BREAKING NEWS: Earthquake Felt Throughout Lakewood

earthquakeBREAKING NEWS: Thousands in Lakewood this afternoon felt the ripple effects of a magnitude 5.8 earthquake. The earthquake, which originated in Virginia, shook thousands around town and around the entire east coast.

There are no reports of any injuries or any damage to buildings at this time.

Many businesses in Lakewood evacuated their offices, including the entire Madison Title Headquarters, Kings Pharmacy and others.

Mobile phone service was unavailable for many users, but preliminary indications are that this disruption was due to an extremely high call volume generated by users, according to the NJSP. Customers are being advised to use text messages and email.
The NJSP also says, although aftershocks cannot be ruled out, the distance from the epicenter would indicate that there is need not be a great concern for New Jersey residents.

(This story was first reported on our News Alerts seconds after the quake. We apologize our site crashed. We are working on upgrading our servers.) TLS.

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  1. How about this…. millions and billions living and working in NJ, NY, PA, Washington D.C. and other surrounding states felt the earthquake.
    I just want to know is there gonna be a tsunami after this that we need to worry about?

  2. The water in my in ground pool was sloshing around as if someone had just jumped into it, and this was AFTER it had stopped rocking and rolling! I was in my basement sitting on the couch with the laptop when I thought someone was shaking the couch, but then I felt my feet on the floor and my legs kinda moving along with the roll. I looked up and my flat screen TV was shaking. That’s when the realization hit and I ran upstairs and looked outside and saw my pool sloshing.

  3. A standby generator will not help u if it was connected to your home natural gas because if it came to a major earthquake where u needed back up then chances are the natural gas lines would break with the force of the quake. Go by an independant generator which works off reguar gas or diesel

  4. start teshuva now & we will not need these shaking wake-up calls coming from Hashem

    DON’T WAIT UNTIL AFTER TRAGEDY STRIKES C”V we have seen enough already, BUT is anyone ready to confess to hashem & do teshuva? when in reality we all need to do teshuva

    BOTTOM LINE:we leave hashem with no choice but to do these tragic events…

  5. I only remembered after being reminded by s/o after it happened. How many people do you think made the Bracha? A few years ago a small earthquake hit EY, R Meir Soloveitzik SHLITA jumped up and said the Bracha! He said he had to hurry as the Gemara says you must say it immediately at time of earthquake!

  6. was sittin’ in my car when my car began shaking back and forth. when i realized it was a tremor I called 911. Line was busy for 10 min. what good is 91 if line gets busy when theres a real emergency????. imagine Gd forbid another 9/11? theres gotta be a better system?

  7. And people think we have problems here with some rockets flying? Earthquakes…Hurricanes in Chutz Laaretz…Hashem is talking to us all

  8. Mr anon. Elul is coming indeed. Please advice us what steps to take. Is it ok to be online or should I throw out my computer:? Can I I rely on u to feed me the daily scoop?

  9. This was really scary. I hope we will never have anything like this again in Lakewood. Always remember to stay outside in case of an earthquake. Especially those living in buildings. Unfortunately, they are built out of cartons…

  10. “no links to outside sites”
    Advertising in a blog is generally not allowed.
    What if we all advertised getting a free link to our businesses built right into our posted name by TLS?

  11. You do all realize the epicenter of this earthquake was in Virginia. It was over 400 miles away and felt as far south as the Carolinas and as far north as New Hampshire. ..IT Was close in means of location but far as a means of where it was..the last earthquake from this fault was in 1837 and was considered dormant but active. If its going to hit us you will know about as fast as the OGS (Office of Geological Surveys) located in Jersey but not in Lakewood. It was a minor quake in regards to minimal damage at this time.
    Relax..when the big one comes YOU will all know it

  12. I don’t get why everyone was calling 911. Was it to tell them there’s an earthquake? They know already. To ask them to come save you? You’re perfectly fine!!!

    I don’t get the need to call them!!!

  13. You guys are funny! Tsunami?! I was laughing. Its like someone in california asking if the sky is falling cuz they saw lightning and thunder. Take it from someone who’s been in a 6.7 close to the epicenter. Its over and there was never any need to evacuate anything!

  14. To # 21 pachadik says: why did you call 911 what was your emergency? It was busy because of all the other people like you calling to report something everyone new. Just a question what would of happened to the town if this happened on a friday night?

  15. I was walking to davin mincha and I saw a car moveing back and forth I did not know it was a earth quack I thought it was realy weird I only found out afterwardes so do I make a brucha if I didnt feel it bc I did see something happen but I only found out what it was 15 min later so if choshvisholam it happendes again I want to know what to do . Please respond let me know thank you

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