BREAKING: Avrohom Flohr and Baruch Birnbaum of Toms River District 58 win County Committee Seats in landslide win

The pair will be representing the Walden Woods and Tallymore neighborhoods.

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  1. Avrumie is a man who’s there for others! We are lucky to have him as the district County committee leader! Keep up the great work!

  2. A huge win for all of NJ! Abe is a first class citizen that will fight for all of Toms River. Always one to do anything for anyone, and gets the job done. No clowning around.

    Wishing Abe much success in accomplishing much good for the entire community!

    A huge fan in Jackson

  3. Congratulations to Boruch Birnbaum. His tireless work on behalf on the community is greatly appreciated and will no doubt be even more effective now. Lots of luck!

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