The Ocean County Sheriff’s bomb-sniffing dogs were called in to Lakewood this afternoon after a suspicious briefcase was found near the Leisure Village senior development. The briefcase, left near a pole, was discovered by a neighbor who called police.
The area was taped off until the dogs arrived and its contents could be determined.
The briefcase turned out to be a package intended for one of the area residents.
On May 2nd, the Sheriff’s Department was called in for a suspicious suitcase left near the Police Headquarters. It turned out to be clothing. TLS-CCP.
A lot of financial resources goes into such a call. Its time to start fining the people who cause such public alarm. If someone is that careless/stupid- after a court date & a $500 fine John Doe, will learn to not forget his bags (let alone his kids).
Hey Mr. Conservative, got your daily dose of anti- you jews comment it at the end, didn’t ya. (but why in parenthesis?).
I give him 1/2 an hour to make a self righteous denial.
Mr. Conservative is absolutely right. I don’t know why you accuse him of anti-Jew.
Ich halt er iz oichit a Yid.
Hey, I pay taxes and I don’t want my money spent on frivolous police calls. I also love children -all children- and want them to be safe and sound.
You right to tone it down but you know what I’m saying.
Omg there is suspicious sneaker by my mail box should I call 911 and call out the bomb sniffing dogs. Come on people,are all of you that terrified.Don’t leave your home and live like hermits.
hey #2 & 3 where did the article or my comment state religion? or any form of hatred towards my own ancestry?
just because it happens to be a fellow YID, and me wanting to impose a fine, doesnt mean im an anti-semi.
Great. So now you can be as nasty as you want because you’re a yid.
Fact is, you mixed in a comment about kids. As always, you have plausible deniability for your innuendos, but after numerous times
a pattern emerges.
yea y accuse mr conservative as anti jew. he could be a frum yid for all u know. and everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if u don’t agree with it. now it might seem crazy that this person called police because of a suspicious package. and yes it did turn out to be a false alarm. but also realize that they just wanted to make sure that things were ok and that no harm would come to the pple nearby. ain’t nothin wrong with that now is there?
so mr conservative, yes you can of course express your thoughts any way you want to. you don’t know me and i don’t know you, but thank you for having a voice and sharing it with us. 🙂
As usual, Mr. Conservative is 100% right. He has zero tolerance for careless/stupid people. Obviously his wife does.
I have no clue what all these comments mean.
With a candlestick in the library.
What’s wrong with Kerplunk or Trouble or even Candyland?
my original post, never claimed any race, creed, nor religion. nor did it criticize or label any group of people. nor did the article ever claim any race, creed, or religion. so why label me an anti-semi? ANYWAY….
it is no secret that we have a world-wide problem with various terrorist organizations that will stop at nothing to hurt people. they have been targeting Israel for years, SO I COMMEND THE RESPONSE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND THE EXTENT THEY WENT WITH A K9, ETC TO PROTECT THE RESIDENTS OF LAKEWOOD(which includes my loved ones)… that being said, all i asked for is that the person that is that negligent to cause a public alarm, be cited, fined and taught a lesson. What they did caused a public alarm. in todays world, people should know better!!
Hit and sunk. Great. There goes my destroyer.
“to not forget his bags (let alone his kids)”.
Mr. C. needs a chill pill.
#18, are you claiming that only frum people have kids, and bags?
or are you claiming that only frum people might forget/neglect his or her bags or kids?
-your the anti-semi here. in your head anyone who neglects children HAS to be a frum, right? your a moron. there are (moderated) parents from all walks of life….
The post says it was a suspicious briefcase found near the Leisure Village senior development. Why bring up kids? We see your
nasty asides all the time, and your shallow excuses. I may be a moron but you’re a liar.
why bring up kids??? because there is a HUGE problem. (moderated) negligent people leaving bags around that cause a public alarm, etc etc>>
NEGLIGENT PEOPLE FORGETTING THINGS, THAT CAUSE PROBLEMS.. WHY DOES THIS IMMEDIATELY HAVE TO DO WITH A RELIGION?? OR CHILDISH NAME CALLING?? i think its you guys that are the anti-semi’s… either that or your morons. normal people can easily see the connection between leaving important items around, and causing civil unrest.
miss. I never put my ships in the bottom right corner–it’s too obvious.
Sometimes an obvious hiding place is better.
Did you see my sunken destroyer?
Yesterday everyone was b’achdus davening for the sick kids and exhorting one another to strengthen our mitzvah observance to prevent future tzaros. Today, unfortunately, we’re back to business as usual; bashing, berating, belittling, battling; bickering; and, behaving like two year olds. So much for turning over new leaves. No wonder horrible things keep happening.
So what if they called in the Bomb Squad? Better safe than sorry.
what hate
what Mr. C i think is sayin…is you guys had a artical about people leaving kids in the car like…a few weeks ago and people were saying “il put my bag/cell phone or something important in that back so i can remember my kid” a ticket will help people REMEMBER there bag
What do you got?
Oh boy.
Your move.
HEY, WHAT’S THIS? you can’t move your piece into the lake!
Yuh huh. He’s amphibious.
Looks like I won. Attack.
Boom! It’s a bomb.
Hey!!! If all your non-moving pieces are bombs, where is your flag?
It took evasive action.