In order to slow the spread of coronavirus in New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy announced the closure of ALL public and private schools in the state, effective Wednesday.
All pre-K through grade 12 schools – public, private, and parochial – and all colleges and universities will close until health officials deem it safe for classes to resume.
Lakewood School District Attorney Michael Inzelbuch tells TLS the District will shut as of Tuesday.
Nonpublic schools will still be open Tuesday, and busing will continue.
Murphy said that he has worked to ensure that the overall educational and individual needs of students will be met during this closure, including home instruction and continued access to free and reduced meals for students.
Does anyone realize that this is a complete over reaction! its a liberal reaction! the only quarantine that shouldve been put in place are for ppl over 65 who would get the most efected by this virus! everyone else shouldve been able to go about thier day and is they get the virus its like any other virus ppl get.
maybe maybe
I hope to use the time to BOND with my kids…
stay calm Ha-Shem is in control
Thank Ha-shem it is not worse
how about my 2 year old with asthma? How do I protect him? even if I keep him home, if his siblings go to school, they’ll bring it home. How about my immunocompromised sister? Will you forster her kids so they don’t bring it home to her? Do you realize how many people besides the elderly are at risk here??
@Justme- there hasn’t been a single death of a child anywhere in the world – including those with asthma, cancer etc. In fact, it is very rare for them to catch it at all.
I am sure the 11 people under the age of 50 in North Jersey who are in the ICU on respirators will agree with that one.
They’ll kill the economy and blame Trump. No school means wherever 2 working parents one must take off means less income bills won’t get paid house goes into Foreclosure etc. etc. etc.
what about in a one parent household like mine?????????
Then the consequences are even more drastic
Thank you! This should have been done effective today, but I’ll take Wednesday.
J I agree with u!
will local mosdos close on tues or wed? What is BMG doing?
I already pulled out my kids from school upon the recommendation of our Pediatrician.
The quicker we do it the less at risk the grandparents will be over family Pesach gatherings…
Wrong! If you have been listening to the briefings, no health officials are trying to stop the spread of the virus. Everyone knows it will continue to spread. Their idea is to SLOW the spread so that the hospitals can deal with it. So don’t plan on being with grandma for Pesach.
Thank You Governor Murphy! Job Well Done!
Its not the time now to comment right wrong politics or alike
DO we realize the severity of whats going on?feels like it cant be true!who ever dreamt !
no schools yeshivos can be open! no simchos of more then 50 ppl! no minyanim more then 50! STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US!!!HASHEM YERCHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO its not time to stay chill and forget about it HASHEM WANTS SOMETHING
The government is trying to rescue us from ourselves again since we don’t know what’s best!
“effective wednesday”? if this is happening it should be effective immediately, whats gonna cahnge from now to wednesday that willl make i worse?
Thank you Governor Murphy for doing the right thing!
Why wait another day if it’s so contagious?
If you can not have a gathering of more than 50 people effective 8pm tonight, how can there possibly be school tomorrow?
an infectious disease specialist with over 50 years experience told me today that this is unlike anything he has ever seen.. safe to say that this is not an overreaction
Better to overreact then to underreact in this situation. Just keep hanging to every word that ralph the mouth has to say and we’ll see how things go. Either way, re-election chances are going down the toilet. Better to have a leader then a con man who failed at most business ventures. These are facts backed up by factual data and facts and facts and facts and facts. Take social media out of the equation and he’s just trailer working off of daddy’s money. More facts….
Sounds like the virus got to you. Feel better!
Thanks for proving my point that this is a Democratic hoax. Its no more dangerous or deadly than the seasonal flu with and with out vaccination, yet DEMS want and are deliberately trying to take our economy down. Just to get Trump out of office.
Thanks for laying it out for everyone to clearly see.
Trump Derangement Syndrom?
This will not negatively effect his re-election as this is a world crisis and nobody could’ve done better than this.
In fact, all the DemocRATS yelled racism when Trump actually called for not allowing any flights from China into the U.S. in January.
Basically, whatever he does is not good enough for them and they are celebrating that this happened because they hope it will hurt him. He will win re-election by a landslide because the only reason why the financial situation right now is not worse, is because it was so good before this happened.
Unemployment was at records lows and WallStreet at record highs. Now it’ll probably get back to what it was before he was in office but guess what? The second this thing gets out of the way, all those jobs and stocks will go right back to where it was a few weeks ago.
Trump did not create this problem and everyone knows it. FDR wasn’t considered a bad president because WW2 happened and this is the same on a much lower level.
Your specialist with 50 years experience should quarantine and retire at the same time. This is a typical liberal overreaction. Kids will still party with friends don’t see the gain unless all kids are locked up at home all day. Which is understandably impossible.
the more people together at the same time allows for faster transmission which means less hospital resources available for the sick
shutting down schools allows for a slower spread and gives medical professionals the ability those most affected
Well said, Dustin!
Despite the psak of the Passaic Rabbonim including the Rosh Yeshiva, shlita, against doing so, there were at least 6 “boot-leg” minyonim in private homes and shul parking lots. I suppose the Passaic masmidim know more than Daas Torah.
what about playgroups are they closed?
Ask you Morah… But at this point it does not include daycare’s…
I just got word that a chasunah that was supposed to take place next week is being postponed until the hall can reopen and people can come and dance. How sad:( There was already a 3 month wait for halls, now with all the postponements the wait is going to be much longer! This is crazy!
For those who possibly can not see the video,can you please post exactly what was outlined in his address regarding activity after 8 PM and stores,groups of 50 etc?
Thank you
I don’t understand the logic why schools are closing but not daycares…yes, the groups are smaller but they are from various families so they are exposing eachother regardless. Plus little children are the worst at hygiene
Why would anyone send their little ones to Day Care or Play group? They are so vulnerable!
Rav Chaim stated clearly “NOT” to shutdown Shuls and Yeshivas,
Why is everyone ignoring it??
do we only use the Rav Chaim Card for the WZO, to change our Hashkafa?, but when its convenient then we disregard it??
the Psak was even if the government said to close,
Why are we not listening?? should we Chas Veshalam think that the Israeli government is illegitimate, or that we only use Daas torah to hit the rightwingers??/
To Dumbfounded- Rav Chaim’s psak was for his community. There is no reason for us to have to follow it. Just like Bnei Brak would not follow a psak from R’ Shmuel kaminetsky. Since when does a posek paskin for the whole world? Each community has a right to look tp its own Morei Horaah for a psak for their own community.
Record unemployment? Pull back the layers of the onion of those statistics. Gainfully employed or minimum wage jobs? I guess all we need is facebook and ralph the mouths tremendous words and we’re all economists and experts in political science. The economy has been great and on an upswing since the housing bubble bursted over 10 yrs ago. Wall Street had a correction coming regardless of the virus, obviously just not to this extreme. But again, all the mental midgets continue hanging on every mind controlling word i’ll continue to think on my own.
BMG doesn’t have a choice they get money from the state and have way too many relationships and im sure there was a big war that went on in their offices. Playgroups run with beis faiga and are all closing . Wan they day Daycare they mean the state certified ones. The situation is the worst that klal Yisroel has ever faced besides being sent off to concentration camps . No yeshiva the size of BMG has ever been closed in the history of klal Yisroel and we as hidden are in massive trouble. We just lost our biggest meilitz kosher. We need to be mechazek and follow our rebbeim and rabbinim.
To lessor: you claim that Rav Chaim only paskens for Bnei Brak??? He is the Gadol Hadar!!!!!!! The anointed voice and thought process of Klal Yisroel. Just a short while ago by the WZO controversy we were told that we must listen to Rav Chaim and he is the only opinion!!! Now when it’s convenient we place him on the backburner and close schools and shuls??? We are supposed to be shepsilach
People are still getting married in Eretz Yisroel… without the flair and without the hall… with a limit of 50 people… in their homes, in the courtyards… if there is a will there is a way.
I think Its time for all of us to wake up and face reality together as one nation to a time of serious teshuva. Nothing just happens by coincidence. Hashem is waiting for us to wake up and do teshuva. We have had so much horrific tragedies just in the past year alone. How much more will it take for us to wake up and do teshuva.
Hoping for national teshuva very soon and wish everyone stay healthy and safe
To J don’t be stupid what about all the special needs children in this town it’s not just old people that have to worry. What about myself that is 42 and has an autoimmune disease or my neighbor that is 50 and has lupus. Or cancer patients or my sister that is 45 and has no spleen and is a thyroid cancer survivor. There are many people that are risk
when i said old ppl it was focused on all ppl that have immune issues and that is still a small percentage, the whole world does not need to stop because of it! every virus these same ppl need to be careful and at time quarantine them selfs.
Refuah Shlaima
Is daycare closed too