The following letter was released this evening, and signed by area physicians
(See also the November 9 letter here.)
The following letter was released this evening, and signed by area physicians
(See also the November 9 letter here.)
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Please fix the format for viewing pictures. It’s really hard to read anything that you post
I’m fed up with this topic. I’m fed up with people with people with agendas running this garbage constantly. Thinking they control everyone, thinking they are better than everyone. TLS, YWN, and all these sites stop pushing everything one way and ruining peoples lives, This whole topic is blown out of proportion.
I understand your frustration , However I am presuming that you do not have a child or close relative whose immune system is compromised for one of the many reasons listed in this letter. It seems that the main point of this letter is to protect those children and adults during the outbreak , Allowing unvaccinated children/adults to school or playgroups at this time can potentially cause serious harm to those individuals who are Immunocompromised.
stupid politics! get a life!
Um this is totally fake signatures guys check it out close up
I don’t know about this letter, but some doctors have reported that they never signed the first letter…
they only signed a blank sheet of paper and were told that it had to do with vaccines…
Absolutely disgusting. Let these poor children back in to school already. It’s over, no one has the measles in Lakewood anymore. Get on with life.
I do not live in Lakewood and I did not know Natalie Cohen, a”h. But I listened to her levaya yesterday online and was very moved by what I heard.
I am asking that anyone who responds to this story, should please avoid lashon hara or any words that are offensive. And let this be a zechus for her neshama to have an aliyah, as well as a zechus for the entire Lakewood community and for Klal Yisrael.
We are in desperate need of yeshuos and refuos of all kinds. It is only with Shalom that we can expect to receive Hashem’s brachos and protection. Thank you.
This is the best comment I saw in a long time.
Thank you so much.
BTW I am completely vaccinated.
Once again, all the anti vaxxers are “fed up ” or feel bad for the poor kids or have to share all their conspiracy theories. Just follow the medical consensus and the psak of Gedolai Haposkim and vaccinate your kids then this will stop!
This is an extremely important topic. Plz, TLS, continue to push people to do the right thing and get immunized. A relative of mine, who lives in NY and has low levels of White blood cells, was told by her MD to NOT travel to Lkwd due to the measles outbreak.
Im also shtark choished, judging by the “handwriting” and time stamp, Aa, Yottle and Enough are the same person.
Hello ? Get Immunized !!
@ get educated
What are you basing that on. One in 6,000 people who get the measles dies.
Source: CDC
Go ask your local rabbi, if one is obligated to do get vaccinated to protect one in 6,000 who probably has a very compromised immune system to begin with.
A person has a higher chance of getting struck by lightning (1 in 3,000)
Source: National Geographic
I noticed that you are throwing at us all kinds of numbers. If you would have read the comments at TLS during the past 2 months, you would have noticed that many people threw at your group all kinds of numbers.
You are just turning this into a game.
@ entitlement society
You write complete trash. Ithe numbers are unclear but it’s somewhere between 1in 200 to 1 in 1200 that die Miesels RELATED deaths. And that’s just what is reported, that doesn’t include deaths that were assumed to be pneumonia because they were never investigated.
Without getting involved in the whole debate, people are always questioning where are all the very sick people with complications from the measles.
Just know that not every time someone gets very ill or ends up in the hospital is it reported to the public. I know of a large extended family in Israel of anti-vaxxers in which over 30 individuals developed measles including adults, several of whom were in the hospital very ill with pneumonia, in excruciating pain and other complications etc.
Yes people are getting quite sick and suffering from its complications but no one is sitting here reporting each case. Doctors are busy treating their patients not coming on the Lakewood scoop and posting updates about every patient, and apparently patients themselves are not going to go online and advertise their story.
Let’s see this applied across the board. Anyone in their low to mid 50’s (63-67) should not go to work, shul, school, until they have the blood test and can prove immunity. All those expecting teachers who have found out they are no longer immune, should stay home until the outbreak is over. Or is it just easier to pick on kids?
On Sunday at Chemed, Dr. Paul Offit said the exclusion is 21 days from the last case. He’s supposed to be the infectious disease expert, what is this letter based on?
Completely agree. It’s ALWAYS been 21 days and now they come up with 42 days, why? What changed? It’s been 26 days since last confirmed case, it’s “OVER” according to the outbreak definition followed by all for the past few decades. Very convenient for this letter to come out now and stir the pot.
Yes encourage people to get immunized kol hakavod but enough with the school insanity. As Ben said, if you’re so worried, then every teacher whose concerned because their immunity is gone is EXACTLY THE SAME threat as an unvaccinated person. The only difference is one tried to become immune and one didn’t, so then label this for what it is, an attack on people for not getting vaccinating NOT for the interest of public health (at THIS point – not belittling the potential impact of measles during an outbreak – I am talking about this point in time when things calmed down but the pot is still boiling).
The most ridiculous part of this is that OCHD is counting all the people from Chicago & Passaic etc who got it at a Simcha in LKWD & then went home the next morning. There’s a reason there aren’t any cases under investigation – its because its long over & their just trying to drag this thing out for political points.
Sorry – the public had enough. We see right through your sleazy tactics.
(If I worked for them, I’d try to maintain public trust – it is essential for future breakouts or other health emergencies)
I just read in detail the list of sicknesses RL that we vaccinate against with each of their symptoms and nebach pictures of children exposed to them and my reaction was, we must sing and dance Hallel every day that we are zoche to live in a time where these vaccinations are available and plentiful! RL for anyone to helplessly watch their children suffer like that. 🙁
Unfortunately, there is the other side. Children who have been harmed by the vaccines they got. The government has given out over 4 billion dollars to families whose children were injured or died from vaccines, and these are only the families who had the financial ability and knowledge to go to the court. It is a fact that every time a vaccine is given, there is a risk. Case in point are the McDowell triplets who unfortunately were given a contaminated prevnar vaccine at nine months of age Within hours, all the triplets became autistic. Baruch Hashem, contaminated vaccines are not common, but to this family it doesn’t matter how common it is or isn’t – they unfortunately had this tragedy happen to them. (By the way, the pediatric practice they were using kicked them out of the practice when the parents refused further vaccines for their children as they wanted to first see what had happened with their babies before going further with other vaccines.)
Aside from contaminated vaccines, for different reasons some children do get affected after getting vaccines. Even if this is a minority of children, to those families numbers don’t mean anything. Their child is their child.
I’m not advocating either way.
But, the outbreak is not over. I know a young teen who got the measles last week.
The letter is addressed to the Lakewood Kehilla & starts of “sharing medical information”, which is fine.
It then transitions to a “Therefore” section with recommendations.
Doctors are overstepping their boundaries when they start giving recommendations to the Kehilla about whether schools should or should not attend school.
There are ruchniyus implications that need to be considered & doctors are not qualified to recommend anything in regards to weighing the ruchniyus side of the debate.
It is as the Gemara in Kiddushin (82a) states: The best of the doctors go to …
P.S. As stated by others, there is currently no outbreak in Lakewood. Last case was Nov 30th… & according to Dept of Health, no cases under investigation. Get a life!
To the one that said I’m speaking trash that one In 6,000 people who get the measles die.
Google “measles death” and you will see for yourself. For some reason, I can’t paste the link here. Then do the math by including how many people live in the USA and it comes out that a person in the USA has a one in 300,000th chance to die from the measles each year
I can’t read the letter on mobile. Please change the format.
As a child I suffered through many of the diseases for which vaccines are now available: measles, rubella, chicken pox, and mumps. I also caught the second (and as a young adult the third) of the 20the century pandemic influenzas, and also had so many cases of tonsillitis that I had to have my tonsils surgically removed when I was 8. I had to frequently miss school, but my classmates would stick homework through my mail slot on their way home from school so I did not fall far behind. I am grateful for the fact that I had the small pox vaccine shortly after birth and no less than 7 polio vaccines (4 Salk and 3 Sabin) as a child. I met a small pox survivor (long ago), and had two friends who had suffered from polio, and I was thankful that I had been spared from those illnesses. I am thankful that my children and grandchildren have been vaccinated for many more diseases than I was. Even now I am thankful that I can get vaccinated for shingles, pneumonia, annual influenzas, etc. Although I would hate to suffer from these diseases, what I would hate even more would be to transmit them to anyone else.
And Dr. Eilenberg didn’t sign this letter….
I feel bad for these people who think their issues are connected to their measles, I really do. But correlation does not prove causation. They probably had something genetic that might’ve been triggered by the measles, but would have been inevitable anyway. My heart goes out to them though.
Dr. Kassover and Dr. Glantz didn’t sign.
3 that signed last letter did not sign this, but still same amount of signatures? I see signatures from ophthalmologists, dermatologists..
Yes i am sure the ophthalmologist and the dermatologist also learned the vaccine schedule in medical school. and of course that vaccines are safe and effective.
don’t forget that!
Vaccines are safe and effective
Vaccines are safe and effective
vaccines are safe and effective
vaccines are safe and effective
etc . . . .
Yes, if you repeat it enough, people will believe it. You should not have stopped after 4 times.