BOE Member: Rumors Of Member Being Broker For BOE Services, Baseless

boe new buildingTLS has been getting numerous inquiries about the rumor being spread that a BOE Member is the broker for insurance, 401k, etc for the BOE. After some initial research showed these rumors to be baseless, we spoke with Board member Mr. Seitler and asked him about it. “I also heard these rumors and looked into it”, he said, “not one of the companies currently serving the BOE have any relation to this particular Board member. As far as I know, these rumors are baseless. While we may differ on the best route how to move the District forward, I do not believe in false character demonization.”

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  1. he listen to Daas Torah only. many gedolim asked him to join the BOE 8 years ago and he is squeaky clean. he has a great relationship with all BOE members, and its a rachmonus that some would try to shmear him in a negative way.

  2. there are one or 2 individuals who spread this false rumor . They are rch”l asidin liten es hadin . I would suggest they go to him and apologize publicly

  3. Sinus chinum. let’s make shalom we got to do teshuva and stop worring abt the other guys pocket let’s just be happy for all!!

  4. sinas chinam is bad. and a false rumor is bad. Kudos to Tls for getting this cleared up. adn no one should judge him negatiely. But- the BOE is not squeaky clean. let him live and be well. But lets get to the meat here and solve the crisis of the BOE. Seitler zlatkin and fink are in their to do exactly this. clarify- leave what is well enough alone. and remove what is wrong.

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