The Jackson Board of Education has announced it will be utilizing its own busing to bus the Lakewood children to school, getting rid of the Aid In Lieu reimbursement.
Approximately 1,000 Jackson kids are bused to Lakewood schools each day.
According to this new arrangement, the larger schools, such as Bais Faiga, will have their own buses, while the smaller schools will have combined buses.
Rabbi Krawiec of the LSTA told TLS he was not yet sure of the details of how this will play out, but some parents in Jackson feel this will be a positive change.
“This is great news,” one parent whose children are bused to Lakewood said. “They have a large fleet of buses run by a very efficient system.”
He added, “for a while, we have been given awkward bus stops in Lakewood, with some kids on the bus for over an hour.”
The change will take effect for the coming school year.
This is great news!!!
Thank you!
Thank you Jackson! LSTA gave me a bus stop that’s a 10 minute drive away. I’m excited for Jackson to run it!
Yes, this is great news. And contrary to popular belief, we are totally Ok with a few schools combining together on one bus. As long as our kids get there safely.
We are tired of being treated as a second class citizen.
Kudos to Jackson Twp to being sensitive to the needs of ALL its residents.
Small schools which they can’t service will still receive aid-in-lieu
Now the question is will lakewood residents get bussing.
I was wondering if anyone can help me out. My son is in a small school in Lakewood. We are moving to Toms River IYH in October. I would like to send in the forms to get an Aid- In -Lieu check but the school can’t seem to get an answer of what to do and where to send the B6T forms. Anyone able to help us out?
B6T needs to be sent to Toms River the resident district.
How about calling the toms river board of education?
I did got redirected to 5 different departments and no one knows. I only answer I get is the school should know what to do…. but they don’t.
My sons school located in Lakewood combined bussing with another school for the past few years. This was the only recourse to receiving bussing as hes in a small school. Worked out for the positive.
I thought the Lakewood Scoop, has freedom of speech. I just put 2 comments and they are not here.
Read below the comment box
Great news, thank you Jackson Township!
the paper says that we will not receive aid in lieu. do we still have the option to opt out?
also, I still don’t understand why Lakewood wasn’t able to provide bussing for the Lakewood students besides for the fact that the bus company didn’t want to bother with Jackson and TR
we need more bus companies!! we need the competition!!
Jackson is NOT a “BUS COMPANY”
Jackson lost state aid under the new school funding formula. Busing these children on their own buses, some of which will fill previously empty seats, will be far cheaper than paying the $1,000 aid-in-lieu per pupil. Wouldn’t be surprised if Tom’s River and Howell follow this practice.
Are there going to be separate buses for the lakewood students or are they just going to be added to the Jackson public school buses?
Is it going to be split by gender?
Thank You Jackson Township these Kids deserve Bus Transportation Looking Forward!!
No. You don’t have the option to opt out if Jackson is willing to bus you .You only get the aid in lieu ig they don’t bus your child . Its obviously cheaper for them to bus you than to give you the aid money .
So Jackson tax payers are going to pay for kids to go to private schools in Lakewood?! This is insane. If you want your child to go to a school outside your district, it should be YOUR JOB to get them there. Why should other people pay for your religious preferences?
Your question should be rephrased as, why do all the people who send their kids to a private religious school have to pay significant property tax, when the majority of that money goes to schools their children do not attend. So you should be saying thank you. And there are no nasty comments about it. And all citizens are entitled to busing, not just any singular segment, public or private. A year ago the average cost to a homeowner for Municipal Tax (2017), (salaries, infrastructure, etc) was $1,544. The School Tax for that same homeowner was $4,252.) And most folks pay more than that.
No, the taxes we ourselves pay to Jackson Township will cover the busing AND pay for Jackson’s public school kids.
Will they mix boys and girls?
This is a way for Jackson to increase revenue on their bus system.
Everyone is shouting kudos, let’s see how it plays out.
what do mean by “revenue”?
Regardless of what school a resident of Jackson is sending to (public or private) let’s not forget that I pay a few thousand dollars a year taxes that go directly to the Jackson Board of Education. The least I can get back is bussing for my kids!
@rick why should our Jackson taxes pay for your kids public school?
Rick, I’m a parent and taxpayer in Jackson. My kids are entitled to elementary education and transportation to school paid for by the government.
I’m saving the district tons of money by not sending my kids to township public schools.
Why should we not benefit from transportation assistance? Do you also suggest they don’t receive textbooks, since they go to a school of our choice?
Btw, it would be nice to receive vouchers for education. The amount of income and property taxes combined we are paying is totally insane; they could at least refund some to families who choose not to use public school system.
You people obviously do not understand the purpose of public education. It is not a government benefit but the means by which Americans socialize their children into citizens.
Nonsense about vouchers, taxes and saving money.
The state is NOT going to pay for children to attend non-state schools!
Bring ’em on in! Enroll your kids! The teachers, state and its people will thank you.
“Teacher” “purpose of public education… the means by which Americans socialize their children” . If you actually are a teacher, your comment is quite disturbing and reflective why the U.S. public school have the lowest return on investment of all the major Developed Nations.
The purpose of public schools since their foundation has always been to educate students. The concept of using schools as a tool of social training and reform, was a fringe view of the “Progressive John Dewey” it was never accepted or adopted.
The idea that schools should indoctrinate students is what was practiced in the worst of communist regimes, where schools acted as thought police
At least in communist countries, it made sense to utilize schools in this manner, as they had a common ideology. In a Democracy like the U.S., the concept of using schools to socialize students doesn’t even begin to make sense.
Who gets to determine the social norms that schools are to use to indoctrinate children? Different parts of the country have different social norms. Or do you want the whole country to submit to your view of social norms, whatever they may be?
Leftists and progressives have been pushing your social agenda in universities since the 60’s. The end result has been record numbers of students, who graduate after 4 years, with $100k in debt and no employable skills. But in your view, and those like minded, they are a success, because at least they are good little socialists.
The market solution to education dates back to Milton Friedman’s seminal work, Capitalism and Freedom. Friedman would later popularize school vouchers as “a means to make a transition from a government to a market system.”1 And why not market solutions? After all, do we not only care about mathematics and science so that American children can complete in the international market while history and civics have fallen by the wayside?
Americans should be aware that the private market is the mediator of private wants and desires not ideas and beliefs. “Why should we believe that the right policy goal is the one that satisfies only the self-interested preferences of consumers? Why should we not take into account the community regarding values that individuals seek through the political process as well?”2
Conventional wisdom puts conservatives behind school vouchers. But Friedman’s introduction of vouchers was consistent with his belief that the “major aim of the liberal is to leave the ethical problem to the individual to wrestle with.”3 Burke, on the other hand,the father of conservative thought, described any nation, as “a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.”4
Public schooling, that great American ladder of opportunity, was envisioned by Jefferson to remove “the competition of wealth and birth for public trusts.”5 Jefferson was attributed with saying that universal education must precede universal suffrage. Adams understood that “liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.” 6 The driving principle of any republic, virtue, is sustained only through education.7 The state will never abandon its role in education because the schools are necessary for its survival.
When the Congress of the Confederation in 1787 guaranteed equal statehood to its territories creating the most democratic colonial policy ever, it declared in Article Three of the Northwest Ordinance, “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools shall forever be encouraged.” The public schools form a contract between one generation and the next that binds students to their American past, a past engrained with the most profound theme in Western civilization, the fundamental worth of the individual. This country is what it is because it knows what it was.
1Public Schools: Make Them Private The Washington Post, February 19, 1995, Sunday, Final Edition.
2Mark Sagoff, Environmental Theory and Environmental Law, 79 Mich. L. Rev. 1393, 1395 (1980-81).
3Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 12 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962) Emphasis added.
4Burke, E., Reflections on the Revolution in France, 110 (1790, Dolphin ed. 1961)
5Letter from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams (1813) cited by Judge Botter, Robinson v. Cahill, 118 N.J. Super. 223, 231 (Law Div. 1972).
6 John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law (1765).
7Charles Louis Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, Book III, Sect. 3. Montesquieu, the “celebrated Frenchman” of the Federalist Papers, known for the theory of separations of power into three branches of government, parted ways from Aristotle by classifying governments not by how many rule, but by their driving principles. The principle of a republic is virtue, of monarchy is honor and of tyranny is fear.
A bunch of disjointed quotes and concepts with very little relevance to your original comment, or to each other
You know Rick, you are 100% right, let’s open schools in Jackson for these kids. Good idea? Would u be the first to sign on?
Somehow I doubt it.
@rick everyone is totally fine with these parents receiving aid in lieu since they are taxpayers themselves and are entitled to bussing or aid in lieu if the twp can’t meet their requests so wouldn’t you think Jackson deserves credit for figuring out a better way to SAVE taxpayers money??
After an extended break, I have been making some comments on here recently, you may want to change your user name, or not, no big deal
Hey Rick never complained that Jackson bused christians to the light house school on county line. You know what that makes you rick?
Rick, Rick, Rick, Did you think at all before posting your comment? Do you know how much Jackson or any township benefits off children being sent to prIvate schools? When someone is biased they don’t use logic. Plain and simple. Do you know what would happen if all private school students in Lakewood and Jackson would enroll in the public school system? Please use your head, it’s worthwhile.
When will Jackson BOE take the next logical step and stop discriminating against Jackson disadvantaged students attending Lakewood schools denied appropriate entitled Title 1 services??
1000 kids? Time for b y of Jackson and cheder of Jackson
Are the schools that Jackson is busing kids to accredited schools? I’ve read that the schools must be accredited to receive busing? Making sure it’s done legally is so important so no more backlash falls upon Lakewood.
So all the people who say they pay high taxes deserve busing for their children to go to s private school then why do I have to pay high taxes when I don’t have any children in the school?
I really do not have any issue with busing students to Lakewood schools. I feel if taxes are paid by the homeowner then what’s the problem. ANY child deserves an education. ANY parent has the right to choose public or private schooling. We all need to take small steps. Yes both sides. One side needs to stop playing the discrimination and the other side needs to stop fearing a take over. Learn to love. It will benefit our children