Updated BREAKING NEWS: Jeffrey Williamson, a Lakewood housing inspector, charged with taking more than $15,000 in bribes over the last two years, was arrested this morning as part of the wide-sweeping corruption probe by the FBI. About 30 other officials and ‘Rabbis’ from New Jersey and New York were also arrested. Real-estate mogul S.D, 36, is apparently a key witness in the FBI corruption cases. In April 2007, Williamson met with a witness who was cooperating with the FBI and another Lakewood resident who had worked managing the cooperating witness’s properties. Williamson accepted a $500 bribe from the cooperating witness in an unoccupied women’s bathroom of a Lakewood restaurant, according to court documents. The bribe was given after Williamson gave the witness and the other individual advice about how to illegally use a residential property in Lakewood as a commercial office. In May 2007 Williamson met again with the witness at a Long Branch restaurant and indicated he had recently performed lenient inspections on 27 of the witness’s properties which would then receive certificates of occupancy.
U/D 12:25 p.m. Unfortunately, several Frum people involved with this massive corruption case, are local Lakewood residents. No names of parties involved will be posted.
BREAKING NEWS: Housing Inspector Jeff Williamson Arrested
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Lakewood is being ranked on for this so badly! It's our own high and mighty attitudes that get the goyim so angry at us. Now they will look to blame us for EVERYTHING. They are saying- "the corruption starts in Lakewood."
Such chilul Hashem!!!
Just read the list of everyone else arrested.
why all of sudden no names every other blog had names
if they made a chilul hashem then i want to know there names now
run for israel if you even knew anyone involved!
S.D. should and will rot in hell. He couldn't go quietly so he took down tens of others Jewish and Non-Jewish! Obey the law and you won't have to plea bargain and give away everyone with you. What happened today is despicable on all ends but at the end of the day HE stays a MOISAR which is one of the worst aveiros in the Torah!
Another sad day in the Lakewood history books. What ever happened to doing things the right, legal and moral way. No wonder the "youth" are growing up the way they are. This is the tip of the "iceberg", for about global warming….WAKE UP PEOPLE
Because TLS Boruch Hashem is not full of Loshon Horah like "all other blogs". We want it to stay that way! Thank you TLS!
"Lenient" inspections performed on 27 properties in Lakewood. That's just the ones we know. I wonder who owns these properties…
this is going to start a chain reaction which will prob bring down multitudes of people in lakewood due to the people that were arrested are going to talk in order to lighteb there own.
The TORAH says be HONEST!!!!!!!
The bottom line is.
We've lost all points of reference to fundamentals of judaism.
We've become obsessed with money money money…
This is a beautiful day…because you see it so clearly..
What would ordinarily take a week of explaining is explained so clearly by pathetic images of our people in shackles…
I think it's a kiddush hashem..that this is so exposed..
Lets turn it around and change our whole attitude..and become once again Tzenuim..Bayshonim…
I donr believe for a second that he was moser . he is a g-d fearing jew and would never . u can't trust app for nothing as far as jeff is concerned he's only concerned about his own neck if they make a deal with him to get off to speak h' yerachaim get your passports ready . bear in mind this is all chris christie . of course corzine is a part of all this as a community we have to decide no more corruption as painful as it nay be. we are now on display every word here will b quoted in tomorrows news . moshiach where are u?
Chris Christie??? he's just doing his job. Who asked people to do these things?
How can you deny that S.D.was a moisar?!! This has nothing to do with Jeff. The complaints clearly state that he is a key witness in the takedown of ALL these people! Unfortonately G-D fearing has taken on a new meaning in this crazy world we live in.
just curious. if TLS is careful about lashon hara, was a shaila asked about posting Jeff's name?
Letoeles Harabim; Please turn off the comment box for now, before it spirals out of control.
Tiska Lemitzvas
Ernie Kugel
chutzpa for posting r.e.mogul s.d.as if to hide his name either post his name or not
tls, why is jeffs name not loshon hora but s.d is?
as per the chofetz chaims shmiras haloshon the posting on jw is loshon hara and shud bew removed
if the punishment for a moisur is death then in my humble uneducated opinion you should be allowed to talk loshon harah about such a despicable person, actually you dont even need judgment to kill a moisur you can just drown him and walk away that how bad it is just like killing a mouse
Are we not all guilty of this to some extent? Were we all honest on our mortgage applications? Is your house under someone else’s name to get HUD etc etc etc… If we start off our life that way do you think that when it comes to business we will be Omed B'nisoyon. We have a chyuv to be honest and yosher even if it’s over a shuva prutah. It’s not just a crime to steal millions of dollars even a penny is assur.
I do not understand why so many Jewish people in Lakewood are so corrupt. My Grandpa was an Orthodox Rabbi here in Lakewood in the 70's before he was killed while crossing route 9, he would never have been like this. He loved the town, he loved his followers and his family. Why and how did money and lieing and only caring about yourself become so popular with the Jews. My dad was nothing like this either. I am so ashamed to say I live in Lakewood anymore, and even more ashamed to say I rent from a Jew. My grandpa and dad must be turning in their graves, which are right here in Lakewood too.
lets stop and think why DEAL YESHIVA was shut down this year!!!!!
dear editor please respect your own no frum names policy. mr williamson himself is in the learning procces. tefilin every day davens when he can recently installed mezozos chavrusos etc does what he can
anon 7:16
yes..I'm afraid he learned one thing too many…
What do you mean "no frum names policy?" As if only the orthodox should be exempt from shame. Nobody is exempt. You do something wrong, you are punished for it. If you don't like it go live elsewhere. Shame is a natural cleanser, and it persuades other people to be honest.
And for those of you who are crying "How could you want people to be put in jail," this town needs to be thoroughly investigated by the FBI. It seems every week I learn about some other shady dealings going on in this town, and its disgraceful. No matter how much you decide to separate yourselves from the rest of the public, you still fall under US and New Jersey law, not the Mishnah. And yes, Im Jewish
"Unfortunately, several Frum people involved with this massive corruption case, are local Lakewood residents"
There was only 1 person from Lakewood besides the inspector arrested. Don't make the Jewish community in Lakewood in to a terrible group.
They should reinspect everyhting in Lakewood due to this situation.
I am know one to speak of, I go to work everyday in Lakewood, wait in traffic like everyone else. I say good morning to the people I see. They say good morning back, people chat about the weather or ask the time. People are just people. How many people in Lakewood go out of there way to just say good morning. Is this not how relationships are made.
I speak to people of all backgrounds at my job, from Black & White, to Jewish people, to Mexican.
God made man in his own Image… and God is the God of all faiths. God wants us to respect each other then why can't we. There will always be people who will have there own interests before others, but history has taught us it never lasts.
So tommorow I invite everyone in Lakewood just go out of your way to be nice. Its up to everyone to show others Lakewood is a nice place.
Jeff learned in Yukes every afternoon.I guess payola made him tick.
This story will be the chilul Hashem of the decade by the time its all over.
This whole thing makes no sense _ I don't mean to be blase but he is not even being accused of major bribes – what he took a pizza and waited for someone to put in a carbon monoxide detector – this is what Mr. S.D., of the 25 million dollar scam is fingering? Somebody is losing it somewhere! Jeff tries very hard to do a great job. I personally saw him help somebody get an inspection by staying late at work past 9:00PM just so this person would have a place to stay, and he didn't even get a doughnut for that time. He tries very hard to help everyone and do an honest day's work. I think Lakewood owes Jeff a lot of thanks_he's given a lot to this community.
Don't start giving people titles until you know all the facts. It is very possible that more tips were being given TO people who were under investigation from before than was given about them.
"This story will be the chilul Hashem of the decade by the time its all over." as quoted by Anonymous on July 23, 2009 10:07 PM
Are you kidding me this type of news and the events that took place within this town has been of discussion among alot of people for many decades now. It just happens that now it has been made public in a very large way to the residents of NJ and the rest of the US.
Come on people wake up and open your eyes to what is and has happened to this town, it's not getting any better.
What was once a very beautiful town and a nice place to travel through and bring the family to for a nice day at the park or lakes has gone down the drain. I'm always hearing of how people are scared to drive through Lakewood anymore. Think about it, when was the last time that you saw or heard of a big name business (retail, food, entertainment, etc..) coming to open it's doors to the public and residents of Lakewood.
It's a shame that Lakewood gets described and rated as a bad town and not a good town.
I can't believe what I'm reading. Because he only took little bribes he's a good guy? And as for him working late so someone would have a place to stay, he sure didn't do that for me. I had to work around his schedule and jump through hoops to get my inspection done, I guess I wasn't the "right" religion. Also, everyone who is worrying who he will take down with him, if you were on the level and did the right thing, you wouldn't have to worry.
to anonymous @ 9:47 – it's not that taking small bribes is good – it's just that look at we are talking about. The guy who made a deal to AVOID BEING JAILED for a 25MILLION$ SCAM, who is obviously guilty for a lot more money than that, has caused all this hoopla by INTENTIONALLY fingering people that are VERY MINOR CRIMINALS in comparison. That is the OUTRAGE – trying to save his skin by fingering Chashuva People, his FATHER'S RAV _ the tears must be flowing in shamayim, and by his family. We all have our stupid complaints about inspections but it is not earth shattering when we are talking about NEFASHOS! and if you had a hard time scheduling an inspection, i'm sorry for that – i know it's a pain, but i did see him help people, with no protektzia, and i think it is terribly sad that he should be pulled away in chains for succumbing to temptation dangled in front of him, if it's even true but more than that – WHAT IS THE FBI THINKING – This is a JOKE compared to the SD Crimes !
He may be a nice guy etc., but why is it that some people got their inspections done quick and easy and small real estate owners like me always got failed for so many stupid things? If I would have know that a good meal would save me hundreds of dollars in stupid repairs I might have "TAKEN HIM OUT FOR DINNER"
Hey just think if you would've taken him to a movie or a show at the Strand you may have been set for life.
Then again you never know the possibilty of getting 3 square meals, and a roof over your head for the next decade and won't have to worry about the recession all of that paid for by us honest hard working taxpayers.
Man now that is so priceless that it brings me to tears and gets me so choked up.
rock on