TLS moments ago has received information that there are now dozens more positive coronavirus cases in Lakewood.
According to the source with direct knowledge, there are over 25 new cases in Lakewood, bringing the total to nearly 40.
“At this point, everyone should consider themselves contaminated,” the source said.
In the coming days, the numbers are expected to spike, as more are tested and more results are returned.
The police have broken up numerous gatherings in Lakewood of over 50 people, maybe if you people obeyed orders from the government it wouldn’t be as bad. Your selfish actions are putting all of us at risk, I just hope it stays in Lakewood n u don’t infest those of us in Toms River and Jackson that are obeying orders. Your also putting police, fire and other people at risk.
“you people” thanks for generalizing, that is the translation of racism. When there are tens of thousands in Lakewood obeying the orders.
“stays in Lakewood’- yeh the only way it will spread is from Lakewood with hundreds of confirmed cases in other neighboring towns. Maybe in China, it spread because of Lakewood too.
Really? Do you think that no people in those large gatherings were from Toms River or Jackson? Stupid and selfish actions for sure, but not limited to Lakewood. Hopefully everyone has understood the messages by now.
This comment is Anti-Semitic and should be removed immediately!!! Moderator, how did you let this through????
No, it isn’t.
I absolutely agree! This is definitely Anti-Semitic, What are they trying to say! So many towns are reporting so many positive cases. People care about those who are sick without those unnecessary remarks, \
every comment is anti Semitic to you clowns. get over it
The virus is already all over the world, don’t blame Lakewood for the virus, please. It is in all of New Jersey’s communities.
FYI exposure for those testing positive happen at least a week or two ago, before any gidelines were issued, so keep your righteous indignation to yourself!
Maybe if you would stop calling them “You People” they might take a minute and listen
I’m in Texas and I probably have it (waiting on results). Is that also Lakewood’s fault? I’m closer to Toms River actually.
play stupid games win stupid prizes
This “game” started weeks ago, before any rules were set!
With all due respect, this is NOT a game. Please stop making light of this. Take it as seriously as you would anything of extreme importance.
What a Chillul Hashem!
You all need to keep in mind that testing is mostly only being done for over age 65. There are many dozens more cases of people in town that are 90% sure they have it but aren’t being tested.
Most ppl that have mild symptoms aren’t getting tested. Just staying home and resting. So there is no way to know how many more cases there are. There’s probably 1,000s
It’s best to play it safe and assume that most people have been exposed and the virus has been circulating within the community for some time. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Avoid close contact with people other than immediate family members. This includes cleaning ladies, play dates, neighbors.
If most people were exposed already, maybe we should just drop this whole social distancing game and play it by the same rules as seasonal flu? If true number of cases is 10 fold or more, than death rate would same as flu. Why give in to all this panic and hysteria?
No, that would be very irresponsible. Italy and other countries are being decimated by this virus. There are people who work in this community that also are being put at risk. (Many of us are still working here in Lakewood because our offices have not closed) and you also have police, EMS, sanitation, govt employees, state employees, pharmacies, food stores > all have working people you would be putting at risk. Do not for a minute assume this is even partly over. We have months ahead to isolate because millions would die otherwise. Please err on the side of caution always. People have underlying health issues they many no nothing about. You own family could have someone like that. Follow the rules, they are not made to inconvenience you, they are put in place to protect and minimize the deaths.
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I just heard from a Doctor in Kiryas Yoel that he thinks that within the next day or two, 90 % of the population (35,000 people) in Kiyas Yoel will Chas veshalem get the ——. People please take this seriously!
With the public schools and Yeshivas open on Monday and Tuesday this week and waiting until the Governor ORDERED them closed this could be catastrophic. Over 40,000 kids, teachers, and parents potentially exposed. Hope those commenters who made critical and derisive comments on Monday are now taking this seriously.
Why isn’t the state being informed? Numbers for Lakewood show a total of 4 cases as of this morning.
The overwhelming majority of the Lakewood Jewish community is abiding by the rules entirely.
Can the bashing of the community please stop or at least be focused on the tiny minority who need to hear it.
Please remember that all Lakewood township schools were still open as of Tuesday so this has been circulating among the entire population not exclusive to any one group. How I wish we would have had more direction earlier and more testing available to be on the offense instead of the defense…
BTW there is a minority of the total USA population that isn’t following rules. they exist in every state and demographic . see spring break in Florida and elsewhere…
Who made the decision to keep the public schools open on Monday? All the surrounding towns were closed.
Because they closed voluntarily. The mandate came down from the governor on Monday to take effect on Wednesday to officially close all NJ public & private schools. Lakewood was not the only school district still open in Jersey but now they are all closed. Same in NY and CT.
Mrs. Someone who works in Lakewood,
Please not defend a district that rewards obsequience and punishes leadership.
I had a dream to build an infrastructure of opportunity, engine of growth for this town, free courses in the trades and free English for our youngsters. Do a search under my name since 2011.
The district could not stop me from filing Alcantara. The district did not stop trying to undermine the case, moving to become a party four times, making trouble until the end, when it moved to have the judge recused for saying that the loans are a Ponzi scheme (which is what we are saying). Huh?
Well, it’s over now and a decision, according to the rules, under normal circumstances, should be out on by Monday.
A Lang
1)why such negativity at this time when we all jews non jews all the whole world is suffering together
2)whats the point of scaring ppl its also dangerous those who listen listen those who dont know how to listen just wont !
The jews are supposed to be an example to the world .Most is not good enough.
If you’re saying the community is staying at home in quarantine, you are either misinformed or outright lying. If you need proof you may want to explore the article on NJ.Com entitled “Cops Break up 2 large Weddings for Defying Coronavirus rules”. I’m not sure how many were at the “gathering” at the venue located on the corner of Cross St. and Faraday yesterday, but it was well over 300 when the police arrived. If you would like to call us Gentiles “anti-Semitic” for being angry when law is being ignored I would suggest some introspective reflection.
I was there. 300 people is a complete fabrication. It was a very very small wedding held outside and no laws were broken.
All these negative comments against a single community make no sense. Yes, I totally understand the outrage against the events that are still taking place, but that isn’t the whole communities fault. The fault goes towards the families and individuals still deciding to move forward with such events and not taking the current times seriously. the majority of the community is taking things very seriously and taking all the correct precautions with these very difficult times.
Stop singling out a whole community for individuals’ stupid mistakes. Instead, focus on what needs to be done to stop it and if you see anything going on just call the hotline and the cops will handle it. Stop spreading the hate, it does no good to anyone including yourself.
Enough is enough.
Stay at home, do not go to yeshiva, do not go to shul, do not let your kids play with neighbors! This is serious and should be treated as such.
All the instances of gatherings mentioned here were from few days ago, when the rules were still new and not understood. in all communities, it took a day till all got with it.
Oh this is going to be lit!
Maybe the industrial complex should be closed then, and companies should not be able to work business as usual.
It’s too late… damage has been done due to non-compliance. You can’t change what some groups have done to continue to gather in large groups. Stay home with your own family and DON NOT visit with elderly family members. They are at the greatest risk of dying from this. Just read though that many in their 40’s are very sick as well. The hospitals will not have enough room for all that get sick because many still do not practice social distancing as requested by NJ Governor. Stop gathering in groups; no play dates. The key is to stop spreading the disease. Isolate yourself as recommended.
The 40 cases are not necessarily unzerer community, could be others that have tested positive.
This virus is everywhere now.
Fighting and pointing fingers does nothing but prolong the length time this disease wrecks havoc on our communities. Doesnt matter if it was man or god made… who cares now.
Fact is more deaths will occur by not isolating… why? When you get sick and they have no ventilator for you… will you survive? Probably not. They do not have enough now! It wont matter what age you are. Where you come from.
Go home… Wash your hands.
Love your family. Tomorrow will be worse.
May god bless and keep us all in this time of tragedy.
For all you self hating jews out there, go look newsguz twitter post and I quote:
Lakewood Mayor Raymond Coles has confirmed that of the 40 cases, MANY concentrate in Latino population
Stop looking to knock yidden. The “others” do a much better job. Why must you feed the fire!!
I don’t think the “you people” was meant as an antisemitic comment. You people could be referring to the people still gathering in large groups. He points out the gatherings of more than 50 people, and in the same sentence addresses those people with “you people”. The comment is factually correct. If you’re still going to be out there in large groups, YOU are part of the problem. Why should an entire county suffer because of the carelessness of a select few from one town? Use your heads.
Let us not hate. It will not help. It adds nothing. We need to join together. Love your families and protect them. This is not anyone’s fault.
Worship God and trust in Him for protection. It is His mercy which endures forever. His love be is everlasting and His glory is wonderful. Blessed is the man which walks in His favor
it is all in the Almighty’s hands. it is not in our control and we see thet. we have to do our hishtadlus, stay home, wash hands ect… but the panic is not a yiddishe thing to do
Why? Nobody did anything wrong. All these cases were tested before guidelines were in place. Reason it’s so many is because we actually have much more contact with our communities as opposed to other communities. We have minyanim, Purim Seudas, Simchas, etc.
Chillul Hashem is usually when we do something we weren’t supposed to do.
Please spread this around to those who have friends and family in Baltimore.
“Anybody coming from a location experiencing sizable outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus (including Israel, NY and NJ) must isolate themselves and practice extreme social distancing for 14 days after arrival here in Baltimore. This includes immediate family members.”
True, the virus is all over the world, but why is Lakewood one of the smallest cities and have one of the highest number of people infected with COVID19? What is going on in Lakewood that is not occurring in other neighboring townships that could possibly be the reason???