JUST IN: Fire Commissioner and Attorney Larry Loigman tells TLS he will be requesting a recount in the Fire Commissioner elections. The announcement comes after this afternoon’s Board of Elections failure to include certain ballots.
“We will move forward with our efforts to see that those who voted are not ignored in the final tally,” Loigman told TLS. “We will be asking for a recount and, if necessary, contesting the improper exclusion of the mail ballots in court.”
Loigman added, “the Board of Elections did rule on the provisional ballots (most of which were counted) and the vote-by-mail (absentee) ballots (most of which were not counted). The attorney for one of the candidates argued against allowing the vote-by-mail ballots, because he knew that, if all the ballots were counted, his candidate would not win. We argued that voters should not be disenfranchised when they voted in good faith, and that the most important policy in a democratic election is to allow every proper vote to be counted.”
Thank you ex-commissioner Loigman for your dedication over the last three years I have no doubt that you did what you thought was in the best interest of Lakewood. Unfortunately your ideas and policy’s are not right for Lakewood as the voters have so stated. Please don not embarrass yourself and the office you once held by dragging this election on. Once again thanks again for your service and best of luck with your future endeavors .
Correct me if I am wrong but aren’t they electronic votes..How can you mess up that??
I voted for Mizrahi a good friend of mine but if loigman is right that not all the votes were accepted then i support him challenging it in court. You gotta fly straight
There were in the area of 135 ballots not opened or counted by the county!
I will not say who I voted for as I don’t think its anyones business but in america every vote must be counted!
I voted for Loigman by absentee ballot because I knew how difficult it would’ve been for my family to have me shlep out on Saturday. I demand that my vote be counted!!
Why don’t they just count the votes?
if they came on time, they deserve to be counted!
Why go to court?
PS David rocks! he makes the best chwarmu in town!!
he deserves every vote -please open them, I’m sure they’re all for him.
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To post #3 – R’ Yisroel- I hate to break it to you but nobody really cares who you voted for.
What happened to the concept of Hakoras Hatov? Larry Loigman has given his all to better serve his community – and yet just because these fellows that ran (and presumably won) may be better known to a lot of the younger guys out there, is that a reason to just walk away from someone who has done so much in this town ..and not just in his position as Fire Commissioner. I am really troubled not so much about the outcome of the election but by the larger picture that someone can be shown the door despite years of hard work and dedication.
That’s life in the USA.
Ask Barak Obama.
I know masmid. The concept of Democracy in the United States of America is just AWFUL! (Sarcasm!)
Every vote must be counted! THATS democracy!
count the votes asap
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