VIDEO of this evening’s Blech/Danziger which took place at Bais Faiga. The Kallah is the daughter of Harav Shmuel Blech Shlita and the Chosson is Yosef Chaim Danziger from Passaic. The BMG Roshei Hayeshivah Reb Malkiel Shlita, Reb Yeruchem Shlita and Reb Dovid Shlita can be seen dancing with the Chosson and Reb Shmuel Blech Shlita. Singing, is Yosef Chaim Bloch and Heshey Mandel of L’chaim Orchestra.
Blech/Danziger Chasunah
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Mazal Tov to Rabbi Blech! It was a really special chassuna. Very lebedig oilam and band.
Thank you Lakewood Oilam, Blech and Danziger Mishpachos, for making our children’s wedding a euphoric kidush Hashem!!! May Hakodosh Baruch Hu continue to shower Bracha and Simcha on this Makom Torah Ad Bias Goel Zedek B”H., Gamliel and Yaffa Danziger.
Ackerman is the king!