Bob Singer: There’s Something Called No More Money

singer_in_senateWhen Democrats attempted to add $24.6 million to a health insurance program, state Sen. Robert Singer offered a rebuke because the Democrats did not offer a cut to pay for it. “There is something called ‘no more money,’ ” said Singer, R-Ocean. An impasse over the budget was broken some two weeks ago after legislative leaders struck an agreement to let the minority Republicans take the lead on voting for the budget, with just enough Democrats casting ballots to get it passed. See full article on budget vote in the APP.

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  1. Bob, this has nothing to do with no money.It has to do with the fact that you re on the board of St. barnabas Health and they stand to loose out on this deal.

  2. We MUST rein in government spending from local to State to Federal
    it is unsustainable!!!!!!! It will lead to what is taking place in Greece right now America is in trouble and it takes true leadership to make tough decissions that many will not be happy with ~~ it is easy to lead when things are good and true leaders are born dealing with tough times

  3. For those who don’t understand the issue here is the cuts to nj family care senator Joe vitale proposed restoring 23 million dollars which would allow 46 million dollars of matching funds to be paid by the federal government . He wanted to pay for this 24 million dollars by cutting from charity care .(charity care is not eligible for matching funds) this did not sit well with the senator . He sits on the board of saint barnabas and the cut to charity care would affect their bottom line. He voted against the bill even though it would help out many in the kehilla.

  4. We were told to vote for Bob for township so he can deliver for us at the state level.
    Well, since he’s not delivering………………………..

  5. BS was making some valid points – listen to the entire debate. There may be some question to his motivation…

    I am not pro B.S. but let only the emes be told

  6. “There’s Something Called No More Money”
    Let’s hope the Senator remembers that when dealing with the Lakewood township/proerty taxes.

  7. what happenned to no more money in lakewood that there are no forloghs like in jackson and marlboro? why did the senetor vote to take away earned income credit from the yungerlight?where is the askonim that lakewoods own senator voted to take away jersey care and earned income credit?the senator only votes to raise property taxes and now take away millions of dollers from the kehilla in losing jersey care and e.i.c.

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