In what is a nightmare scenario in the case of SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann, the Appellate Division of New Jersey’s Superior Court tossed out Rabbi Eisemann’s appeal and agreed with the appeal of the prosecutors.
They ruled that the case must go before a different judge for a new sentence, claiming that the judge’s numerous comments praising Rabbi Eisemann indicate that he was biased in his decision, and that a new judge should resentence the case. According to sentencing guidelines, the convictions carry between 6 and 20 years in prison. The prosecutors were asking that a 12-year-prison term be mandated.
“The legal team is now preparing to file an appeal with the NJ Supreme Court and are confident that the Court will see through this “travesty of justice”, Askonim involved said.
They added, “The rejection of what appeals experts had considered a rock-solid appeal by Rabbi Eisemann and his legal team, has raised eyebrows in the field of legal experts, many who are shocked both that R’ Eisemann’s well-grounded appeal failed and that the prosecutors’ weak appeal was not rejected outright.”
Tefillos can be said for Osher ben Chana Frumet. Donations to fund a legal battle can be given at
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A tragedy of Klal Yisroel. When will this innocent man be allowed to live in peace? The jury rejected the main charges against him and agreed that he never used any money that was not his. The convictions are technicalities that were tacked on. It’s a disgrace that the Appellate Division, who did not sit through the trail like the trial judge did, and did not see how the case had no legs to stand on, and did not witness Rabbi Eisemann’s moral personality, should claim that the light sentence in unjustified.
Fight this case up to the state supreme court. Justice will prevail, and Rabbi Eisemann will walk free.
May Hashem help him
Trump please pardon him
he cant get pardoned by trump since its a state crime
Are we learning our lesson over here?
We were so excited to hear such nice things from the judge about Reb Osher. We thought that we could use that as proof that we are not as bad as the media made us out to be, that was the silver lining.
It turns out, that was exactly what made things worse for us.
There are lessons to be learnt from this, let us hope that we learn them
Which lesson are you referring to? What should we learn from this???
What is the lesson?
So Sad. Dr Rich Roberts we hope you will be the messenger to Pres Trump and obtain a Pardon.
“Woe to them who call good evil and evil good”. This is just sickening. As we have seen with Rabbi Rubashkin (and others), the American “Justice” system has lost its way. While thousands of violent criminals are released without bail, or released because of Covid or not even charged (Antifa and BLM rioters, looters, arsonists), this great man has the book thrown at him. Massive political corruption, bribery, graft, abuse of agency power, spying on political opponents, destroying evidence: nothing. Rabbi Eisseman: he must be destroyed. Sickening. Praying.
Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky
זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה
asked the members of his Kehilla when they come Shabbos morning, please do not wear your Tallis on top of your clothing outside.
This new twist does not make any sense at all for the following reason:
At 11:37 AM 12/31/2020, I googled “Judge makes nice comment about defendant”. I got 64,600,000 results. Please google it yourself, you will be shocked. 64,600,000 results
If Murphy wants Lakewood to vote for him he should a give full pardon. Lev Melachim Vsarim Byad Hashem
LOL! Your first sentence and second sentence are from of the biggest contradictions I’ve ever seen!
It is interesting that the court system is willing to go back and dig and dig to try to over turn the issue with Rabbi Eisemann. How come when it comes to President Trump all the courts are saying that you lost the election and it is what it is. Why can’t we apply the same logic in both issues. What is the difference?
I noticed that these judges and prosecutors have a lot of free time on their hands. Maybe they can use their extra time to help NYC track down those mammals who broke the windshield of the Doctor’s car in Manhattan this week. There were broken pieces of glass everywhere. This will be a great benefit for our society at large if the prosecutors will use their time and effort to try to make USA a safer place.
please remember that, even though we dont understand anything that’s happening in the world, HaShem is running everything. even when we dont know the reason, we believe that everything that occurs is for the benefit of klal yisroel. WE MUST KEEP THIS IN MIND!!!
Aside from recognizing that there is a borei olam who is manhig all that takes place, we are obligated to be nosah b’ol chavairo and be empathetic to the plight of Rabbi Eisenmann. Our empathy should inspire us to daven, learn and preform acts of chesed as a zechus for him.
It is an upside down world. In the next world we will see the truth
I was wondering maybe the reason why they prefer to be extremely busy with Rabbi Eisemenn is due to the fact that they know very well that this Rabbi and all his friends will never ever hurt them and they will never ever hurt their families either. If they pick on someone else, they are taking a big risk. They are trying to stay safe and they want their families to be safe.
Idaho is Potatoes New Jersey is all about Police and Courts and Prosecutors and Lawyers and Jails And Baliffs and Court Marrials and Townships and Courthouses and State Police and Local Police and Ordinances and Regulations. That is the Business and the Identity of the State and Towns of New Jersey
to whoever answered my note: of course you are right. HaShem is running the world but that does not allow us to sit back and twiddle our thumbs. we have our job to do which is to daven harder than ever, and to plead Rabbi Eisemann’s case before the real Judge. but we must be careful never to despair. somewhere in all the mess the world seems to be in now, we must believe that it is for the good of klal yisroel because klal yisroel is the reason the world was created
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Why do I lose my license and possibly go to jail if I stick my hand into my trust account? This is a miscarriage of justice. Stupid laws. What wrong with borrowing money from the trust account? All he did was just that!