Joe Biden is projected to have won the US presidency by securing at least 273 electoral votes (270 needed).
Votes are still being counted in Pennsylvania, but according to the experts at Decision Desk HQ (a reliable firm), President Trump has no path to make up for the votes he currently trails by to Biden.
The projection from Decision Desk HQ can be found here.
The Trump campaign is sure to challenge the results in Pennsylvania, as well as some other states. There have been apparent discrepancies in how and what votes were counted, and allegations of outright fraud abound.
However, if nothing major changes, Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States on January 21st, 2021.
Where you get this info from? What state did he win?
He was not elected yet. Although it’s a likely outcome. It is unprofessional of the Lakewood scoop to post something without confirmation.
Boruch Hashem!!! America will begin to turn the page on Trump’s hate. America will heal.
Please do not forget, that in case of an emergency and you call the Police, under V. P. Biden’s plan to defund the Police, you may have to wait a while until the Police will be come available.
Agreed! So happy Biden won.
How can you say this before anyone says anything is final.
This is False and should be taken down at once.
Why has noone else besides TLS reported this?
Stop spreading fake news news media don’t get to choose a president
This isn’t over yet ..if Trump’s team can expose the cheating soon enough.
Republicans did ver well in senate and house. How could there be fraud only in presidential election? And still have republicans win. Read marc elias twitter feed you can see what trump lawsuits are like. Embarrassing.
Joe Biden will be our President. We should give him an open mind and a chance to lead.
1:30pm and their website doesn’t show this information. TLS please verify.
It is the states that decide, not the media.
This was not confirmed yet! false info reported!
We got a divided Congress. No fringe extremes in either party will be able dominate. America will find it center where it belongs.
Mr. Bidden, after decades of experience in public service, will serve with empathy, elderly wisdom, and most importantly, with MODERATION.
The country needs leadership from the executive, not charisma.
We could not have imagined a better outcome at this time of national division.
America, grace has been shed upon thee.
Very misleading, TLS
He was not elected yet, just a prediction
Congratulations, Biden, you old Lech. Achashverosh did not acquire the monarchy in Persia honestly either.
Please speak nicely before this entire country becomes another Uganda.
Achashverosh was installed by God’s Will and he whole-heartedly became committed to saving the Jewish people. And he ordered it.
לב מלבים ביד ד’. Although giggling Kamalah has promised to go back to using US taxpayer monies to support the pay for slay program in the middle east which costs innocent Jewish lives and she also promised to go back to offering “humanitarian aid” to the Arabs which really means aid for tunnels and weapons while the economic crisis of the Palestinian people is not helped, things could change because now their minds will be controlled completely by Hashem.
I also want to take this opportunity to congratulate all of us on living in a state where a shopping bag is illegal, but marijuana is legal. Keep it coming Democrats- you’ve almost managed to make our country unrecognizable.
Shopping bags hurt the enviroment that we all need and use. Marijuana hurts nobody, why should it be illegal?
TLS is 100% correct that sleepy Joe has won. As a Trump supporter, I hope he leaves office honorably without make a foolish sore loser out of himself.
What everyone here is missing is Joe Biden is as shocked to win as we are, He is the Trojan horse for the far left and he will not be our elected president the Radical left will.The plan is to have Kamala harris run the white house with the squad by her side shortly after Joe Biden is sworn in. Joe Biden will not lead our country Kamala harris will. This is the situation now until otherwise proven.
Do you have a special tinfoil hat for Shabbos? Does your shtreimel attach to it?
Talk radio is a helluva drug.
To all of you saying the media doesn’t decide who’s president… you are flat out wrong. The only reason this was a race at all was because most of the media are leftists who have indoctrinated lies and fallacies about President Trump the last 4 years.
If the the media wasn’t full of leftist’s and actually portrayed Biden for who he is, Biden wouldn’t be anywhere close to being even in the race.
Mr. Anon,
I assume that you are a professor or doctorate in political science to have made such statement about the power of the press (I think that is what you meant by “media”) so you know that the press can bring our attention to a matter but cannot influence that. Sir, what is your opinion of the “Yellow Press” and the Spanish American War? I always thought against the conventional wisdom, that McKinley was not so influenced by the newspapers Hearst and Pulitzer.
At any rate, isn’t TLS the part of this monolith you call the “media?” Are not book companies, magazines, internet sites, television networks, local station, newspapers, talk radio, the Lakewood Shopper, Voice of Lakewood, and the list goes on, the so-called media?
Andrew Jackson first understood how to “use” the press to his advantage but creating his so-called “kitchen cabinet” of reporters to whom he allowed access. Of course, reporters who cover the president now are more sophisticated, but they still relate that they have to remind themselves of their jobs to be unbiased while standing before the awe and majesty of the presidency.
The press has millions of independent members. You can find whatever you want if you look. What we, meaning me and you as teachers of political science, try to impart in our students, is to guide them to discern between fact and opinion. So even if there is so-called bias any child who took 12th grade civic would know how to detect it even in the source of information that they typically enjoyor tune in to.
Ironic, that people read the Yated and ‘know’ that they are supposed to disbelieve the media. Is the Yated not the ‘media’?
Isn’t the new President inaugurated on January 20??? Don’t tell me they changed that for Covid too!!??
CISA & NG will decide the election with mind-blowing technology waiting just for 11/04/2020 and beyond to be deployed at the exact right moment. Hint: Legitimate ballots are invisibly watermarked with block-chain encryption. Quick scan. Quick NSA database identity check. Game over.
@ avrahom Let’s stick to the facts:
1) Joe Biden has not suggested we defund the police
2) Police are funded on the municipal level- our local government determines the size and budget of our police force, not the federal government. I am confident the Mayor and committee have no plans to defund the Lakewood police force.