The latest bombshell disclosure from the recent OPRA’s show that Rob Nixon put Jackson Taxpayers on the hook for his bigoted vendetta, according to Jackson Township attorney Cipriani.
The OPRAs show that that Nixon fought his own Police Chief, his Township Attorney and Jackson residents. Now residents are questioning, why did Nixon force Jackson into a costly, illegal quest to redline a neighborhood safety watch discussion?
The background to the latest bombshells started with what sounded like a good idea. With thousands of Orthodox Jews living in Jackson, why not engage them in local Jackson volunteerism? After all, Orthodox Jews in other communities have an exceptionally high rate of volunteerism.
Orthodox communities have created Hatzalah first aid and paramedic squads, which are found and appreciated throughout the state. They serve all residents and have brought down emergency medical response times and saved countless lives – in addition to creating huge local tax savings. Ocean County Fire Academy too had seen the benefit – graduating dozens of new firefighters from Lakewood’s Orthodox community. Lakewood’s Office of Emergency Management is another example, Lakewood OEM has numerous volunteers who are Orthodox and they help statewide with disaster relief, emergency search and rescue and more. MONOC’s Hatzalah volunteer paramedic unit is another example – they have saved numerous lives and the unit is staffed by Orthodox shopkeepers, lawyers, doctors, and more.
So, it was Jackson’s turn. With Orthodox Jews a local presence, it was time to give back. That meant beating the drum rolls among Jackson’s Orthodox to volunteer. Lakewood’s then Chief of Police Rob Lawson was ready to help. So was Jackson’s Chief of Police Matthew Kunz. Jackson residents were appreciative of the drive for volunteerism.
One highly regarded local agency, the LCSW, had much experience in volunteerism. The LCSW – unlike what was depicted in rude hateful emails – is a multi-denominational group, with Jew and Christian, White, Hispanic and Black alike, working side by side. While most of Lakewood is crime free and safe, safer than any other N.J. municipality of its size; yet, as in any municipality, there are pockets of gangs and places where there are more crimes. The LCSW had helped Lakewood Police bring down crime rates in Lakewood. It engaged young and old, with a mix of friendliness, caring, solidarity, and its signature Neighborhood Block Watch. There is nothing more American than that – neighbors looking out for each other.
Founders of the LCSW were ready to roll up their sleeves. Their mantra to Jackson was, we are your neighbors and are here to help, just let us know what is needed.
Then Rob Nixon stepped in. To him it was one more signs of disaster. His warning bells went off that “the Jews are coming.” In addition to serving as a Jackson Township councilman and University of Pennsylvania professor of government, Nixon serves as the Director of Government Affairs for the New Jersey Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA). One would expect that as the representative of rank-and-file police officers, Councilman Nixon would respect their professional judgment over political considerations, let alone primitive ethnic bias. Yet, newly released emails following an OPRA request reveal that Nixon ignored all professional guidance.
Mr. Nixon tried to run the LCSW out of Jackson, by any means, legal or not. He led the charge for a hasty, panicked and ill-conceived May 2016 Township resolution barring interaction with the LCSW. His emails show that, he sought, in vain, to find legal fault with the LCSW, so that he could report the volunteer group to the State Attorney General. This is particularly ironic since it was Nixon and his peers who were near certainly breaking both Federal and State law.
He and his fellow council members passed an anti-LCSW resolution even after Jackson Township Attorney Jean Cipriani warned Nixon that it was unenforceable and discriminatory – and that it would hurt Jackson’s public safety too.
Cipriani wrote, “(The resolution) would likely be found by a court if challenged to both impinge on day to day police operations and to infringe on constitutional rights of association of Jackson residents.” She added that it could lead to steep legal fees plus punitive damages paid by hard working Jackson taxpayers as a result of lawsuits. She wanted Nixon to stop.
Cipriani noted a particular American value: Citizens have a constitutional and legal right of free association. That’s what we celebrate as the heart and soul of America.
Nixon, in his quixotic quest to keep Jews out of Jackson, defied his own counsel’s advice. It was not only Cipriani’s advice that was ignored. Nixon ignored Jackson’s respected police Chief Matthew Kunz too.
Kunz was in favor of talking to the LCSW. Facing tough budgets and wanting to see engaged caring citizens, Kunz knew that Jackson would benefit by at least meeting the LCSW. Kunz understood that the best policing is one that cares about community. Nixon tried to stop Kunz. It got to the point where Councilman Nixon, Mayor Michael Reina and other Township officials were aggressively battling Chief Kunz, screaming at him in emails and trying to stop him from meeting with LCSW, or even meeting then Lakewood Police Chief Robert Lawson.
Kunz, Lawson and Cipriani were making a simple point. Civilian neighborhood safety watches operate in localities across the nation and are heralded by law enforcement and residents alike. There is nothing illegal about them. They can contribute valuable resources, and help save public tax dollars.
Neighborhood watches often run programs like Night Against Crime, and does regular public safety reminders, such as those about preventing fires, changing smoke alarm batteries, locking porch doors, pruning shrubbery around windows, and more. Lakewood’s Chief Lawson had invited chiefs from neighboring towns to discuss regional public safety issues that affect all of Ocean County. His agenda was open: to talk. Jackson’s Kunz agreed. He wrote: “I believe this meeting is likely to provide police intelligence and/or other information which is relevant to the day-to-day operations of the police department.”
Nixon fumed.
“I am angry and disappointed that the Chief chose to disregard our clear policy on this issue,” an enraged Nixon wrote in an email to a resident. “Our emails to him could not be more direct that he was to tell LCSW we don’t want them in town nor are we looking for any cooperation with them.”
This led to the township seeking to pass a ban on the LCSW. And to Cipriani’s strong legal advice to Nixon: “don’t do it.”
Nixon did it anyway. He pressured Jackson’s Business Administrator Helene Schlegel to join him. She wrote to Chief Kunz – labeled “high” importance – and urged him not to attend, citing unspecified “relevant issues within your department and the community” and the Township resolution aimed at excluding LCSW. Those open code words for anti-Orthodox sentiment stand for themselves.
Is that what Jackson residents elected their officials to do?
The vengeful battle against LCSW was so irrational that Jackson resident Shaun I Blick, a prominent private practice attorney, emailed Councilman Nixon and his colleagues expressing his dismay as well. Blick wrote: “I am puzzled and deeply troubled by what appears to be the Council’s attempt to overreach and manage the manner in which the Township police department is to exercise its police powers…the resolution makes no sense at all…If a neighborhood watch program in a neighboring town has information concerning a crime…the Jackson Police Department should not cooperate with them?…That is laughable and absurd…If the Township Council is going to pander to what is clearly the disturbing anti-Semitic overtones of certain overly vocal residents (who are not representative of the majority of residents), you should at least act in a manner that is constitutional and, at a minimum, passes the ‘laugh test’…Kindly save the Township the very public embarrassment and repeal this nonsense.”
To date, Councilman Nixon and some of his colleagues have doubled down on inflammatory rhetoric that harms all Jackson residents. Nixon has worked to hunt down Jews in private worship, appears to have cooperated with efforts to keep Orthodox Jews out parks, led the illegal effort to ban Eruvs, allowed other non-Orthodox Jewish right of way intrusions to remain, and now, it seems, was the father of the effort to stop a volunteer group from forming – strictly because the organizers were Jewish.
Residents throughout Ocean County are wondering: will NJ’s Attorney General Continue to Allow Bigotry to Rule? Why won’t he act?
You can speak up by calling on the State of NJ PBA to fire Nixon. Their telephone is (732) 636-8860.
You can also call the University of Pennsylvania Fels Institute of Government to ask them if good government should be taught by a man like Nixon. The head of that school is John Macdonald and his telephone is 215-746-3623. You can also email Macdonald at [email protected]
What you keep on seeing is the respect that Chief Kuntz deserves. He has time and time again tried to stay out of politics and just do his job as professionally as possible. Jackson residents are proud!
Kudos to Cheif Kuntz, now back to Nixon, his house is STILL for sale on Jefferson Ct. he doesn’t deserve to make a profit on his house from us Frum people seeking a nice and quiet neighborhood!! “Jackson Strong don’t sell” and am echad strong “don’t buy”…the wheels on the bus go round and round… beautiful wuld it be when he loses his job and someone buys his house at the sherif sale!! No one deserves to suffer, yet it’s being proven over and over what a vile excuse of a human being he is!!
I’m sorry, but I don’t see any bombshells in these new documents. All I see is Concilman Nixon insisting on not allowing outside neighborhood watch groups to come into his town, and not wanting his Chief to waste time in unnecessary meetings with outside groups. What’s wrong with that?
Where’s the smoking gun?
Remember, what citizens write is irrelevant. It’s what the government officials write. These new “bombshell” emails from Nixon are anything but.
seriously….his own attorney told him he can be sued PERSONALLY and he ignored it…plus he refused to listen to the pros because ” Lakewood citizens” will be there ie jews he must RESIGN……..he is liable and he knows it…maybe he should fire the clerk for not redacting that email….
This is an OUTRAGE.
Are you Nixon’s friend by any chance???
This is BLATANT HATE. He’s even willing to go as far as to do things AGAINST his attorney JUST to keep the Jews out. Amazing. And then make US the taxpayers pay for his shenanigans? WHERE IS THE INVESTIGATION INTO THIS????
I’m surprise the entire county isn’t up in arms about this. This is as UNAMERICAN as it gets.
Hopefully he will resign and allow a real American to take his place.
A Goy from Jackson.
It’s Nixon Watergate all over again. Fire nixon now!!!!
Thank you TLS for staying on this story.
Majority of people in Jackson are really good, good people.
Its the few rotten apples both on the board and in the community and press that stir things up,
Lets remove these people so peace can reign in the United states once again .
I think we should BOMBARD the Univ of Penn & the NJ State PBA with phone calls and keep it up until they fire him.
I plan on doing so tomorrow.
In addition, I’m no longer making my annual donation to the State PBA until they get rid of this sick man. By keeping him, they’re showing they support a bigot. Am I the only one sickened by this?
We will also be stopping to support them. Disgusting. Why can’t we get this madman impeached from office too?
I will also be stopping to support the NJ State PBA (which BTW is quite a sum of money annually) until they get rid of this disgusting bigot.
as an outsider…
Everybody keeps saying that “Majority of people in Jackson are really good, good people.”
Isn’t time for the “Good People” to speak up?
They are afraid. People who speak up have been attacked, the town uses their power to keep people down. You go against the Jackson powerbase and they come after you 10 times worse. It is legal organized crime syndicate here.
Fight the town, you have code enforcement showing up, they’ll hurt your business, spread rumors about your family and more. Disgusting people who run this town.. Rob is the tip of the iceberg (no jewish pun intended!)
Thank you for exposing these frauds in Jackson. I am appalled that I once supported this man.
I think the emails were taken out of context.
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Those emails are DRIPPING of antisemitism. Whoever doesn’t see the pattern here has severe issues.
A Goy from Jackson.
What about contacting AG about all of these emails…. Can you please post a contact number?
It is time to hit him with a 10m PERSONAL lawsuit which will not be covered by Township insurance or by the taxpayers.
Please everyone call the Office of The Attorney General,
Main Number: 609-292-4925
“With thousands of Orthodox Jews living in Jackson…..” Huh?
yea right now about 2600 Orthodox and an additional 2000 unaffliated
To clarify:
Jackson currently has approximately 550+ frum families. That’s 1,100 parents and the assumption that each family has a few kids = A few thousand….
The point of shedding light on the LCSW is not that they are wanted in Jackson at all. Jackson is the second safest town in NJ! The point is to show even when recommended by their own lawyer not to create an ordinance against it, they ignore legal advice and act this way.
Another point to find out is, why where the text messages about these issues not given in for the OPRA as councilman Nixon and Calegero both shared their cell numbers with residents to discuss these “major issues”
Stephanie,I liked your old signature “goyish” in jackson
I’m told there’s a lot more embarrassing information soon to leak about Nixon. As a former friend of yours Mr. Nixon, you’d only be wise to step aside now…
Can someone please explain how Nixon can forbid Chief Luntz from attending a meeting? Isn’t this a free country?
Good question. But I think it’s from his smallest issues right now.
wow…i called and my husband called and left messages by pda…100 a year no i called the school so sad..rob you let us all down..fix it up now or leave
Mr. Nixon, an elected council person in a town of 54,000 chose in all of his infinite wisdom to reject the recommendation of a seasoned, experienced and distinguished chief of police who full understands the law AND the VURRRRRY expensive township lawyer.
He is councilman…his job is to create and vote on legislation, not be judge and jury as he has become… a complete abuse of power in a very disturbing manor. He sparked the battle between goy and jew in Jackson where there was none… his army of snoopers have come up empty handed time and time again…
There have been 0 instances of jews not paying taxes in Jackson.
Code violations didn’t exist until they found a 70 year old law to enforce.
There have been no charges filed against any jews in 2 years since this all began
There is now Kosher smoking gun to find… He needs to give it up and concede that all of this is fiction in his own paranoid imagination.
He needs to do Jackson a favor and RESIGN NOW!
Humph !! This is takeh a bombshell. I just cant figure out why he wouldn’t let Chief Munz even attend a meeting. Its starts off as odd, turns to interesting, approaches bizarre and finishes off as absurd. I mean, like ,Hellooooo ???!!!!
Sounds like the beginning of JACKSONGATE!!!!
Herr Robert Von Nixon: Vee hail victory to you viz an upstretched and proper salute for protecting ze Fazer-land Jackson. You must fight zis battle till za end and continue to make us pround. Teach za dumb americans and za inferior “outsiders” vat it means to be superior! Za solution iz za final goal. Vee must all fly the flag of victory!
Being as connected as this public figure is to the State Police – via his paid lobbying efforts for them.. Is anyone else concerned about the likely permit/access to dangerous firearms that a character espousing scary conduct like this has?
Is anyone on here familiar with the appropriate procedure to seek a permit reevaluation based on newly uncovered dangerous prejudices?
As a Jackson women I hope mr nixon apologizes publicly today…pres conference?
What kind of nerve does this person have to even claim to represent the taxpayers? He should resign immediately. If i were him i’d be embarrassed to even show up to another meeting.
rob you owe an apology to us all
When is the next meeting
here are some more email address to contact every professor at UPENN should make a statement otherwise they are in agreement with such behavior [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]