FIRST REPORT: The School Board moments ago re-voted to change the Board Of Education school elections to November, after voting earlier this month to keep it in April. At the last meeting on February 13, the Board voted to keep it in April, but the true deadline to make the decision to switch, has not yet passed giving the board another chance to re-vote on the change, an official said. The motion to make the switch, was made by board member Carl Fink.
Lakewood now joins over 400 districts throughout the State which have decided to move the elections to November to cut costs. Lakewood, until now, was the only district in the County to keep it in April.
Voter turnout is now expected to be much higher for the school elections, being that it coincides with the General Elections.
Additionally, more candidates mow have a chance to register to run for the November school elections.
The flip side however is, is that voters will not be able to vote on the budget, which is reviewed in April.
In a recent TLS poll, about 56% of residents said the would want the elections moved to November and about 18% said they want it kept in April. About 25% said they don’t care either way.
Voting for the change to November, were Irene Miccio – who previously voted to keep it in April, Tracey Tift, Carl Fink, Chesky Seitler and Yoni Silver. Voting against the move were Friedman, Greenspan and Grunhut. Zlatkin left prior to the late-night vote. TLS.
Shame on the ones who voted no
Nice work, Mr Fink. Thank you and your team for giving power back to the people.
Common sense finally wins.
This move should have happened the first time around. Here is just another case of outside influence with in the school board.
if we can’t vote on budget
what did we gain?
I don’t think the board should have a right to remove our ability to vote for the budget.
Could they still re-vote to change it back to april..?
So now people will no longer have the right to vote on the school budget unless it is more than a 2% increase. However, there is a clause that says the budget may be more than 2% if the cost of insurance goes up, there is an emergency expenditure, etc. Therefore, the budget may be much more than 2% and the people will not be able to vote on it. Look at your tax bill, the school tax amount – can you afford to pay 2+% more of that amount? And you people are complaining about the fire department tax, which went down.
Read the other article where is states the school budget will be up 5.2% because the costs above the 2% are part of an exception. First the BOE approves a 5.2% budget raise then moves the election to November so the voters cannot vote on it.
You gained the irrevocable ability to dump in November the ones who voted for this irresponsible increase. Before the change to a November election, you had no such ability.
if a member of the board votes for the raise will just raise him out in the next election keep it in november and save us the money u the man yoni chesky and carl keep the team rocking and save us all the money u can thanks
“Please go to and read all 17 questions posed by Pastor Glenn Wilson to the Lakewood BOE. Then ask yourself why that Board did not answer even a single question. A very conflicted Board.”
about time some of these questions were raised and now is there anyone with some backbone that can give an honest answer?
Don’t worry next month they will vote it back….. then the next month back again, no back bone on that board. But they know how to raise our taxes!
to I don’t think the board should have a right to remove our ability to vote for the budget
they were given this option by the STATE ,I guess you do not follow the news ,lakewood was one of the very few towns that had not until now opted to do so