A jury has found former President Trump guilty on all 34 counts related to the criminal charges in New York Thursday afternoon for his alleged role in making illegal campaign payments during his 2016 presidential campaign.

Each count carries a maximum prison sentence of 4 years. In total, the former president faces a maximum sentence of 136 years. He’ll be sentenced on July 11, just four days before the Republican National Convention.

Following the verdict being read, Trump spoke briefly to reporters outside the courthouse.

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt as a rigged trial and disgrace. It wouldn’t give us a venue change,” Trump said. “We were at five percent or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial.”

“We didn’t do anything wrong. I’m a very innocent man,” he added. “And it’s okay. I’m fighting for our country. I’m fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now.”

This is the first time a former president has been convicted.

President Biden’s campaign praised the verdict in a statement, but said that Trump needs to be defeated in November.

“In New York today, we saw that no one is above the law,” the campaign’s communications director Michael Tyler said, but added that the “verdict does not change the fact that the American people face a simple reality. There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box.”

Trump, who will hold a press conference Friday morning outside Trump Tower in Manhattan, later issued a written statement of his own, which can be read in its entirety below:

This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It’s a rigged trial, a disgrace. They wouldn’t give us a venue change. We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial.

The real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people. And they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here. You have a Soros-backed DA, and the whole thing, we didn’t do a thing wrong.

I’m a very innocent man, and it’s okay, I’m fighting for our country. I’m fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now.

This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. And I think it’s just a disgrace. And we’ll keep fighting. We’ll fight till the end, and we’ll win because our country has gone to hell.

We don’t have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We’re a nation in decline, serious decline, millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists, and they’re taking over our country. We have a country that’s in big trouble.

But this was a rigged decision right from Day One. With a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. Never. And we will fight for our Constitution. This is long from over. Thank you very much.”

Statement from New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith:

“Today’s wrongful conviction of President Trump—prosecuted by an absolutely biased Democrat district attorney and presided over by an equally politicized judge—tells all Americans and the world that justice in America can and today has been exploited in an attempt to destroy a political opponent. This blatant abuse of power begs the question: is this the harbinger of judicial dirty tricks and an expanded use of unethical legal tactics to defeat a political opponent?

It’s outrageous and disgraceful and parallels what happens in countries like Nicaragua, where Daniel Ortega jailed all of his presidential opponents on bogus charges. 

Has President Biden or his Justice Department been complicit in any way in this political witch-hunt?

On appeal, however, I am confident this egregiously flawed verdict will be overturned, but not before the November election—precisely what the architects of this eleventh hour abuse of power are hoping for.”

Statement from 2025 Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli:

“Regardless of what anyone thinks about Donald Trump, would these charges have ever been brought if he wasn’t running for President? Legal experts on both sides are saying that these convictions are likely to be overturned on appeal. I agree. In the end, the American people will render their verdict come November.”

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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  1. Sadly this will just polarize the country even more than it already is. Biden should pardon trump if he wants to save his own legacy, and thereby reunite the country. It would also bump up his own poll numbers. But he is either too clueless or too hateful to do so.

  2. If this is considered news for the Lakewood community, then why can’t we read articles about the hostages that are still stuck in Gaza going through mind boggling torture? Maybe we can arrange an Asifa and say Tehillim.

  3. The cult of Trump followers is crying and denying that their dear leader is starting to be exposed. Nebach. These Trump puppets would more quickly believe their rov abused someone than believe that their savior, the greatest conman Donald Trump would ever do anything inappropriate.

    • Inappropriate? Sure he did inappropriate things, but illegal is another question. The fact that not even one juror thought there was reasonable doubt in a case that has so many wholes in it, shows that the jury is obviously biased. Also possibly due to the instructions the jury received about not needing to agree on what the underlying crime is, but even so there should be plenty of doubt. Not proof of innocence, just reasonable doubt to any part of it by any juror. Still somehow convicted

      • The only person who said he did inappropriate things, was a lowlife woman, whose profession cannot even be mentioned on the Scoop without being censored, So I am not sure why Moshe F and “We’re all biased in some way” are believing her over the former president. There were no witnesses. His word versus the word of that lowlife, I think I will believe him.

    • Your guy supports mengele style mutilation of children. There was no crime here. A corrupt kangaroo court “judge”, and it will be overturned on appeal due to so many unlawful ruling by same.

  4. Breaking: Mainstream Media Finds Biden Not Guilty On All Criminal Activities Related to His Illegal Foreign Business Transactions! Congressional Democrats and the mainstream media courts on Thursday found President Joe Biden not guilty on all criminal activities related to his corrupt foreign business transactions.
    “We, in the mainstream media court of lawlessness, and our Democratic allies in congress, have unaminously concluded what we’ve always maintained,” said NY Times editor and presiding mainstream media judge, Louie “Shifty-Eyed” McGee, “namely that President Biden’s shady business transactions with foreign entities is 100% lawful and that all claims to the contrary are nothing more than wild conspiracy theories.”
    The shifty-eyed NY Times editor and presiding mainstream media judge went on to say that, “The mainstream media courts will soon bring charges upon the purveyors of these anti-Biden conspiracy theories.”
    “The aforementioned scoundrels,” he asserted, “who falsely accused Mr. Biden of repeatedly breaking the law via his shady business dealings with Chinese government hacks and other dubious foreign actors, will soon be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
    “Today,” Mr. McGee continued, “Americans from all walks of life witnessed the beauty of the mainstream media justice system exonerating a Democratic political hack who has faithfuly served the needs of his family, his own needs and the bank accounts of his foreign constituents.”
    Mr. McGee concluded with the following declaration: “Let it be known to one and all that on this fateful day, May 30, 2024, The NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN and Congressional Democrats renewed the American people’s faith in the integrity of the mainstream media justice system!!”

    • Um… Did you forget that Hunter Biden has already been punished in the justice system? And did you miss the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t been tied with enough evidence for even the angry Republicans to impeach him, let alone for a criminal court to convict him? In case you don’t know, the standards for impeachment evidence is lower than for a criminal verdict. And did you not get the message that Menendez (D) is indeed being prosecuted?

      • Hunter Biden hasn’t been punished for anything. Including federal crimes of not informing that he was working with foreign governments. Joe Biden told the world he demanded Ukraine fire the prosecutor looking into Hunter business dealings, or he will rip up the check.

  5. I called it. No way would any of those jurors risk their own lives by finding Trump not guilty. There was no way Trump would get a free trial. If any of the jurors had voted to acquit they would have been found out, and tarred and feathered.

  6. The fact that 12 jurors deliberated and examined the evidence, which includes documentation in text messages, testimony from about 10 witnesses, and the jurors unanimously found the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, is clear indication of a highly corrupt person named Trump. To those who bizarrely deem this indicative of bias in the jury, you clearly have zero understanding of the judicial system. Every single convicted felon in American history had the same experience: 12 jurors, who were screened by the attorneys on both sides, found guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

    • Deliberated? 2 hours and only requested to hear the judge instructions? they had zero to hear from weeks of testimony? Screened by whom? NYC is 90+% anti Trump. They would’ve found him guilty of being Hitler if that was on the list. You’re the one that has zero idea about the legal system or the justice system. Where was the jury of his peers?

    • And OJ also never killed anyone according to a jury.
      When even legal analysts on CNN are saying that the prosecution’s case is very weak you know you have a problem.

  7. What about all the crap Clinton did in the white house office with Monica Lewinsky and got away with it and all the illegal things he and his wife did and Biden and his good old son Hunter did while in office and got away with it you all know Bidens kid Hunter will be found guilty but will get away with it because his dad will pardon him in the end but to wait four years to bring up President Trumps incident four years later when it really was not import then to do so is another political ploy to keep him from reelection if his wife did not care who are you to say anything did he hurt you in any way i do not think so this was between TRUMP AND his wife not you and me I wonder how much more crap the Democrats will come up with so Trump will not be reelected ?????

    • What stupidity, there was no crime here, the case is a travesty of justice. Keep voting for the hamas democrats who support mengele style mutilation of confused children.

  8. Think honestly to yourself, even if he is guilty for the crime, if this happened in a different country you would say it’s a dictator trying to put his political opponent in jail. Bottom line for democrats to try to prosecute the leading political opponent right before an election on charges that are unclear and definitely not major (everyone agrees you need to rely on novel legal theories to bring this case) for sure looks like political prosecution. Navalny was jailed officially for tax evasion, do I know if he was guilty of tax evasion? I don’t know, but everyone can see it’s Putin targeting his political opponent (yes, we are better than Russia and they didn’t kill trump, and I didn’t like when trump compared himself to navalny, but just to bring out the point)
    It for sure doesn’t look good for a first world country. I’m not saying a former president can’t be charged with anything, but if you’re going to it better be something serious and obvious case. Especially when he’s running again for president. Time will tell if he’ll get jail time, but if he does it will only help my analogy.

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