FIRST REPORT: Jaime Gonzalez, the man suspected of involving Lakewood Police and other agencies in a massive 2009 gun battle which left five Lakewood Officers injured, was found guilty on multiple charges moments ago.
Gonzalez, now 43, was found guilty on 5 attempted murder charges, and all weapons and drug charges, sources tell TLS. Each Attempted Murder charge and first degree Drug Charge carries a 20 year prison sentence.
The guilty verdict, handed down by Judge Hodgson at the County Courthouse, comes about 10 days after the trial began.
Police raided Gonzalez’s home on a no-knock warrant in theearly morning hours of September 24, 2009. A gun battle of about 150 rounds ensued, and left five Lakewood Police Officers injured – four with gunshot wounds. TLS.
Lets this piece of garbage rot away in prison until he dies!!!!!……..oh wait he was a great guy right?
How many were shot by friendly fire? Isn’t the training quite extensive?
Although he had the weapons illegally and he attempted to shoot the cops I don’t believe he had a fair trial
One never knows what a person is capable of doing and just because a person may appear good, does not mean that they are not capable of such horific acts. I know Jamie I guess he was not what he appeared to be.. Justice was served – God Bless the Officers injured in this 2009 gun battle.
Obviously not a fair trial at all!!!! The cops shot themselves, how clear is that??????????? Mayb they should have had trial in different county because as soon as a cop is shot they automatically need a conviction…. It just does not make sense.
He had illegals guns, drugs and cash in his house and you think he was good and had an unfair trial?!?!? Give me a break. He got everything he deserved!!! The swat team is highly trained and If it wasn’t for that (moderated) no one would have been shot. And all the cops did not get friendly fire!!!!, get the facts right
Ask yourself why the ATF or the FBI didn’t wanted to testify? I bet if he was white things would have been different.
We the people no matter what color or race should be treated EQUALLY but not in Ocean CTY. This is (moderated)
Ask yourselves this if it was friendly fire why were they firing in the first place? The answer is because he had a gun pointed at the police and pulled the trigger. Who he hit or if he actually hit anyone is irrelevant. He had a house full of illegal weapons and drugs, pointed and fired a gun at or at the very least in the direction of law enforcement officers. The color of his skin has nothing to do with this his actions have everything to do with it. Grow up and except the fact that he broke the law and has to pay the price. I mean he’s still alive right?
You might have won the battle,but we will WIN the WAR!!!!
One of the Juror knew Mr Gonzalez,and didn’t like him
#2 Non , the defense tried to claim that Gonzales didn’t shoot anyone and it was only friendly fire. The prosecutor proved otherwise and the jury agreed. The defense always try’s to blame the police or the victim. Gonzalez even tried to claim the drugs found in his pocket wasn’t his and he didn’t know how they got there.
Hey Alex, maybe there was enough evidence that they didn’t need to testify. A good defense attorney would have ordered them to testify. DON’T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CAN’T DO THE TIME!
“didn’t wanted to testify”? You sound so well educated. And really the race card? This is why racisim will never die because of ignorant people like you.
why are my comments are not posted? how long does it take for moderation?
You People Talk Alot Of Nonsense.Ok He Was Found Guilty And He Did What He DId Due To Other Situations That Has Happened In THe PaSt .But If You Didn’t Really Know Him Just (moderated)
FYI the attemped murder charge is what was unfair. How can you charge someone who did not shoot anyone with attempted murder?? And everyone can have their own opinion ok, so you get your facts straight!!!
You have got to be kidding me. The cops shot themselves? Or better yet, if he was white this wouuldnt have happened. Stupidity suupported by stupidity. I love when people have drugs and break the law yet somehow we want to blame the officers that brought this criminal down. THOSE OFFICERS WILL BE THE ONES YOU CALL WHEN YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT…Idiots
Sounds fishy to me
You plan on fighting a “war”? With whom?? You wanna join the ranks of “sweet angels” like Gonzalez?
Jaime thought he was invincible.but he wasn’t what I don’t think everyone knows is that he had two home invasion robberies not to long before.this happened it may not forgive his actions but may shed some light
He should never see sunlight again and anyone else who tries to follow his way should rot away and may God Bless the Officers injured
He shot at cops trying to kill them that’s attempted murder!!!!!! He got everything he deserved !!!! It’s great let him die in prison
Mr. Gonzalez has proved by his actions he does not belong on the street’s. I hope he has a nice long life in jail and thinks of what his life could have been…. enjoy PRISON
Only trouble is now tax payers have to pay for his room and board till he dies. We should have the death penalty for (moderated) like this.
We love you Double J keep your head up.Have Faith….
why ya erase our comments???? have faith…we love you
This is only one of many who nedd to be taken off the streets. He is covering up for someone else. Let this be a lesson to the others stkll infecting our world.
This guy lost before the trial started. once you have a legal aid representing you.. you already lose. They never even brought up the fact that this guy been robbed multiple times. and if all the bullets found at the scene were in the ceiling then whose gun hit the police….smh. just poor representation.
If there was a gun battle it could have been the same police members who shot eachother he probably shot one at least but all four of them ? That makes no sense . Ohh right cause you know they’re cops and obviously they aren’t going say the truth even if one of them did shoot the other cop(s) . But sense he had drugs and illegal weapons in his house they just put the blame on Jaime. Maybe I’m wrong but I know Jaime, yeah it’s pretty surprising but there’s no way I would believe he shot all four of those cops .