It’s finally here – the video people wait for all year – Fiveish Live! This year, Fiveish interrupts some regularly scheduled programming to bring a shocking news report. Follow coverage of this surprising event in real time, with commentary by the famous expert senior distinguished person, Dr. Alan Greenberg, PhD.
Fiveish, a perennial favorite of kids of all ages (and their parents), is the well-known mascot of the popular Oorah Auction, the only auction that still offers raffle entries at only $5 each. This year, what makes the auction more exciting than ever is the first-ever Million Dollar Raffle. You’ll be entered automatically once you donate to the Oorah Auction, and the prize you’ll win is ONE THOUSAND times your donation – all the way up to a million dollars!
So sit back, relax, and laugh at the hilarity of Fiveish Live, and then click the link to donate to Oorah’s Auction. Aside from the entertainment, you’ll be getting the satisfaction of knowing that your money is hard at work, sending kids to yeshiva, pairing up Torah Mates, sending thousands of pre-Yom Tov packages, running all TheZone camp programs and supporting all the good work that Oorah does.
oorah made a mistake. Feivish signs off as Oorah 2012. In fact its 2013.
He says “Tumult 2012”, not “Oorah 2012”. I guess the news is old….