fault of there own, it is time consuming to run a Mossad.

  39. The only reason that more in our community voted 456 is because they did not know the issues-(not saying there is anything wroing with that) Those that care, and are aware voted 123. Look at the numbers from these comments alone, who we like better.

  40. To those who don’t understand why so many people voted for 123 and didn’t “trust you” that 456 is better.

    To you I say: “Trust me – 123 is even better!”

    (And if you’re wondering, who am I that you should trust me, I was wondering the same thing about you……)

  41. You have shown us your true colors and what side you are obvioulsy on.What about hakaros hatov for all Yoni Silver has done for the mosdos (ask most of them) It is achdus to throw him an incumbent under the bus?Dont just throw around the hakaros hatov verbage unless you use it honestly

  42. 123 LOST in the Yeshiva vote.

    The numbers tell the real story. The margin for 123 in the 3 heavily senior districts was about 900 – 38, (Districts 32,33, and 38 – the Enclave and Fairways.)

    See what really happened? It was 2 days after Pesach and the vast majority of the Oilam stayed home.

    Should 123 gloat that they basically won by the (mostly-anti) senior vote and by sowing Machlokus in the community?

    Time to ponder…

  43. Maybe some voters stayed home as a protest, after getting a robocall from Herschel. Perhaps to show their concern re. this election, they should have shown up and put in a write in, or type “NONE OF THE ABOVE”.

    How could the majority vote down the budget, which would not have been voted on, had the election been held in November, because the budget met the guidelines of ‘holding the line’ to less than a 2% increase? Interesting to see how the township committee handles this one! Maybe cut out courtesy bussing to save many dollars? Or, a token of $1.00, to indicate they understand how severe a budget was proposed, and should have passed.

  44. I have a feeling that many people voted NO on the budget simply because they didnt understand what the question was asking. Their Gobbledygook leaves alot to be desired for the average layman. Next time explain the question without the legalese and maybe more people would make an educated decision. Just maybe.

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