BREAKING: Jackson Councilman Mordechai Burnstein Sworn In as Vice President [VIDEOS]

Burnstein is the first Orthodox Jew elected to municipal office in the township's 140-year history

Jackson Councilman Mordechai Burnstein was sworn in to the Council moments ago, and has been elected as Vice President.

Burnstein is the first Orthodox Jew elected to municipal office in the township’s 140-year history. He won in November by just 225 votes.

Burnstein, who was chosen by the council a year ago to fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of Marty Flemming, received 28.9% of the votes cast.

Along with Burnstein, incumbent Councilman Nino Borrelli was re-elected with 11,363 votes and school board president Giuseppe Palmeri received 11,262 votes.

Burnstein, a longtime fixture in Jackson and Ocean County politics, was assisted by an incredible turnout from the Orthodox Jewish community, which was estimated to be at over 90%.

Jennifer Kuhn was once again sworn in as Council President.


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  1. Reb mordy we are hoping you don’t allow Jacksons roads to turn into Lakewood’s roads, this starts of course with strict development laws!

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