BREAKING NEWS: Downtown Post Office To Move Ahead With Closure Plans

EXCLUSIVE: The Downtown Post Office will be moving ahead with their closure plans, and relocate their retail offices to the Swarthmore location, TLS has learned through exclusively obtained documents. USPS says the economic downturn and increased diversion to the Internet have caused the company great losses, forcing the closure.

Even when the economy recovers, the volumes are not expected to return to previous levels.

USPS’s intentions were heavily criticized by the Town and by the Township Committee, when the company’s decision was first publicized here on TLS in May.

The company says the optimization process will allow them to optimize space in existing postal facilities and consolidate some operations.

The company assures that their customers will still receive the ‘high level of postal services’ at their Swarthmore location. (1820 Swarthmore Avenue). TLS-CCP.


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  1. look if you like it or not the post office is loseing money faster then Obama can print it. they have to make cuts nation wide. as does the entire nation. difficult choices need to be made and they are making one. i support it.

  2. I, for one, do not care if they close down. The township should take a lesson from them and stop plowing more of our tax dollars into the downtown. People just do not want to shop there anymore.

  3. The postal service itself is not losing that much money; their operating loss for the last several years has not been that large. Because some politicians got their hands in the pot, they are now billions of dollars behind in their ability prepaying 80 years worth of health care benefits in less than 10 years. They were actually an example of a quasi-government agency which was run well, and whose union wasn’t out to destroy them, as they had skin in the game as well.

  4. Hurray!!! close down the whole postal system its a broken money loosing proposition. Its faster to drive anywhere in the world to deliver the package by yourself then to wait in line at the clifton ave post office.

  5. I stand corrected:

    Get ready get set GO! First one to the planning Board gets to build a school and KEEP that property off the tax rolls.

  6. Just a preview of what will happen to the healthcare industry when ObamaCare is full implemented and the government takes it over.

    Doctors offices and hospitals will be shutting down left and right.

  7. what a beautiful structure.. .a shame it will be sold to a developer, torn down. and in its place? “affordable” 8 bedroom, 5 bath townhomes with granite counter tops, starting at “just” $500k!

  8. If the post office has to close, it would make a great spot for the Lakewood museum….maybe more people would learn the beautiful history of this o-so changed township! (sadly now a city)

  9. another landmark gone in a once famous town….sad…….
    I think the town fathers should purchase this building and house the UEZ and some other township services inside, so we can maintain it.

  10. Well, many other aspects of what will be happening, the uninsured, will be insured, the hospitals we the people will not be able to afford the health care, why, BECAUSE MANY OF THE UNDOCUMENTED, AND THOSE WITHOUT HEALTHCARE, are on Medicaid, and here we are struggling, oh not to mention courtesy busing,


  11. What a shame another piece of Lakewood history fading away! So long Post Office it’s been fun waiting in your long lines.
    I hope Lakewood and the Feds will allow Lakewood to make it an museum. Hopefully the historical society can assist to help make this come true.

  12. I haven’t been in the Lakewood Post Office in months. It’s faster for me to go to the convenience mart in Jackson, or the Howell P.O. The only thing I’ll miss is the historic building if it gets torn down and the friendly people who worked there (even if it had slow service, the employees were nice)

  13. we should not be in a hurry to turn the place into a school or townhouse. downtown is already congested enough. Enough is enough. if the building continues lakewood will become a gridlock because of excessive greed.

  14. Does anyone really care about a museum. This property is ideal for a retail operation that will bring much need tax dollars to Lakewood.
    What about a Verizon or AT&T retail store or Starbuck’s or Duncan Donuts.
    Lakewood needs tax revenue, stop thinking of a loss and make it into a gain

  15. This town does not need another Dunkin Donuts there are already 3 here. They have a Starbucks on the southside. andif they really need a Verizon store they can go to the one at Town & Country Plaza in the south end..why move them into town? More traffic..Knock the building down, make it a small park put some trees & flowers there..NO MORE BUILDINGS!!! I refuse to live in a concrete jungle

  16. Or we can sell it to Blue Claws. Maybe they’ll do something real nice with it.

    I’ll bet if we agree to pay for the maintenance of whatever they want to build, they’ll accept.

  17. it seems that freedom of speech does not exist on the lakewood scoop, I have written many comments that were dealing with the truth about what is going on in lakewood but the scoop refuses to post them. (Moderated. In the Jewish religion, there are rules to as what can cannot be said).

  18. It will definitely break my heart when the building is sold and torn down. It’s nice to dream our committee would want to save this amazing old building and put a museum in it detailing the extreme change in Lakewood from sleepy resort town to bustling metropolis. Or even a park as another poster said, especially since they’re going to be congesting downtown even more with the project going up across the street where Roey’s was.. But unfortunately we know it won’t happen; not profitable enough. It’ll be another dark day in Lakewood and another historical monument wiped off the map when the wreaking ball takes its first swing. I just hope the employees there will be transferred to another office and not laid off. I’ve always had the most pleasant experience with the workers there.

  19. You gotta be kidding. Why should lakewood make a hoimeless shelter for a camp comprised primarily of homeless ppl from all over the metro area.

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