JUST IN: In a last-minute turnabout, the Lakewood BOE voted minutes ago not to divert federal Title 1 moneys from Lakewood Mosdos to privately-run preschools. Facing mounting protest from a coalition of mosdos and taxpayers, the Board abandoned its plan to expand its preschool program at the expense of educationally-needy children enrolled in our mosdos at all grade levels, through 8th grade. In other action, the Board acted to award preschool funds to the Special Children’s Center with 2 stipulations. First, that the costs would be trimmed to match the lowest bid. And secondly, that there will be no shift of this cost to local taxpayers, if federal funding ends. Both of these concerns were hard-fought by the Lakewood Associations Council, (LAC), Lakewood’s taxpayer watchdog organization, which has established a reputation as the voice and conscience of the Lakewood taxpaying community. Funding for the Children’s Center preschool will not come from Title 1 funding for our mosdos. Chesky Seitler of LAC and Aaron Stefansky on behalf of the mosdos worked hand-in-hand, tirelessly in coordinating this resounding victory, and are to be congratulated for their hard work. While there was initially some debate among the mosdos whether to work through quiet diplomacy or a public protest campaign, resistance to the plan was virtually unanimous from the beginning. At the end, quiet diplomacy proved more effective. The BOE members were persuaded to drop the diversion plan, and achdus prevailed. A true Kiddush HaShem.
BREAKING NEWS: Justice Wins. BOE Backs Down [Featured Story]
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Always First with the breaking Scoop, with a positive tone, and the facts. Shkoiach!
maybe the LAC can replace the VAAD. Are they backing Charlie?
Why didn’t you ‘mention’ that it was not until a raucous Tuesday nite meeting with the Cheder leadership, when confronted with a vote to have all talmidim in Lakewood mosdos come home from school with a letter asking all parents to come to a hafgana at the lakewood High School, that MI caved-in and agreed to drop the diversion proposal. You call that “quiet diplomacy”?
Your too-humble reporter did not mention the HUGE role played by TLS in exposing this scheme. If not for the TLS, the BOE would have gotten away with it. True, the LAC and mosdos stepped-up to the plate, but TLS put this story on everybody’s radar. Nowhere else wa this scam covered. So YOU stopped it.
You call that a victory? Not to have the 9 people I elected to the BOE pickpocket me while I sleep, only because they were caught red-handed?
Get me outta his town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come support Officer John Wilson as he righteously represents the honor , pride and courage of an upstanding & outstanding police officer. He proudly and meticulously serves upon his duties each and every day . Being a honorable role model and great friend in times of need. As a resident of Lakewood and parent of 3 children knowing that we are safe because he does his job and does it well is what matters in these rough times we are all facing. SECURITY and SAFETY is what it comes down to. He is One of the FEW GOOD MEN !!!! We support 100% and so should YOU!!!!!
Finally, a group of oskei betzarchei tzibbur, that ONLY has the tzibbur’s best interest in mind. Replace the Vaad!!
You forgot to mention that the funds wil come only from the public school portion of pre school funding not the private portion
You forgot to mention when you call the board of ed pick pocketers ,so you should be careful with your guilty by association, as one of the boe members is a lac guy and he helped make this happen “way to go YS”!!!!
wHAT ABOUT cATAPULT ? That is tens of millions . They must be next on the Agenda .
special children’s center is opening a preschool?
its yom hadin for all the askanim and powers to be that were and continue to steal from the lkwd tax payer as long as they don’t get caught! thanks TLS gotta expose all the backdoor deals
While the article is very complimentary of myself, I would like to let the oilam know that all of our efforts would have been for naught if not for the 11th hour intervention by Reb Aron Kotler of BMG. He was the one who actually closed the deal and deserves credit for doing so. On behalf of the Kehillah- Yasher Koach.
(while many are going to say all kinds of things, ask anyone involved and you will hear that it is the truth)
I am afraid that the Board gave in on this ,hoping that nobody will have the stomach for another fight . The reality is that the Catapult NO BID situation is ten times more important than this . We cant give up . Once the walls of Dictatorship start rumbling ,they usually can fall fast .
If you are giving credit to everyone who was involved, what about R’ Meir Hertz? He was a driving force behind the whole idea. R’ Aron Rottenberg and R’ Yedidya Perr as well. All the mosdos administrators who boldly came out against it. And of course TLS for making it happen.
Just making sure everyone gets fair credit.
To the Lakewood Scoop:
What will you answer be this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when the Bais Din Shel Maala will ask you why are you permitting so much Loshon Hara etc. to be written on your site? What will your answer be to the Isur of L’fnie Ivair? What will your answer to be as to why are you being Machzik B’Machlokes and allowing others to be Machzik B’Machlokes (by printing many of the comments)? And what about the Onaas Devorim?
Without mentioning names many of thr askanim involved are usually on the other side of the fence when it comes to protecting their own turf. If only evreyone would always look out for the best interest of the tzibbur and taxpayers , a gut yur.