BOE Complaints Accepted Via Text, Email, Phone Or Web

Looking to file a complaint with Lakewood’s Board of Transportation? TLS has received many complaints about the BOE recently – mostly regarding busing and about attitude issues at the BOE. Hence, TLS is once again publishing the list of accepted methods to file a complaint.

To file a complaint with the BOE via an online form, click here.

To file a complaint with the BOE via phone, call 732-806-0555.

To file a complaint with the BOE via SMS (Text Message), send it to 732-806-0555.

To file a complaint with the BOE via Email, send it to [email protected]

In order for lawful action to be taken to rectify a situation, the statistics need to be proven. Such statistics can only be created from official complaints.

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  1. #1

    No, it’s called not thinking before typing!

    They don’t offer an option to file a complaint ON the BOE rather WITH the BOE!! You can file your complaint AGAINST the BOE in one way… the ballot!

  2. #5, the answer is simple, the previous transportation department allowed it. Why have real routes when you get get away with 20 minute runs and make double the money.
    New people make changes, reality sets in. This is exactly what happened. In years past anything and everything was done to make people happy at the taxpayers cost, now things have changed. People who caused this now want to take credit for the changes that are happening. We should all be proud we live in America.

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