Lakewood EMS Rejects Township’s Offer, EMS To Be Privatized

EMS sign in snow_wmFIRST REPORT: 11:23 a.m. Lakewood EMS has rejected the Township’s offer of taking a 30% cut for its employees, TLS has learned. The rejection, which comes after months of negotiations and deliberations on both the Union and the Township’s parts, indicates that the EMS Department will now be privatized. It has come to the attention of TLS, that the Mayor and the Committee have directed the Township Manager to send out Layoff notices. The offer which would have kept the EMS department intact, had the option of either firing the EMS Supervisor Scott Carter and the employees taking a 30% cut in pay, or keeping the Supervisor and taking an additonal cut.

The Township gave the EMS until this morning to accept or reject the offer.

TLS will bring you all further updates on this developing story.

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  1. I will pray for the families of the EMS dept you did the right thing by not excepteing the slap in the face they tried to give you. You guys were great and I worry for my clients!

  2. I feel bad for these families , but guess what ? the township cannot continue to pay these EMT’s (a few paramedics) 72k salary plus full benefits, with a total package of over 100k a year, when EMT’s in other townships make $40-45 and in private agencies $25-$35. It is just not sustainable.

  3. Enjoy the increased response times, Enjoy the lack of experience, Now all the money the township saved could be used for all the lawsuits they have to pay out, I feel bad for the elderly, because the committee doesnt care about any of the retirement developments. Its a shame that when put to the test peoples true colors show, Some people just only care about their own kind, not ALL the people which is the reason for being Mayor, do what best for the town not just certain areas

  4. As a tax paying citizen, its good to see government run like a business.
    Now, it will be run efficiently as market dictates. Which ultimately will get you the best product for the best price, instead of just keeping status quo without any competition, thereby nobody watching the store.
    Just look how successful and efficient public schools are!
    Privatize them as well!

    I think part of the problem is people cant stand to see the private business get the contract (worrying someone may earn some money)even though they may not make any profit immediately.
    At the more competitive salaries, we’ll be able to afford more EMT’s and better response times.

  5. I’m sorry for the loss for the employees at the LEMS, its a shame the Mayor has other agenda’s that he’s more worried about the people that voted for him into office.

    Why does the committee members get $20,000 a year for a part time job, and get life medical benifets for them and their families??? No town in the area get nearly that much. If they are so desperate for money they should be taking a large cut for themselves.

  6. The EMTs are all YOUR kind.
    They are all experienced salaried workers hired by a private business.
    This is not hatzola.
    I’m sure with your savvy understanding of government and business, you suppory Obamacare.

  7. The EMTs are all YOUR kind.
    They are all experienced salaried workers hired by a private business.
    This is not hatzola.
    I’m sure with your savvy understanding of government and business, you suppory Obamacare.

  8. Lets save the taxes in this town. This was a very hard decision for the committe to make. I am sure that the scare tactics the union will try to make as you see from the above comments are not going to help. The private company has very capable responders who will do the job as well as the union tax wasting EMS.

    Can I get an answer as why a good majority of the industrial park dosn’t pay RE taxes why all the abatements? Do they hire so many Lakewood employess that they deserve the free ride?

    save our taxes!!!

  9. if one life gets lost, if one persons respond time isnt …… . i will personaly ask for MR. Langerts resignation letter. thats bc he said NOT ONE LIFE, NOT ONE PERSON. MR. langert i hope you know what ur doing, bc if not MR lagert your more than welcome to step down….

  10. Can someone explain how it’s possible that the current EMS can be better than a private company? The guys now always thought that their jobs were secure they had no fear of reprecusions if they “screw up”. A private commpany on the other hand will have to do a good job because they will be held accountable! Good bye to our dear EMS and welcome progress and efficiency!

  11. Way to go Mayor Langert…nice way to break up a good the fun begins..what rag tag company is going to take over running all the calls..and backing up the The fire service and responding to those little stupid calls…HEY guess what..those people that can not pay well they are going to be billing the town for the transports..NICE JOB !!! I need a new job.

  12. tyrone, please dont comment on things u dont understand. if you would have listen in the past u would have read, that they throw anyone out of school into the street to “play”. every squad thats not worried about money dosnt do that!! why? bc what they teach you in school isnt whats on the street. jewish or not has a period of when they teach you street smarts, they teach you to deal with ppl. how to run a call and get everyone home alive. privte companys couldnt care less about you. all they care is there money. and thats the bottom line. MR Langert i think u made a mistake.

  13. To #5-

    Not one private ambulance service pays $20-$25 an hour. The going rate is $13 an hour-no experience necesary. This is frightning. Superior EMT’s develope their skills not through books alone, but with experience. No private ambulance service will be able to show the compassion and understanding towards a frum patient as someone who has the experience in doing so. It is a very sad day for Lakewood-and I for one fear for the safety of my relatives in Lakewood. Let’s see how the private ambulance service handles their first gang violence call, or a call C”V involving a frum family andd modesty issues. Just hope that Lakewwod does background checks on your new “EMS” AKA private ambulance employees. At $13 an hour, you get what you pay for!!!!

  14. Have you ever been transported by taxi? What was it like to be transported by a taxi, how did you feel, how was the driver, how clean was the vehicle?

    Have you ever been transported by a car service? Wasn’t that experience more comfortable, wasn’t the driver more respectful, professional, courteous, wasn’t the vehicle clean, and didn’t the driver show experience?

    That is the difference between the private agency and the EMS Dept. The EMS Dept. shows respect, they act professional, have experience in treating the patients, make patients and family comfortable at the time when they need it, they come to work neat and clean, vehicles are clean, they take pride in their work and the community regardless of race, gender, age, etc….

    Now lets look at the private agency they look like they just came out of the wood work, don’t care about your problem or your family, scratch their heads to figure out what is wrong with you and don’t know how to properly take care of you when its very obvious because they just got out of EMT school. The private agency is refered to in one way as Lizard Slinging.

    I use this example because everyone thinks that an EMT and the EMS Dept. is just another taxi driver and taxi service, pick you up and just drop you off. I wish some of you only knew what the job was like, you would have so much more respect and understand the job alot better.

    I’m telling you now that EMS is gone your better off just rolling over and playing dead or applying some good old fashion home remedies.

  15. Just so everyone is clear the EMS department did not turn down the offer. All they did was make a counter offer. The Township Committee has wanted them out to take care of a friend. The EMS department offered a 15% pay cut as well as all of the other things the township wanted. Just so everyone knows the Township wants to disband the EMS department for approximately a cost of $150,000. You know why that is? That is because Lakewood EMS was going to keep the first responder cars which the private companies will not have. All of Lakewood needs to stand up and realize that the township committee’s salaries and benefits equal over $100,000 and if they were willing to share in the cuts maybe they could keep the EMS department. They are Shouldering it all against what Langert has stated. Police and Public works both got raises over the next four years. Shame on the committee for agreeing to give raises to the public works and cut the EMS. Lakewood residents now see that the garbage pick up is more important than EMS. How about making residents pay for there own Garbage pick up like Jackson does.

    Again I want to clarify the EMS department did not reject the offer they asked for clarification on several issues and asked to meet in the middle of pay cuts at 15%. The township is the one refusing to work with them. The EMS also gave the township several other ways to save money but refused to look at those or take them into account. They are pulling the wool over your eyes. That is why they violated negotiations and went to the press first. Is loosing the first responder cars and EMS department worth $150,000? Seniors and township residents you need to stand up now and demand these answers. These are the facts. Everyone must come to Thursday’s township meeting and voice their opinions. For the four voting committeeman you need to stand up and not be pressured by your other committeeman. You know what is right and you know you can make $150,000 cuts throughout the township.


  17. Also this was the only offer given by the township there have been no negotiations and they have only continually asked what else can you give back. Why is it the EMS personnel’s decision on firing Scott Carter or not? He is not in their union. The township hired him they should fire him if they want him gone. Talk about the committee being cowards.

  18. We voted them in to power just so that a few “powers that be” can take hold of them and get the thing$ they need!! I am sick of this system! What happened to being honest and working for the ENTIRE community??

  19. EMS cant have it both ways. and Brick is 35-45 so they will still be higher than the highest. Stop the disinformation. ALL CAN BE CONFIRMED if someone has the guts to face the truth

  20. I wonder what is next. Do you think the Townshp will cut back on the extra Police hired at an overtime rate to patrol the Jewish neighborhoods during passover?

  21. So you don’t think the EMS taking 15% pay cut plus 7.5% toward there insurance plus giving up benefits for some employees plus decreasing the cost of the billing company by 5% and no raises for duration of a 3 year contract is giving back? How about the committee chipping by reducing there salary and paying for benefits. So you know if the EMS took the 30% and everything else the committee wants The township committee would be making half of what the EMS do. They save lives the committee decides that public works can get a raise for three years but the EMS can’t stay with their counter offer. Garbage pick up over lifesaving wow. What a decision. The Township screwed up by giving the police and public works dept. raises so now the EMS suffer. Planning on their part. It is very obvious that the committee is taking care of someone here at a cost.

  22. most emt that work for the private companes r part of a ems from the town they come from so they have the same exp. all the companes that gave a offer r going to have at least 3 ambulances wich is more then what u have now and btw any of u who realy knows the facts abt the response time knows it not that gr8!

  23. To EMS did not turn down the offer says: don’t drag DPW into, we are one of the lowest paid in the township. Even with our coming raises the average salary will be $37,000. We do more then pick up garbage. Our rack and file supported your fight, but if u feel that way about us GOOD Ridance.

  24. Will the elected officials, the very ones, who made the decisions to raise the taxes, borrow and create the debt that exists, EVER be held accountable for their actions???

    The question is rhetorical, because the answer is NO. It is an unfortunate truth, of our self-centered, back-alley dealing, greedy culture, that we so fondly refer to as good ole’ american “capitalism” that makes a mokery of middle-class, hard-working, “Main Street” familes and takes far too much pleasure, in decisions like this one, in reminding them of their insignificant contributions to our livlihood.

    Those of you who have commented on EMS salaries and benefits…
    it is difficult to understand anyone who would begrudge a person the ability to support themselves and their families; and after having loyally worked for the township (or any company) for 15-20+ years, do they not deserve, not only their jobs and the retirement they’ve worked so hard for, but also our thanks and support for the hundreds of thousands of lives they’ve saved. Apparently not.

    And for those of you who have said, “Yay, it’s about time”….I wonder, how long it will be before you’re in the same position. No? Don’t think it will happen to you? I sincerely hope it doesn’t, but chances are, the Piper will come knocking on your door as well, and maybe you might understand how ignorant your lack of compassion actually is.

    And to you, members of the Lakewood Township Committee, I do sincerely hope that you are quite proud, of your ever so arrogant actions in this matter, as it would appear that your decision, is less about true budgetary constraints and more about the unorthodox practices and “deals” that you and your predessors have made for years, behind closed doors. As well as, your attempt to hide these very practices with your vague “corrective action plans” at the cost of
    health and well-being of the very people you have sworn to serve.

    Very sad. But, rest assured, that bell will toll for you as well.
    God Bless, all the EMS workers, their families and the people of Lakewood.

  25. DPW yes I agree with you. I think you would agree that all the cuts they have offered would be sufficient and you know as well as I do they can afford the difference between 15% and 30%. You do not get paid enough and yes you do a lot more. But some of the things they could do to cut and save EMS they are not willing to do. Such as taking care of the landscaping at Blue Claws why? I feel the EMS should take the 15% and you should get it but we don’t need new garbage cans. How about the two garbage trucks they bought that didn’t work and were told didn’t work. They are talking about a new township building why would you do that over saving EMS? This town is corrupt and will crumble eventually I hope I am not here to see it on the other hand maybe it would be nice to see. I am sorry if you were offended its just the point. I agree with your raises but I do not agree with them getting rid of the EMS.

  26. As a past employee of Lakewood Township, I know for a fact that there are many things that can be cut in order to keep EMS where they rightfully belong!! I guess the Township Committee has forgotten that these employees have families. I don’t see any of them standing up to give up any of their benefits. This town has been in a sad shape for a very long time. I watched, as many others have, how much this town has changed and how many sell outs for certain PEOPLE!!! Lakewood is no longer the town that I was proud to say I grew up in!!! DIVERSITY is no longer!!! Sad, sad, sad!!! I am so sorry to the employees, if in fact the Committee gets its way. You can be sure that whomever comes in to replace them has a friend on that Committee or is a friend of a friend.

  27. #30- You are absolutely incorrect. Being a volunteer in a township that has this private ambulance arrangement, my chief who works for the same “Chashuve” ambulance service, is doing nursing home transports while a rookie EMT is doing EMS in our down. Being a first responder here as well, I am FRIGHTENED at the caliper of EMT’s responding during the day- I see first hand. I have a home office and am forced to respond to the serious daytime calls, leave my work behind, just to make sure the level of care is not degraded. If I did not have 3 yeshiva tuitions and a mortgage (Yes-I am a taxpayer) I would be riding for this paid service as a matter of Pikuach Nefesh. The incompetance is very real-as you shall see very shortly. By the way-no service will give you 3 trucks to answer calls-nor will you get a helicopter either. The state controls the Medevacs and no service will have an extra 2 ambulances sitting around not billing someone. Learn the facts- I did from EXPERIENCE!!

  28. Everyone in the town save the EMS. $2 from every resident would save the EMS department. Can we all spare two cups of coffee to save the EMS. Let’s get real township committee.

  29. lets move to the DPW now. Alot of towns have private contracts with garbage removal companies it will save us boat loads of money.

  30. I live and work in Lakewood and this makes my blood curl!!!! So if I get into an accident or injured in town and need to go to the hospital I have to depend on someone hired off the street that just submitted an application, has ZERO experience in dealing with the kind of situations we have here in Lakewood? Roll-overs, stab wounds, gunshot wounds, etc…… And for the Record I don’t recal Steve Langert being on any ballot for MAYOR!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was Singer!!!

  31. And being a non Jewish member of Lakewood’s community this totally offends me!!!!!! Oh I forgot the Jewish Community has Hatzolah! and the rest of us get the LOWEST BIDDER!!!!!!!!!! VERY NICE LAKEWOOD GOOD JOB!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to get out of this town, but my house is not for sale I’ll rent it out to 50 people at $500 a month like some of the slum lords in this town!!!!!!!!! I may as well make a buck

  32. steve you were put in office with a mandate by the people “CUT SPENDING”good job on ems public works and pd should be next dont be satisfied we need more cuts

  33. I think Mr. Langert is out to save us taxpayers some money!! That is why we voted him in!! Why can’t people understand that some people must lose their jobs? The EMS works for the taxpayers too.

  34. I am a tax paying voter. I do not agree with the township decision. what Did Daas Torah say to do this??? Balance the budget by getting rid of your pet projects, not hard working tax paying citizen’s Jobs. This is disgraceful. I’m on unemployment and I would pay the $2 to save he EMS.

  35. It looks like the non jewish community is out on thier own but what comes around goes around and this will come back to bit everyone who is saying good job. I also know that the small amount of scoop bloggers don’t speek for the whole Jewish community. Saying look at the PD next read the press you might not be smart enough to know what you are living next door to but they are smart enough to know who makes a pefect victim Lakewood would be the perfect place to (do buisness) without PD around WAKE UP! The PD is already short staffed.

  36. Is thier really a chance to save the EMS? Also Public works, Fire and Police some many of the towns people think you are great don’t let a few bloggers make you defend your job. You are all great! and they should really investigate how much it accually costs to not have public works call some machester people thier taxes are not much lower but the price to get thier garbage picked up is very high!!!

  37. this EMS didnt say no business is a lie. And the numbers and other information being offered are also lies. They are locked in a union straitjacket, but is anyone asking their union to release them to do the right thing and save their jobs? no.
    Because this union, just like the teachers union, doesn’t care about its members. It just has its agenda and whatever doesn’t fit that goal is expendable.
    No neighboring town pays what we do. IF they took the 30% cut, they would still be higher paid than the HIGHEST paid person in Brick EMS, definitely higher than Howell, Manchester, etc. Not to mention all the towns around here that have NO paid EMS, only volunteers and private contractors.
    I don’t see people dying left and right in those towns, and they won’t here either.
    In the Gov’s words, the bill is due. Will they pay it or will they burn their own double-wide trailers down?

  38. Okay, it is obvious all towns are looking to cut costs. Let’s not get too crazy about new EMT’s coming out of class and getting hired. All EMS personnel, paid or vilunteer, was once in the same position as a NEW EMT. It’s all about the individual, not the newness of the position. It is ludicrous to think a newly graduated EMT would have the experience of a 10 year EMT so that argument is not valid.
    That being said, it is absolutely ridiculous the logic that the Township Committee is using to try and convince their constituents to agree and accept this moronic decision to cut these dedicated individuals out of jobs that they perform with a high degree of professionalism ON EVERY CALL, whether it be back pain, a shooting victim, a hospice patient or a simple transport. Come on Mayor, do you think we all don’t know what you are doing here. How about all of you take the first paycuts. then your decision might be a little more palatable and your citizens might actually believe that you are doing it in their best interests. As it stands now, you are only opening the door to questionable practices in your own house.
    Best wishes to all those currently serving on LEMS, you have a lot to be proud of, regardless of how this turns out. Your dedication to your jobs needs to be applauded. And to all the residents of Lakewood, I think all of you should give at least $10.00 to help hang on to the service that you are provided. It will be returned to you ten times over.

  39. i think its great how the Lakewood EMS employees had to learn of todays events by reading it here…..lets hear it fot the township committee…….

  40. Because of possbile privitizing of EMS,will Lakewood need the federal or state Government to bail us out in two years? Wall Street & private banks needed their help.
    Suggestions: The Lakewoof Township committee needs to cut their salaries 50%. The citizens in favor of privitization , I recommend cutting your salaries & donate it to EMS.

  41. Well since all 4 private services that bid agreed to provide the same if not better service, I am wondering if there will be a first responder vehicle on during the hours 7a-11p covering the senior developments, just as EMS has provided.

  42. Lakewood is different than the surrounding towns. It is poorer. It is older. It has a large undocumented population. It has diversity. It has large families. It has a mumps outbreak. It has industry and related industrial accidents. It has a large pedestrian population. It has Route 9 running through it. It needs a competent paid 24 hour EMS department.

  43. If they take the cut they will be the lowest paid township on this area. I think prop a ganda should get his facts straight before he speaks.

  44. I’d like one person to answer what the heck this has to with “Jewish”or not Jewish!! This was a cost cutting decision that was made by the township commitee. So “Lakewood Cop”stop with your sarcasm. And all the others who keep implying that this is a Jew vs non-Jew issue;why don’t you clarify yourselves?? It’s always easy to throw the Jew word in since it gets some emotions running high and just riles up the crowd but it just doesn’t make any sense over here,so STOP IT!!

  45. 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Service operates in the background of our lives every day. Then, one day we need to make that call. We expect an answer to the phone call and a responder to appear before the situation gets worse. Already this may be the worst day of our lives. It’s not the time to be let down. If the ball gets dropped here, there is no forgetting about it. The stakes are too high. Lakewood’s EMS First Responder cars must be retained regardless of any privatization, Mr Mayor & Township Committeemen you need to ensure that we will still continue to have these cars available in the Senior Communities.

  46. Billybee,
    The Jew vs non jew issue is due to the fact that……. 1) who is the majority on the commitee? 2) who has their own private EMS and nothing to lose if LEMS is here or not?
    The answers are clear!
    Oh and i forgot to mention, I am “one of them”!! 🙂

  47. Commitee guys,
    Keep up the good work. You know whenever you do a good thing, the special interests always are against it.

    EMS guys, people employed by private companies are getting laid off all over the place. Yet somehow these govt employess think they are entitled to guaranteed lifetime employment.

    Hey EMS guys, nobody said you aren’t doing a great job, but you gotta live in the real world. Thousands of people are getting laid off daily, regardless of the fact that they are doing a good job, because companies need to stay solvent. So too the govt, (who is taxing us to death) needs to get lean. It needs to be run like a business.

    Enough whining, and live in the real world. Govt needs to answer to its shareholders just like corporations need to answer to it’s shareholders.

    Enough of these phony doomsday predictions that people will be dying due to this privatizations! You know it isn’t true, so stop it!

  48. “Govt needs to answer to its shareholders just like corporations need to answer to it’s shareholders.”

    Where i work,,, everybody took a pay cut, from the president down to the trash guy!! How about the committee showing some compassion and biting the bullet themselves?

  49. I am sick to my stomach. Reading some of these comments is giving me a bad case of agita. Agita my fellow landsman means heartache. Indigestion. Etc.    

    Thank you Tony for teaching me this great Italian word. Just like there is no good English word that captures the essence of the Yiddish word chutzpah. There is no good English word that captures the essence of the Italian word agita. 

    The cause of my agita is due to many peoples misconception: (especially reading some of the comments here on the scoop) 

    The EMS issue should NOT be construed as us vs. them. No it is not.  

    I know MANY orthodox Jews that are very upset about the proposed changes. 

    I also have spoken with quite a few non Jewish people that think that privatization is the way to go. 

    Some of the comments here on the scoop and on app are quite frankly racist and stereotypical in nature.

    We orthodox and non orthodox Jews don’t think as a group. We each have our own minds. Some people are for change; some STRONGLY against. 

    To cast aspersions on an entire group of people as some commentators have done is reckless and borderline antisemetic. 

    Just because a member of the committee that happens to be orthodox proposes a solution that may or may not be the correct route, why are you commentators casting aspersions on all my people and making this us vs. Them. 

    How pathetic!! 
    How wrong!! 
    How morally reprehensible!!!! 

    There are two sides to each issue 
    Discuss the issues.
    Debate the ISSUES 
    That’s what America is all about. 
    This is not Iran. 
    We don’t kill each other when we disagree.  We discuss the issues respectfully.  

    I pray to G-d that the EMS issue and all important issues should be decided by the powers to be with the help and guidance  of G-d.

  50. To “Concerned Cop”
    It is “cops” like you that we need OUT of our town. And your day WILL come! And to all those that are implying that this is a Jewish vs Non-Jewish issue,this is totally a cost cutting move by the township at a time that the entire country is being hit with cuts and painful measures. I sincerely feel terrible for the affected families but who is not being hurt these days?? Does anyone want to foot the slash in my household income- approximately 40% lower that 6 months ago??? We are all in this together unfortunately. We are in a terrible recession and EVERYONE IS AND WILL BE AFFECTED-PERIOD!! The town has to make a decision and they have from a financial standpoint.

    One question I do have to all thos implying this is an affront to the Non-Jewish community-who was the one that wrote a letter to Scott Carter offering a years supply of medical supplies as a means of trying to help alleviate the EMS expenses so that they can stay on?? Who was that? Was it the “concerned cop”? Was it some very concerned senior? Was it the results of a solicitation of funds by the Non-Jewish community?…… The answer is a resounding NO-it was a company named Dealmed based in Lakewood-A JEWISH OWNED COMPANY. So stop with that “the Jews have Hatzolah and don’t care”….attitude. True,we don’t use the EMS all that much but just the same as we pay most of our property taxes into a school system that we don’t use at all so too we support the lifesaving efforts of the EMS. As stated before, this is just one way the town is desperately trying to save money. If you ask me,it’s about time we have a politician that is ready to take such heat just to do what he feels is right. He is the first politician that I recall that promised to fight to lower taxes here and is at the very least TRYING his best to do so!

  51. Why was there no discussion about changing the EMS billing deparment practices. A more aggressive billing department, along with a payment from every household for EMS insurance was suggested. This plan along with aten percent pay cut and three year pay freeze should make any losses from the department minimal. Along with a Township Committee pay, and insurance cut, and we could actually realize a gain.

  52. This is sad news. Lakewood EMS are highly trained professionals. They understand how to handle the types of calls that occur within this community. The First Responder cars are also an important part, and the Senior Community depends on the Lakewood EMS team as well. Please reconsider and save this department.

  53. How correct you are.
    As an orthodox Jewish member of Lakewood myself, I agree with you Both 100% this is not us versus them.
    Thanks for setting the record straight.

  54. To Anon at 8:15

    IF ,and I repeat IF you are “one of them” then you are just another self-hating Jew. In any case since you “are one of them” you just prove my point-there are plenty of Jews that have been fighting this all along ALTHOUGH we don’t use their service much. Just take a look back at the pics from the PBA awards ceremony and you’ll see plenty of Jewish guys alongside their Non-Jewish comrades standing in solidarity with the EMS. The fact that the majority of the commitee is Jewish means nothing. This was and is a financial decision and is no different than any other decision taken on by the township. And btw-if anyone outside of the Jewish community would like to start a volunteer ambulance squad,I highly doubt there would be any objections! Is it our fault that we have a superbly trained and most importantly dedicated ambulance force that will do anything to save lives-ANYTHING?? Hatzolah is around for decades in Jewish communities AROUND THE WORLD. It is not to be held against us that we don’t need the services of the EMS. There are many things in the town that the Jewish community has no benefit from. Has ANY commitee member ever suggested eliminating it? And now- why don’t you check your lineage?!

  55. billybee don’t think just because someone calls themselves a cocerned cop means they are a cop. However just like some people feel that the townshipship feels the cuts and more cuts are the way to go a lot of non jews feel like they are left in the cold with this. we don’t have Hatzola and just like it stings you to hear non jews say this is a jew non jew issue, it stings to hear the comments having such little concern for the public employees of this town. This town is not as safe as people may think and to know EMS will not know how to get where they need to go becuase GPS can’t keep up with all the new streets is a scary thought. As a non Jew I can say I feel that this is a leave them out in the cold move, and with the other comments made I can see this town does not always care about the good of ALL the people of the town.

  56. To Anonymous at 9:11

    I cannot talk for others,however I DO SINCERELY care for all those affected especially for the EMS workers who are bound to either lose their full paycheck or a large chunk of it. They have families to support just as we all do. But to read the comments made here and worse yet on is sickening!! And again-we hover somewhere near a 10% unemployment rate;why honestly is the EMS immune to the economy? There are layoffs across the board daily at a mad pace. This is SAD to say the least,and believe me I know what it means. As I said my household income(and I do not study in Rabbinical college) was slashed approximately 40% since approx 6 months ago. Why is a public servant different than a private employee? This is not to say this is the right decision since I do not know all the fiancial negotiation,offers,counteroffers and any other proposals were made to help keep them AND STILL trim the budget. However,the people that run this town that know more than you and I at least on the financial end of things have made a decsion. I sincerly hope it is a well educated one,but I feel comfortable saying that if Langert was willing to take on this heat,he knows what he’s talking about. At the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters in my eyes. The hatred MUST stop once and for all.

    Good Night

  57. Stop saying its not us vs them!!!
    If we wouldnt have hatzolah and would rely on the LEMS would you want this change?? BE HONEST!!!!

  58. Its time for a protest on the township square. Isnt this what the town square is for . Take this forum to the town square. Its time for the people to stand up and show this committee what the people want. It seems again, like this past sunday, those we elect into offices that are owned by the people, arent listening to the people

  59. There are many points made here, and the anonymous person who complains about the low rate of pay the private services offer are partially correct. Of course, he or she didn’t bother checking his spelling – very professional. To think though that our tax money has been paying for LEMS’ budget shortfalls because of their incredibly inflated salaries is to think that the supporters of LEMS are extremely ignorant. You talk about thier professionalism, but do you recall the $72k+ a year “professionals” doing doughnuts in township vehicles at First Energy Park? If not, check on You Tube. Another argument is that they are more sensitive to the Jewish Community and their needs, but isn’t that why we have Hatzolah? Doesn’t Hatzolah work very closely with one of the private services to provide paramedic care? Maybe that service is also very senstive to the needs of the Jewish Community considering they have been working with Hatzolah for about 20 years? All I can say is let’s keep an open mind and keep an eye on whatever service is chosen and be happy that the LEMS union was too greedy to accept the offer that would still have is in debt.

  60. As an Orthodox Jewish resident of Lakewood I think it’s a terrible decision to outsource the EMS. I’ll be the first one to rail against Big Government. But government at the local level tends to be many times a completely different story.
    We all understand the need to reign in spending and balance the budget, but our devoted EMS personal is not the place to start. I was once serviced by them in an extremely courteous and professional manner. I have a lot of hakoras hatov, appreciation, towards them
    I would like to suggest that we organize a rally in their support. How about Thursday or Sunday noon in the Town Square. I think you’d be surprised to see many orthodox Jews coming out to support them.

  61. I recently posted a response to some of the horrible comments entitled “how sad!!!” bemoaning the us versus them mentality of some bloggers 

    Jay, an orthodox Jewish man proves my point. Not all people agree with the position of the township in regard to the privatization of EMS. Some orthodox Jewish people are for the change; others oppose it.

    Why the stereotyping? Why? 

  62. How wrong you are. 
    I direct your attention to commentator #64 above.  

    It is possible that Some people that use the services of hatzolah are not happy with the proposed changes because it would put a strain on all volunteer services. 

    You too my friend are falling into the us versus them trap. 

    It is not true. There are many people of all faiths And ages on both sides of the issue. 

    Some seniors are for change.  Some against.
    Some orthodox Jews are for change. Some against. 
    Some non Jewish people are for change.  Some are against. 

    As poster 64 said so eloquently:
    debate the issues. Not the people. 
    Good night

  63. To big talker,
    I work for the township already for no salary or insurance. And to Jay. Great idea. Let’s have a rally. Sounds like it may send a message. Is six o’clock good for everybody? Township meeting starts at seven I believe. Any EMS workers own a megaphone?

  64. to Senior Taxpayer: if EMS goes the first responder cars go will be left with what ever is the low bidding medical transport agency the Township pics…sorry but that is the way of the dime bounces..

  65. blah blah blah everyone’s a pundit now.Now yes Jock is strapped for cash, but yee haw lemme go brush mah tooth. we dont need no LEMS here, any ol’ amberlance will do jest fahn. and iffin I don’ make it, just pop me in a hole inna backyerd

  66. What will happen to the Volunteer First Aid Squad if the township decides to go private?? Will a private company allow a volunteer squad to take a call if they don’t have a rig in town available?? or they will make the patient wait for them to get a rig into town and suffer while that happens????

  67. Great idea to push a rally to support at the town square prior to the meeting…
    Are any permits needed to do so? Is someone going to make it an official rally? Will this wonderful blog make it a news story letting everyone know to show up?

  68. Please come show support for the taxpayers (and the committee) in this town come to the township committee meeting March 25th 7PM 231 3rd Street.

  69. All should heed Harold’s logic regarding a 20% pay cut fpr Committe members. Someone tell me why thay are exempt. As I stated in my earlier post, they should be the first to set the example. And big talker, before you open your uneducated mouth, no one is asking the Committee member to work for free, just take a matching pay cut.

  70. just so the difference is known…in the past few weeks a back up ambulance has been needed to assist lakewood ems, anyone know were they were coming from?????lets see….1st time was lakehurst, 2nd time was whiting, and 3rd time was forked river….then there have been multiple calls at nursing homes for cardiac problems, diffficulty breathing, and pulseless patients.guess what, they called lakewood ems due to the private service who has a contract to serve 911 treatment long response times……this is what the private service will be able to provide lakewood twp…….i commend the committee on the research they have done on private services….

  71. At least the response time will come down drastically no more waiting for lengthy turnarounds or waiting for the volies or finally calling quality (who never has a problem covering the jobs ! )
    So its defiantly a win win for the end user

  72. Why do we elect such a bunch to represent us? Because we ALL don’t VOTE. Get smart people, if your not happy SHOW IT ON EACH NOVEMBER ELECTION DAY FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS and be sure to elect people who will do whats right. Send them all back to their old lives, before they cost us everything. Sorry guys but a few sheckles a household don’t mean cut EMS. Wake up. Its not us vs. them, we are all Lakewood residents. STand up and be heard. Get out , Support EMS, and then Vote. Butterworth for mayor


  74. I would like the thank the scoop for being the ones to let the EMS know they were losing their jobs seeing as the commitee didn’t have the forsight to tell the squad themselves before going to the press. I as well as all of the other family members of these workers appreciate the support you gave the squad. In the end it is a useless as the commitee had their minds up the day they announced that they wanted to out source. The people of Lakewood need to wake up the EMS is just the start.

  75. Congrats to the township committee for recognizing todays truth. We just cannot afford these services any longer. For anyone who thinks the private ambulance companies will be worse, it just shows you don’t know what you are talking about. Two of the private companies that bid are first class operations. I didn’t read about them taking township equipment to do donuts in a snow storm! Did you know the private companies offered to put THREE ambulances in our town? Today we have two and a car. Who do you think is going to respond better? EMS has been taking us for a ride, so it’s about time we cut our costs! Chicken Little in so many towns in NJ didn’t see the sky fall when they privatized EMS. Ask Jackson! Next up? Good point on the township committee salaries and benefits.

  76. Can someone please confirm or deny the facts regarding:

    – $72,000 Base Salary
    – Full Benefits Package valued at $25,000

    Total Compensation nearly $100,000?

    FOR EMT”s?

    At this rate, they should be using exclusively Paramedicts/ Critical Care Nurses, even physician assistants.

    I feel TERRIBLE for those who are being affected by this, but in this climate there are cuts being made everywhere, and the first to go should be those that are making 2-3 times the market norm. Yes, EMT’s are in the life saving business, and if it were up to me, they should make a million dollars a year. BUT its only 120 hours of schooling, and the market norm for an EMT is $12-$14 an hour.

    I am sorry to say this, but as a tax payer in this town, I would demand from officials that they cut these salaries drastically to bring them in line with what others in the area are getting.

    From salary research

    Average US salaries:


    Firefighter EMT

    Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic

    Picu RN

    RN Picu

    **** Unless the number about the LEMS salaries are wrong, something in this township is VERY wrong************

  77. If everyone pays their fair share of the taxes this town would be rich also taxes will never go down no matter what cuts are made

  78. When the first call that gets responded to by Hatzola and not the new service, we will be waiting for the first call that goes to the new service and not LFAS. Discrimination will cause your township to pay more in legal fees then it will save by laying them off. Inform the public why it is ok for the Jewish run ambulance service (Hatzola volunteers) to be allowed to operate and not the non-Jewish ones.
    Those answers will be found out.

  79. To Get Real: You say its not us vs. them but then you use the incendiary phrase “Sorry guys but a few sheckles a household don’t mean cut EMS.” I wonder, would you really use this terminology “shekels” if the Mayor was not Jewish? I wonder… actually I don’t, your true colors always come out.

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