BOE To Hold Public Hearing On Durham

UPDATED: TLS has learned that the Board Of Education will be holding a public hearing on Durham Bus Service due to their failure to properly service the contracts they won for the 2011 school year. The hearing, which will be taking place at the next Board meeting, will give the Board the opportunity to present their case against Durham, as well as give Durham the opportunity to present their case to the Board, and defend their failure to comply.

Last week, the vendor said it would add more drivers to service their routes, after the District gave back the routes they dumped on the District.

It’s unknown at this time how many drivers were hired for the routes, or if they worked out.

UPDATE: A Board official says the meeting will primarily focus on the issue of Durham accepting the price difference for the new bids on the failed contracts. TLS-CCP.

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  1. It doesn’t make a differance how the Board of Ed re-did the routes, if Durhum gives you 2 schools to do, and both of them start at 9:00, or one school that gets out at 2:30 and another at 3:00 of course you’ll never manage to do everything on time.

  2. Can TLS please let us know as to when this meeting will be taking place, it’s so frustrating having to wait so long for my son to get home from shcool. It will be nice to finally express my feelings about a company who has not returned my phone calls in over a week!

  3. Oh the BOE has tme for a meeting on the bus problem,but never has the time to discuss the problem with their staff regrading a contract. Maybe if they took time for the people who work for them so many wouldn’t quit. They hire people but as soon as they learn there is no contract they run for the door. Bus concerns are real but so are teachers in the public school.

  4. the Boe has to make changes but people in town will not allow it to happen. In past years the bus companies had there way with the transportation department, now the Boe has a real professional who know’s how to deal with bus companies professionally and they do not like it. The issus is simple, have more drivers and buses to live up to the contract you signed

  5. @ #6, YES it does make a difference, the BOE DOUBLED the routes and changed the times for the middle and high school, for starters. And you have HOW many schools in Lakewood that are in for 9 AM? If you think you can do a better job than me, the go get a CDL and drive a bus.

  6. @ # 5, no, people will not be happy and move on to the next thing to complain about, maybe it’ll be change the traffic light pattern for me, I waited 3 minutes to make a left turn boo-hoo.

  7. Issues regarding transportation in this town comes from its residence being spoiled. I ahve received NUMEROUS calls from parents wanting “accomodations.” This is not a livery or limo service. This is transportation to and from school. Further, the community in this town needs to understand the transportation they are receiving is NOT a right, its a privilege. Even though Durham is my competition in this town, I have to defend them in saying that these issue really stem back to the BOE cutting the transportation budget for the school year. All of the bus contractors are doing everything possible to get the children to school safely. However, the community makes its harder when every single school wants a 9:00 am start time. There are approximetly 280 buses on the road at 9:00am. THAT IS INSAME. I find that the Board needs to put its foot down and tell the non public schools to either go in at a reasonable time OR find other funding for transportation.

    I do know that Central Bus Service and Jays Bus Service have been assisting the Board of Education with the routes that Durham can not do. As of this posting, it may be that one of the two contrator listed above would receive the work for the year.

    In conclusion I will say this, if the community continuous to moan and groan about the transportation times and about how there children are on the bus for 40 minutes, the board of education may just rebid the whole district. And if this happens MANY schools are going to be left without transportation. So, I advise everyone to choose their battles accordingly.

  8. And I would like to clarify that the bus company’s are not responsible for creating the routes. The board transportation office is. Therefore, there is no way we are allow to change, omit, or even add stops to any of the routes. Furthermore, it has been noted above from other people, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS ADDED NUMEROUS STOPS TO ROUTES! Doing such at the expense of children is horrible but it was done! This not only creates more issues but it creates LONGER routes.

  9. Many parents detain the busdriver by pick up or drop off which adds time to the routes. If someone has to talk to the busdriver call the company leave a message and wait for a call back.

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