BREAKING: Authorities investigating shooting in Lakewood

Authorities are investigating a shooting in Lakewood this evening, sources tell TLS.

The shooting reportedly occurred on the east side of town shortly after 11:00 p.m.

Rounds reportedly struck a vehicle and a home. There are no current reports of injuries.

Lakewood Detective Bureau, along with CSI – with the assistance of a K9 – are investigating.

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    • That’s what happens when there is no accountability (at the polls…)

      Why should someone go out of his way to take on a tough job if it wont matter to his pocketbook/ career etc

      Time for people to wake up!

  1. How many of these guns used are legally registered?
    I would bet none, but if this keeps up our lawmakers in Trenton will be passing tougher gun control laws. Gun control laws that will apply to legal gun owners not to the illegal guns.

    Get the illegal guns off the streets and leave the legal gun owners alone!

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